HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-04-05REGULAR MEETING, 1_PRIL 5, 1927.
A regular meeting of the Bord of Selectmen vias held in the
Selectmen's Office at 8:00 P.M. lles:-rs. Custcance, Burnham, Ballard,
' Robertson, and Chamb=r lain v!ere present. `Ihe Supt. of Public 'Yorks
and the Clerk were also present.
The records of 11-.st meeting ,i: -ere approved.
The application of Lloyd H. Chase for a permit to install a
gasoline tank on 'middle Street wa~ tr ken from ';he tabl and after
some discussion was 1L3id upon the tabl for one ,!ee1c.
The plan o�' Robbins & Smith u ion nThich a he --ging was held
last week was considered. Mr. Robbins came before the Board and
requested tentative approval of a p:rt of the plans sho7:.ring lots
facing on Locust Avenue bordered by 1,7atson and Lexington Avenues.
They requested this approval so tha they might start building
houses on these four lots. Mr. Robbins left the lotting plan
:with the Bold, and after considering the matter, it was voted to
re*uest the applicant to file a nea plan covering lots 46, 54, 55, and
56; and Locust Avenue, lVatson Avenue, and Lexington Avenue adjacent
to the same; Lexington Avenue west of lot 56 to be 12<id out 40 feet
wide. -This plan is to be p -rt of plan entitled "Plan showing devel-
opment in Lexington, Dass., for Robbins & Smith, Inc. Scale 1 inch -
80 feet. January 1927, A. C Peters, Civil Engineer, Boston, Mass."
It was also voted that this plan and supplemental pl.ns be -referred to
the Planning Board for recommendation with the recuest that special
' attention ,be given and prompt action be taken on the supplemental
plan in order that the Board of Survey may take separate action on
this plan to permit the developers to build on the lots described
Mr. and sirs. Edward Davin and Miss Gertrude Mitchell of TMass.
Avenue, East Lexington, came before the Board in reference to the
taking on the curve of Mass. Avenue near Pleasant Strcct. Mrs. Davin
stated that she had a carpenter view her house and he informed her
that it would cost approximately $2,00. to move her house back
25 feet. This figure did not, holever, include filling on the
premises. The Board informed Mrs. Davin that she should secure an
estimate in wrriting covering the cost of allthe work including
grading and filling, and send the same to the Board so thlrt they
may have something definite to refer to the County Commissioners.
Miss Gertrude Mitchell stated th--t she had not received an
estimate, but she presumed that the cost would be about the same
as for Mrs. Davin's house. She was likevrise requested to hand in
a written estimate of the cost of damages to her premises.
These twxo claims are a, result of the petition to the County
Commissioners for the widening of the Avenue.
In regard to the absence of the Town Coun^el it was decided to
' request Mr. Wrigh.tington to name an assistant who can be called upon
' when he is not present.
Letter was received 'from the Lexington Board of Trade in which
they request that the Board use the money the:_'. is ordinarily used
for decorating the Town Hall to install the Shenandoah System in
front of the Town Hall, inasmuch -s the businessdistrict on Hass.
Avenue will be decorated in this manner. The Board agreed to
install this system and so notified the Bo. -rd of Trade.
It was votea to approve the salary of the Cler: of the Board
as of X35.00 per week from Janu<_ry 1, 1927.
It was decided to take up the matt r of other salary increases
at the next meeting.
Letter was received from the To,,,n Accountant calling attention
to the fact th,=-t the construction work on the Yt[ater and Sewer Dept.
requires the provision of funds and suggested that the bonds of the
Water and Sewer Department run for the term of five years. Af4er
considering the matter, it was decided to borrow the x;2.0,000. for
the water loan to be retired for a period of 15 years at the rate
, x;2,000. for five years, and $1,000. for ten years. It was also
decided to borrow the $23,0"'0. for sewer construction over a term
of 23 years.
Request was received from the Lexington Golf' Club for permission
to lease a small section of the Town Farm property for an extension of
the tee on the ninth fairway. The Board decided to invite a
proposal from the Lexington Golf Club for the use of the 1.1.nd at a
yearly rental of $10.00, the same to be terminated at will.
Plans were received by the Board of Survey of land called
Perkins Park located off Oak Street, East Lexington, tobether with re
quest of Board Survey approval of Perkins Road. It was voted to
submit these plans to the Planning Board for their consideration, and
to inform them that if further plans are required, the Board be so.
Plans were received from Joseph Swan, 16 Bedford Street,
asking for approval of proposed street from Vine Street to Hayes
Lane as shown on pl�::n entitled, "Land of Joseph Swan <_t Lexington,
Nass. Scale 40 in. March 1926, Frank P. Cutter, Civil Engineer."
It was decided to refer these plans also to the Planning Board, and
to request the owner of property in all cases to file tcro sets of
plans, one for the use of the Planning Board, :Pnd the other for the
Board of Survey.
It was suggested th-t another meeting be called this week so
that the Board will have an opportunity to finish some of the business
on hand. It was therefor decided to meet on Friday evening, at 7:30
P.a M.
Committment to the Collector of Taxes for water accounts to the
amount of 4F-.O.9O was, signed by the Board-, also list of abatements
for the wator department amounting to $325.74, and se,iaer department
Application for extension of trater main on Ples.s,Jnt Street
signed by S^rah Bowman VanNess was laid on the table for one week.
Mr. Robertson called attention to water department guarantees
which were unpaid in 1924, 19rr5, and 19'6 most of which were in the
McIntosh property. Just how much effort was made to collect these
guarantees rias discussed, and the matter viax left to Mr. Robertson
td inquire of the Tax Collector as to the method of collecting them.
The subject of surety on guarantee bonds was discussed, and
it was voted that hereafter all surety bonds given in connection
with water extensions be signed by the prop_rty o;vner and by a
guarantor other than the husband or wife of the applicant, and thFt
the financial standing be satisfactory to the B os.ru of Selectmen..
It was also suggested that the Town Counsel prepare a specimen
' bond, and that his ruling be obtained as to the legal obligation
after the bond is signed. A suggestion eras m,de that the To -,,,n
Counsel approve a.11 sureties on bonds, but no definite action was
The meeting adjourned at 11:u8 P.M. to friday, April 8, at 8 P.M.
true recoru, Attest:
Clerk. C�