HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-01-25�r REGULAR MEETING, January 25,, 1927. Rte. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectments Office at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Custance, Burnham, Miles, , Robertson, and Ballard were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The records were approved. Mr. Thomas S.Grindle, Supt. of Schools, came before the Board at the request of the National Education Association. Letter was also received from the National Education association in which they.re- quested the use of the state flags owned by the Town at their meeting in Dallas, Texas, from February 260 to March 3,-1927. They stated that the meeting was foreducational purposes and greatly urged the loan of these flags. They offered to insure the flags and return them in as good condition as when loaned. The Board voted to grant permission to this Association to use the flags, and requested them to provide insuranee.to the amount.of $1,000. from the time the flags leave "exington until they are returned, and also informed them that they would have to replace the flags if they were destroyed. The Board deed to adopt the following rules and' regulations for the Water Department, provided the same met with the approval of the Town Counsel. WATER DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS. THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE; SHALL BE CONSIDERED A PART OF THE CONTRACT''WITH EVERY PERSON WHO USES WATER. 1. All meters shall be computed quarterly; in the case of a meter ' stopping or failing to register, the quantity of water used shall be estimated as the amount which ordinarily passes through the.mater when in operation. 2. The applications for -the use of water must be made at the office of the Water Department, and these applications must state fully the purpose for which the watet',is to be used. The Town will in all cases (except by written permission of the Superintendent) furnish and lay the service pipe from the street main, and through the cellar wall, and provide on the end thereof, a stop and waste valve. The owner of the premises shall in all cases pay for such ser- vice pipe as may be laid within his premises and on Town property to the curb -cock together with the Stop and Waste valves, at such rates as may be fixed by the Board of kublic Works. The owner must in all cases pay his part of the estimated cost of the sertice construction before the work is started. When the work is completed and the cost determined, the applicant will pay for any excess cost of the work above the estimated cost or if the actual cost is less than the esti- mated cost, the difference will be refunded -to the applicant. 3. TheTown will set meters on all services at no charge to the owner except formeters larger than one inch. An annual rental of 10% of the cost of meter and installing on supplementary meters and meters li and over in size shall be charged. All meters will be kept in repair ' by the Town, and no charge made therefor, except in case of freezing or negligence by the water taker. 4. Water rates shall be payable at the office of the Tax Collector quarterly, in advance. In all cases of non-payment of water rates within thirty days from the date of the bill, as well as for any violation of these Rules and Regulations, the supply of water may be shut off, and water will not be turned on again except upon payment of the amount due, together with the sum of $2.00 for shutting off and turning on the water. For shutting off or turning on water at re- quest of owner a charge of $1.00 will be made. 5. The water rates shall be paid by the owner of the premises. No abatement of the water rate for the non-use of the water in vacant premises will be made unless notification of such vacancy is made at the 'office of the Water Department. An abatement shall not be made for 4ny portion of three months. 6. The Town shall not be held liable for lack of water•, or damages omaused by shutting off the water in the main pipes to make extensions, connections, or for any other reason found necessary. 7. The apparatus and places supplied with water must be accessible at all times to the inspection of the Board of Public Works or their authorized agents to examine the pipes and fixtures and ascertain the quantty of water used and the manner;of its use. 8. No person shall open any hydrant of the water works system of the Town without written permission previously obtained from the Board of Public Works; provided, however that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of hydrants and water by the Fire De- partment. Hearing was declared open at 8:30 P.M*. upon the application of the Edison'Electric 111. Company for location of three poles on Lowell Street. No persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant the permit. Copy of the brief on the case of Henry W. B. Cotton and the Town of Lexington was received from the Town Counsel. t otice was received from the Dept. of public WorkpA Div. of Highways, stating that the Board would be required to remove fences, buildings, and other obstructions on Bedford Street before the first day of. March. It was decided to find out from the State Dept. of Public Works whethw or not the entry made at the corner of North Hancock Street and Bedford Street would be sufficient, and also request them for a copy of the final award of damages to the abuttors. Max Berman came before the Board aAd informed them the State law will not allow him to place the gasoline tanks nearer -than ten feet to his garage, and therefor, he could not locate the tanks in accordance with the permit granted him by the Board. It was decided to inquire at the State House in regard to the law on this matter. Mr. Ballard left the meeting at 9:35 P.M. The Board agreed.to hold a meeting on Sunday afternoon at 3 P.M. at which time they would consider matters in regard to the Cary Memorial Building to be offered to the Town on Monday, January 31, 1927. The meeting adjourned at 1Ot30 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 J 1