HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-03-1528 REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 155 1927. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Custanee, Burnham, Ballard, Robertson, and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were present also. The records were approved The State Aid pay roll for the month of March was signed to the amountlof $32.00. Satisfactory references having been received on the. character of Mrs. Walter Allen who applied for a license to operate the "Central -douse" at 479 Mass. Avenue it was voted to grant her an Innholders License. Letter was received from the Town Accountant informing the Board that $150,000. should be borrowed -in anticipation of revenue. The Board authorized the Treasurer to advertiwe for bids on this amount the same to be received on Tuesday evening next. In the future it was felt that,the Town Accountant should provide the Board with a detailed statement of what this amount is spent for on a monthly basis. The Chief' of Police was called before the Board relative to the order of restraining dogs. Dr. Blakely advised through Mr. Burnham that all dogs found uncollared should be shot by the Police owing to the prevalence of rabies. It was therefor decided that the Board should instruct the Chief. of Police in writing to carry out the order 1 1 of restraining dogs for 90 days which was passed on January 6, 1927 using, of course, as much discretion as possible, and giving the matter a great amount of publicity. Letter was received from Frederiek L. Emery in regard to the hear- ings which were advertised for approval of Board of Survey plans of Robbins & Smith and Ernest MacPhee. Letter was also received from Frederick L. Emery relative to establishing a building line along Robbins Cemetery in East Lexington. Mr. Emery stated that in carrying out the precedent of establishing building lines on Mass. Avenue in the business district the Planning Board considered the establishment of a building line along the business district in East Lexington. He felt that the future widening of Mass. Avenue should be made on the side along the cemetery owing to the fact' that the other side of the street was a high embankment, and would cost vonsiderable to widen. A discussion arose as to whether the Planning Board are making use of the Engineering Department and Town Counsel for unnecessary study of projects which may not meet the approlal of the Selectmen. The Board therefor requested Mr. Ballard to interview the Planning Board with the idea of establishing a definite procedure of the duties'of the Planning Board in connection with the Selectmen. Letter was received from the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Company in whichthey did not believe they should pay for the removal of snow in Lexington in addition to the payment made to the State for registration of their busses, as they felt this amount paid for the removal of snow. ' The Board replied that the amount paid to the State had nothing to do with the removal of snow in Lexington, and that they would be pleased to receive a check from the Middlesex & Boston St. Rory. Company for the amount of the bill rendered to them, namely $723.41. Permission was granted.to the Edison Electric Ill. Company for two poles on Slocum Road, also for wire attachment on five poles on West- view Street. Meeting was.also held with Committee on Town Hall Building. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P. M. A true record, Attest: Ulerk. 1 28 O-+ MEETING, MARCH 15, 1927. D h: A meeting of the committee to consider the advisability of a new tov.n hall or repairing the old building met this evening at 8:00 P.M. All members of the Board of Selectmen were present to- bether with Messrs. Arthur N. Maddison, Borman C. Hooper, and George W. Nary. Messrs. Roger Greeley, Willard U. Brown, and Mr. Kilham of the firm of Kilham, Hopkins, and Greeley, were present and presented two sets of plans for the consideration of the commit- tee. The plan presented by Mr. Brown showed offices laid out on both sides of a corridor through the center of the building with vaults on each end of the front and rear on the right side of the entrance. This plan contains 176,000 cu. ft. The other plan presented by Mr. Greeley contained an area of 151,446 cu. ft. and showed plan of offices only on one side of a corridor. They informed the committee that it was safe to figure a cost of 65A per cu. foot for the total cost of the building based on the area or they could figure upon the basis of 4.00 per cu. foot adding thereto ;8,000 for heating, $2,000 for wiring, and :2,500 for grading. This would bring the total cost of the larger building up to $88,000. in comparison of $73,088.40 for the cost of the small building. The larger building allows two extra rooms, one on the first, and orn on the second floor. The question arose as to whether the added area would warrant the expenditure of the different in cost. Mr. Ballard presented a tentative report to be offered as the report of the committee at the adjourned Town aeeting, March 28, s027. This z enort was approved by the committee d%pith the suggestion that proceed-- r �� t ,- T t Rinlge , mention be made of the ? �.:�•�e�t.,�-' _r_�. v:�,. ,,,�;, "� 4uC property which could be applied to the expense of the town office building. The Chairman of the Board stated that he was not satisfied with either of the plans presented. It was decided to study the plans for both buildings and to be ready to offer suggestions at the next meeting of the Committee to be held Friday, March 25, at 8 P.M. A true record, Attest: nn Clerk. 1