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TOWN OF LI'nIi i NGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION Cc Il SSLON I1JNDTFS as Caar:.alssion meeting and Hatch. Act hearing ©a January 23, 1973. PUBLIC HEA2ING REGARDING NOTICS 03'' ILTE(T. OF TONh OF L'.:1;ZINGTCN THROUGH ITS AGENT TOWN ENGIN2ER, To ALTAR CERTAIN INLAND WET iaANDS LOCATED BETWEEN YTJ?3URN ca.WD WAPIAF STREETS, P•1?.TS7-FIOw-FESSL:k;_ DP;d' £1ROQTJS WATERSHED. The hearing was opened b the Chairman of th Howard N. Kessler, w io ? :1 ied oho duly po ;CC advertised and written notice of this hcaflr . .hold{ in- asser:w..}tc: wi .h oho provisions of G. Leo, 1111, Beo. 40 (rej I se'4Y, Hatch Acct) as amended 'andel Chapter r1+., L tu of 1972 . The following rca.erubers ©f The CoMmissien wore pre tent: Angela E. Friel:, Gary Larson, Margaret F,, fat a, I''rc a 3.a 9.'P H. 3tdth and Davila G. Williams, aria well as Paul E, &Iayer all (ca .of lad.©) , Associate Members ©f' the C©iad uaiez present: Manfred P Fried- man, Lau'r'a F°. Nichola and Susan. S. Solomon. Temn Officials present: _Administrative Assistant David Hughes, Planning. Berard member Rale Clarke, Health Directar, Robert lie stia, Public WoigeafEngirset'ing Department ,epreaFarirc .tvevs Jerry Martin and Tom Wenhan', Town Mooting members.: Patricia K. aiid Newer Hagedorn, Shirley A Byrne, Guth M. Mitchell, Paul MacKenzie, Pawl Riffin end Te=nant Wathen-Dunn. ©eau's present were Stephen Poi iti of the Lexington Minute$gan, Jean P. Cr'othors of Citizens fox' Leming, tonVannsekvat7o:a Doer Xi, and !Edward H. Stacey owner's of Gated Brough which sewer easement patsies, Charlotte Sanderson, and two unidentified peopT, w?o loft Trifore the hearing o1oaed Martirm spoke for the Public Works/Engiuse'4a.'in Dep is t:It:oaf . The principal purpose of the prj ctt, be stated, is to provide setaew' thetayioe to homes one the wthsa'a.4 side of Woburn Street, who have been petitioning for svtsere for the past 8 ,JDasa, a need confirmed by the Folie: of is+ow.1tt 3n a letter• tt, th& Dnst 'd of'Selectmen threatsmbet'c 1971. Tile p'Cpoaea sewor line passes, roughly :.penin;, parallel to the rear prop^arty line of the future school cite in the arca, az well as through lazed c•at;naod by Eoa3:asit.4h. Frnt k1hm Iaotzcs and a snail portion of three other property o ;we'°s i land ;arra`', Woburn Street, Width of easeooa t varies f Yo',4 25 to 50 feet. Drainage c'' nditieus along the line vary from ©lea gravel pits to wet areas with 4 to 6 root of peat. Tice- Psablic i`torksJHirt;lr3©-'tng repan.-..o,st in an attempt t© mins sewer need for culverts across the swer limo (o;' which eve planned), have proposed an additional chw. nol parallel ;o the sewer line to carry water on the Mass„ Ave side toward Maple street. The- State has already granted permission to the T©,a::a to enter Maple Street with the neu seuer lino. Drtailiag€• veto'' and the brook paws under Maple street tiwol'rgh an old 'belt culvert. Additional Information eat out in toe cincstiats mad answer parted. Q. la ther0 a3.-i e,,dy a »^,a x' ea Ilebarn aS orce t? Yes, but it is toe shallow to sone Leonard Rd. , Uobb Soreet, Rauford En and Laconia *trey,. (1 Is tt'".r - a shyer on Leven L3 ii.S Tet? Yes, bat Countryside ide is Ail) i ; 1973 Conservation fonmIs.diori Minutes & ?Wtch ACG Hearing 1/23/73 P.2 some of higher thea/the area. t© be served by the proposed sewer, g, Would a pumping, station be possible? It would be costly and require continual maintenance. Q, "hat is the proposed nets channel supposed to drain? What is its purpose? A. (1) To enable the contractor to work on the sewer construction job and (2) to avoid crops culverts by carry- in, water alongside the sewer, which in come places will be .mounded over due to shallowness, Q. Will the new charnel drys out the school site? A, So:aethat, but not to any great degree. Cross culverts will be provided also. Q. Aceta win silting and erosion be controlled? A. With flare- end pipes, which should help slew the flogs of water. 4 "rill the 10-year stern, design of the new channel serve future development of the area., A. The developer of the large open tract (Green and White) would have to rework the arca drainage. Q, What is the capacity of the belt culvert under Maple Street? 76 cis. 10year storm ?'ate is 71.5 efh, Ws Flow wide and deep will the now channel be and what will be its maintenance problems? The channel-bottom will be 2 feet wide with banks rising 1 Foot in 2 feet. Average depth will be 2 to 3 feat. It is anticipated that the flaw will. be "laminar" or on-turbulent and Infiltration Q. Do you asntieipate maintenance/Problems due to the feet that the sewer is in a swamp? A. Infiltration problem is now elimin� atoll due to present construction methods. Q. Why is the sewer planned to go through the swac:piest area and not on higher ground? A. Cost considerations. The route chosen was one of the shortest possible. At this point the Chairman recommended that some alternative cost fii5r 'es be provided. Q, Why not wait until Ben Franklin development plans are in? The people who aaoed sewerage now hnna been t ait12Zg for 8 years. Q, why interfere or alter draihme patterns for power construe- tion?A-Tree proposed, construction is an attempt to minimize drainage disturbance. Q. &w deep will the sewer be? A. Flanging from 6 inches to an average 6-foot invert. The shai caw portion will be about 100 feet long, Q. Wil;i there be a danger of Increased 'Flooding for homes ®u the sosxt east side of I4asple street` (Question not answered) Q. Wheat about the flood elevation for 50 or 100-year storms? Could flood i atcrs enter the savors via the manholes? A. flan. ' Conservation Commission Minutes & Hatch Act hearing 1/23/73 P03 halcs will be cone—zructod 6 Inches above grade. There ls slim chance of stoat waters ' getting 9.n. Q. How many LF'ees will be cute A. 35 foot is the average width needed for a contractor to work with Mc egaipmeTst. However, some eontr i.'' ors len chain saws. and how many trees cut sometimes depends on homy fast someone collars thea. Q. Who collars them? A. Public Works/Engincering Q. Will ;he Fescieiadon and Muhroe Prosts be affected from diking by the sewer. A. Probably net. Q. Will there be a maintenance program to seduce stdiroat after the job is eel:.pl etted. A. Hopefully so maintenance Will he needed. Q. What is the cost or this pro2eot? A. Through the casement area in question it will be only $104,000. The whole contract mil/ be for 000,000. A pumping station, wflld' coat about 14 tides as much. ' The Health Director at this time commented that the sewer will serve as area of sivall lots„ where there have been many complaints in spring and frequent sewage pecap1ii s. A later} question brought out the fact that 95 families win be_ sservact by the sewer and that 6 houses recently built were designed for hookup to It. What _is tha distinction between a temporary and pormanont. channel? It looks as if the new channel will Increase the rate of 'runoff. when there le little roost for expansion under Maple Street. Why weren't calculations ass de for storms larger than 1.0 years? A. Float roadways are designed far 10-year storms, Larger ©alaulatione more not made for this area due to large storage area. In times of high runoff the cross culverts should carry water into t .o main stream!, since the cross-culverts are only .2 feet above the bed of the channel. Woburn Street residents, the Stace,s, expressed concern about the depth of the sewer as it passes through their property. A. The sewer will be 12 feet deep at web n'a Street and ht feet doop 100 feet away (thwuhlal) for construction of sewer in vicinity of Webb and Young Streets? Q. What is ttrdnn, A. Project la ready to go, w2th bid opening to be scheduled at end of 60-day waiting period Q. Infiltration due to sump pumps? A. Illegal, but it happens. Q, Design parameters? A. Dosiy;• based on water consumption of present sad "optimum land use dwellings end future school. It will be a 10-inch iine and is supposed to :run one half full. Q's is the route the sasiae as shown at Town Meeting, and hew set is it? A. Route is revision of preliminary design for economic c asens. Easement has already been acqutrsd by eminent domain. Q. Is route ,s: ba?o passible? Farce main? A. Could be tater tilato eonsideracion. Conservation Cos:;,ajssien Minutes & Hatch Act hearing 1/23/73 P.4 With the n'egro:It that written suggestions and comments be given the Commission as soon as possible, the Chaa.rnan closed the hearing at 9.10 p.m„ hearing of File Poo„ 201-2 Discussion of Hata. Act/followed immediately when the Commission conereuod ata regular ne ting in the Legion Room at 9:15 p.m. It was pointed out that about 1 acre of treos ,could be romoved for the project and that increased runoff duo to, ha4 should be included in calculations. Among concerns expressed: (a) flccdin; on other side of Maple 3treot, dotnstroznri (b) economic& of ilia- pact on the area should be considered, (c5 since easot ont Is al- ready taken, shifts in location could occur only enTorn-onned izwd (d) "Retch Act" considerations should take place at an earlier stag© in planning. A1icD.gg conditions "^ocomtle"nEded at this time: 1. Retention basin, olarued in consultation with Commission 2, Additional cross culvert in low area and/or some one,17onoy outlet. 3u prevention of diking by use of porous backfill l wei e such material previously existed 4.. minimised Brom-cutting at loast 5. more data required - calculations foE/5O. year storm Objectives and location of holding pond discussed, with need for engineering help in locating aud sizing of the pending area._ Subcarr'9 tteo appointed. (P3MK, FiFIt, FP, GL) P'nvirenmentra2 !react atat•®pent subcommittee appointed. (DY, LW) Moetinms in Parma to take place every '2uc•-sdray (6, 13, 2O 27) Hatch Act follora ss Parker told not to bring in more earth, just to finish off ops corner. Zomon/en told that any filling novo 75 feet back from their house would be klatch Act violation. (DI, FP-IK) bohixnd Police Dept. at Fairlawn k'ursmnz Come 211a23440/11 Trees An Osage Qiangilaud a yel.lauwood Jh .ve been as$'?r ar che,mptosa 4r.'ee$ by tthc Dopar'tment of Nat-ural fle-• sources, it was announced, (FP) Executive Session was declared at 10 05 p. n. at 10:4© p.m. ra, and t.ho o_c2ng rel., Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Kara S. Greene aeoretary to t';he Commission