October 24, 1974
PRESENT Sue Abkowitz, Chris Anderson, Verna Frasca, Doug Gallager,
Jeanne Hathaway, Jean MIley, Myron Miller, Steve Moore,
Steve Politi , Matt Powers, Madelyn Quinlan, Mary Rockwood.
Chairman Chris Anderson called the meeting to order at 7 :30.
Verna Frasca, a senior at LHS, has become a new member of the
Youth Commission.
MT Bob Talland of the Lexington Bicentennial Committee (L130)
came to speak with us about the Bicentennial Youth Day on Monday,
April 21 , 1975. This day will be devoted entirely to youth activities.
The LBC will provide advise, assistance and financial support for this
day, but the planning and packaging is to be done by Lexington youth.
A committee to plan this day has not yet been formed. Mr Robbat at
LHS is presently in charge of advertising for this group. Mr
Talland stressed that the committee should be made up of a cross-
section of Lexington youth. The LBC is also looking for a full time
youth member to serve on its committee This person will be selected
from among the youth organizations in the town and will be on the
committee for two years. Each school in Lexington will have a Bi-
centennial director (a teacher) who will organize the Bicentennial
projects for his school: Hopefully there will be an exchange of ideas
and joint projects between schools.
After Mr Talland left there was a short discussion of what the
role of the Youth Commission could be in planning for the Bicentennial
might be Our role might be anything from advertising the formation
of the youth board to actually becoming the planning board ourselves.
It was also suggestedthat we could nominate a youth member to the LBC
if someone were interested
After this discussion we formed subcommittees:
Daug Gallager Sue Abkowitz Mary Rockwood
Steve Moore Doug Gallager Verna Frasca
Madalyn Quinlan Jeanne Hathaway Matt Powers
Jean Miley Jean Miley Steve Moore
Myron Miller Steve Politi
Matt Powers Sue Abkowitz
Dr. Steckler
Any youth Commission members who did not attend the last meeting,
but would like to be on one of the subcommittees, call the person who
is housing the meeting
TOWN GOVERNMENT COURSE subcommittee meeting will be on Tuesday,
October 29, 1974, 2 :45 at Replace in the Hancock Church.
YOUTH DIRECTORY REVISION subcommittee meeting will be Monday,
November 4, 1974 at Chris Anderson' s ci Sherburne Rd. at7 :30.
QUESTIONNAIRE EVALUATIO N subcommittee meeting will be Wednesday,
October 30, 1974, 7 30 at Replace.
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