HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-11-023"78 REGULAR MEETING, November 2, 1926. T7 "rJ A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the SelectmenTs Room, Town Hall, November 2, 1926 at 8:00 P.M. The ' following members of the Board were.present, Messrs. Custance, Miles, Burnham, Ballard and Robertson. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Records for the former meeting were approved. The Board signed the election returns to be submitted to the Secretary of the Commonwealth when filled out by the Town Clerk,: The Board also signed the following form of letter to be sent to the owners of piggeries who hold permits for same together with the following form of report to be made by the owners and returned to the Board of Selectmen acting as a Board of Health; November 1, 1926. We want you to be just as much interested as we are in working out a plan that will be equally satisfactory to the majority of the residents of Lexington and to you, on the much discussed subject of the number and kind of permits which should be granted each year for keeping swine in Lexington. We have appointed Mr. Russell I. Prentiss, as our Inspector,_ to view your premises from time to time and report to us whether you ' are complying with all of the conditions of your permit. We now request that you file with us, not later than the fifth day of each month, a written report as of the first day of each month on the enclosed blanks for the months from November 1, 1926 to May 1, 1927. Your present permit expires on May 1, 1927. Applications for a renewal of this permit should be made to us on or before April 1, 1927, the information contained in the six monthly written reports will be very helpful in reaching a decision as to whether an application for a renewal of your permit will receive approval. We believe it will be for the best interests of everybody concerned if, in issuing permits on May 10 1927, if the number of swine noted in existing permits are reduced 25%. All new permits to be res. tricted to 100 swine. Theodore A. Custance Albert H. Burnham Selectmen Charles H. Miles Of William H. Ballard Lexington James G. Robertson To the Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington Mr. Russell I. Prentiss, Inspector; report as requested. I am submitting the following No, of hogs over six months old ...................... ............. Amount of garbage fed daily (cord feet) ............................ ' How often is the garbage hauled on premises,,*** ... From what town or city do you get garbage .......................... Have you complied with all the sanitary conditions of your permit ....................... 4.................. A true statement, made under the penalties of perjury. Signed .................. Permit Holder Permit No., ....... *.*too Letter was received from the Salvation Army asking permission to have a tag day in Lexington on Saturday, November 20, 1926, The Board voted not to grant permission. A denatured,alcohol license for Anselm Mullen at the Rest Inn, 53 Mass. Avenue, was signed by the Board. e Application from William A. Granfiel d for permission to install underground tanks with a capacity of 2,000 gallons of gasoline on Spring Street was received. The Board voted to give Mr. Granfield leave to withdraw his application. The Board voted to charge to the Board of Health Account the sum of $56.15, the same being the expenses of the Milk Inspector when he attended the Milk Convention. Daniel J. O'Connell came before the Board and presented a plan of the location of the proposed filling station at the corner of Woburn -and Vine Streets. The Board requested him to file a final plan, showing the proposed building on the lot of land as it is pro- posed to be located, at the next meeting so that they may, have some definite proposition to consider. Mr. Littlefield, Mr.K"say of the Boston & Maine Transportation Co., and Mr. H. H. Hanson and Mr. Thomas Griffin of the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co., came before the Board in reference to the application of the Boston & Maine Transportation Co. to operate their busses through the Town of Lexington, and to consider the request of the Board of Selectmen to the Boston & Maine Transportation Co. fow non-stop service from the Boston & Maine depot in Lexington to the Boston terminus of the Boston -Fitchburg route. Mr. Littlefield stated that the Boaton & Maine Transportation Co. did not want to operate a line for the purpose of short hauls, and that they did not want to make any stops from the Concord R. R. Station to Boston. They would, however, be willing to give service to the Town of Lexington by running a few of their busses over Massachusetts Avenue stopping at Lexington Center and the remainder over the State Road, 380 but they did not feel that they could give this service without obtain- ing the permission of the Middlesex & Boston St., Rwy. Co. and the Boston Elevated Co. They -felt -that both of these companies had a right to protect their interests as they would themselves if other companies attempted to operate in their territory. Mr. Hanson stated that be - felt the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co. would object to the Boston & Maine Transportation Go. stopping in Lexington, inasmuch as they would take some of their passengers, and that there would be no reason wby the towns of Arlington and Cambridge should not also ask for service from the Boston & Maine Transportation Co. Mr. Littlefield stated that_ he would be glad to take the matter up with -the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co. and the Boston Elevated Co. to see what their opinion was in regard to the matter and report to the Board. In reply to the letter of the Board enclosing correspondence from the residents of Lincoln asking for bus service in Lexington, the Public Utility Commission sent to the Board a copy of the permit to the Lovell Bus Line, Inc. in which it was found that no restriction was made upon the bus company in the Town of Lincoln. It was therefor voted -by the Board to amend the license granted to the Lovell Btts Line, Inc. so that it would be in accordance with the license granted by the Public Utility Commission. The terms of the Public Utility Commission license are as follows: It appearing, after public hearing, that the applicant has ob- tained a license from the licensing authority of each of the said municipalities in accordance with the provisions of section 45 of chapter 159 of the General Laws, as amended by chapter 280 of the Acts of 1925, and that the Division of Highways of the Department of Public Works has consented to the use of the ways and places hereinafter specified for the purposes set forth in said application, subject tto such requirements, stipulations or conditions as may be set forth in its permit filed herewith, the Department of Public Utilities hereby declares that public convenience and necessity require the operation by said applicatrt of motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers for hire between Concord Square and Arlington Heights, upon the following route or routes, to wit: CONCORD TO ARLINGTON: Over State road from Concord square to the Lincoln line; over State Road from the Lincoln line to the Lexington line; over State road from Lexington line to Massachusetts Avenuel thence over Massa- chusetts avenue to Arlington Heights; -provided, however, that this certificate is issued on condition that vehicles operated hereunder shall not, when bound in an easterly direction, take on or admit passengers between the railroad station on Thoreau street in the town of Concord and the Concord -Lincoln town line, and shall not, when bound in the opposite direction, discharge passengers between said points, and shall not admit or discharge passengers in the towns of Lexington and Arlington except at the terminus of the line in Arlington. The application of John C. Phelps for permission to install two 1,000 gallon gasoline tanks at 33 Bedford Street, Minute Arlan Garage, was taken from the table. A letter was received from Mr. Geurge E. Briggs, President of the Lexington Lumber Co., in which he stated that the Lexington Lumber Co. is not opposed to the granting of a permit to Bir. Phelps for the sale of gasoline on Bedford Street. M "zJ L L ean The Board voted unanimously to grant Mr. Phelps a permit to install these two tanks. ' The Supt. of Public Works brought a list of street signs before the Board, and the Board voted to approve the erection of the signs on the following streets; Adams Street Berwick Road Bow Street Chandler Street East Street to Woburn Edgewood Road Forest Street Fletcher Avenue 2 for Glen Road 2 For Grant Street Hayes Avenue Muzzey Street Oak Street Reed Street Somerset Road Washington Street Westview Street Bedford Street to Lowell. The Supt. of Public works was instructed to compile and main- tain a card catalog for each sptteet sign stating the kind of sign, the reading on the sign, and also date when the sign was erected. Attention was slao called to the fact that a sign should be placed near the Masonic Hall directing traffic to Lowell up Bedford St., as persons go up Hancock St., turn around, and go up Bedford Street. Bids were received from C. E. Hall & Sons, E. J. Comer, and Klaurer Brothers on snow plow equipment. The Chairman of the Board was requested to recommend to the Board whether C. E. Hall or Klaurer Brothers were the most reliable and which concern to contract with, inasmuch as their bid was practically the same for the snow plow service. The Supt. reported that he has purchased a Baker plow for the town tractor, and it is expected that the plow will arrive in Lex- ington in about two weeks. He stated that another small tractor and plow should be purebased, but he found there are no funds for the same at the present time. In regard to the demand by the Collector of Taxes on betterments under Chapter 377, Section 5, Acts of 1923, the Chairman of the Board was requested for his recommendation on the same. The notices to the abutting owners of the streets laid out in East Lexington were sent on September 22, 1926 and the time for making their claim for appor- tionment has expired. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to get a more detailed figure on the appraisals made on the property on Bedford Street along the section where the state highway was constructed; this year. Complaint was received from John N. Morse of Iiancock j'g$&huQ in regard to the boundary stone being removed at the corner of his lot when the sewer was placed in the neighboring house. He stated ' that the Sewer Department dug across his land without securing per- mission, and the Supt. of Public Works was requested to see that the boundary stone was replaced properly. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to have a small plan made of the proposed memorial building on the lot without the topo- graphy as on the large plan. 382 The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. A true record, Attest. J4��. Cl a rk. 1 Ov "TJ 1