HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-10-19372 REGULAR MEETING, October 19, 1926. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in Selectmen's Room, Town Hall, On October 19, 1926 at 7:30 P,M. Messrs. Custance, Burnham, Miles, Ballard, and Robertson were The Superintendent of Public Works and the Clerk pro -tem were present. the present. also The warrant for the State Election, November 2, 1926 was signed by the Board. An abatement *lip of the Water Department was signed to the amount of $34.59. License to board two infants was signed for Ears. Joseph Campbell, 10 Parker Street, Lexington. Hearing was declared open upon the acceptance of Tower Street at 8:00 P.M., at which tial residents of Tower Street appeared before the Board. Ear. Fred C. Earle strongly opposed the acceptance of Tower Street from Locust Avenue southerly about 200 feet as he felt that he would be assessed for the largest amount of betterments while there would be very little work done on the street for his benefit. The cost of the work was estimated at $1900.00 fl Hearing was declared open upon the acceptance of Taft Avenue at 8:30 P.M. Residents of Taft Avenue appeared before the Board to discuss ' the proposition, and to go over the plans. The abuttors were informed that the assessment would be 100%. The State Aid pay roll for $62.00 for the month of October were signed. Application was received from William Viano for permission to erect a marquise over the sidewalk at the Lexington Theatre. It was voted not to grant Mr. Viano a permit. Hearing was declared open upon the application of John C. Phelps for a gasoline pump at the Minute Man Garage at 33 Bedford Street, Mr. Eugene Viano, owner of the Colonial Garage, Bedford Street, and Mr. Joseph Swan, who stated he represents property to the value of $60,000 at 14, 169 18, 20, 53, and 57 Bedford Street, also property of Mrs. Edwards on Bedford Street, came before the Board to request that this permit be refused. Mr. Viano submitted petition signed by owners of land abutting and in the vicinity of the Minute Man Garage. Mr. Viano stated that if a permit is granted to Mr. Phelps, it will hurt his business, as he feels that there is not sufficient business for two filling stations in that section. After hearing all parties interested, the hearing was closed. The Board voted to lay the matter on the tale. The matter was brought to the attention of the Board That Mr. John ' J. Garrity, Supt. of Pars, is serving as an election officer. After the matter was discussed, it was decided to grant Mr. Gawrity leave of absence from his duties as Superintendent of Parks on the days when he is to serve as election officer. Letter was received from the Lovell Bus Line, Inc., informing the 3"73 Board that they will assist in keeping the State Road plowed out this winter from the Maynard Car Barn to Massachusetts Avenue in Lust Lexingtaz. Letters were received from residents of Concord and Lincoln who live on the Lovell Bus Line route asking that the Lovell Bus Line, Ind. be granted permission to make stopson the State Road. No action was taken. Mr. Russell I. Prentiss, Health Inspector, came before the Board and reported that Mrs. Rosa A. Wilson, John F. Fleming, both of Ward Street, and Frank, John, and Joseph Dias of Concord Avenue are keeping pigs without a permit. He also stated that these persons have been summoned to court on Friday, October 22, 1926. . Mr. Prentiss reported that the outhouses owned by Patrick Mulvey on Woburn Street hags been cleaned out, but are still in a very un- healthy condition. Mr. Prentiss also reported that the unsanitary condition in the cellar of Mr. John Rudd, has been temporarily remedied, and he was requested to have the Plumbing Inspector, Andrew T. Bain, look into the matter with him. ter. Ballard submitted form of letter for the Selectmen to write to the owners of piggeries, also form of monthly report thap they be in- vited to furnish the Board. Mr. Prentiss was requested to prepare the letters and the forms of monthly report, and present them at the next meeting of the Board. Letter was received from Mr. Everett S.Emery in which he requested the Board to recall or pro -rate the assessment on the Ellen E. Harring- ton house at 514 Massachusetts Avenue. After discussing the matter, it was decided to refer Mr. Emery's letter to the Twwn Counsel,.Sydney R. Wrightinggon, for his recommendation. It was decided to request Mrs. Ida H. B. Capper to be present at the next meeting of the Board on October 26, 1926, in regard to her application for filling stations on the corner of Middle and Waltham Streets. The resignation of the Town Engineer, Clarence B. French, was accepted by the Board, to take effect October 15, 1926. Letter was received from the Breck-Robinson Nursery Company in which they stated that their original proposition to accept two conneletions by the Selectmen, free of charge to them, in full settlement of any claims they may have for damages arising out of the tkking of land for this sewer, still holds good. In connection with this matter, it was voted, that the Superinten- dent of Public Works be instructed to confer with the Town Counsel and assist in drawing up an agfeement which will allow for the two sewer connections referred to in the Breck-Robinson letter of Octoher 11, 19260 and that the agreement include the stipulation that the Breck-Robinson Nursery Company will release the Town from any and all damages that might arise from the taking of land for sewer, and that such agreement will not affect the charging of the usual sewerrental. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. A true record, Attest: `� �' 7" A _� _ Clerk. 3"74 M t REGULAR IMETING, October 26, 1926. «wn"$ �7 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the ' Selectmen s Office at 7:30 P.M. Messrs,.Custance, Burnham, Miles, Robertson, and Ballard were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. After making some corrections in the previous records, it was voted to approve same. Three alcohol licenses were signed for the following; Eugene Viano, Lexington Tire Service, 458 Mass. Avenue; Eugene Viano, Colonial Garage, Bedford Street; and Metropolitan Filling Stations, Inc.,. corner Maple Street and Mass. Avenue. The Clerk was requested to keep a copy of all licenses issued by the Board. It was voted to grant the Edison Electric Ill. Co. permission to abandon one pole on Mass. Avenue, approximately. 1120 feet Southeast of Hillside Avenue. Letter was received from Dr. William L. Barnes, School Physician and Health Officer, infdrming the Board that three cases of diptheria existed in the East Lexington schools, and suggesting that all school children in the town be immunized against diptheria. He stated that the Shick-test could be given,.and the antitoxin would be furnished. by the State free of charge, but that the approval of the Board of Health was desirable. The Board discussed the matter, and voted that subject to the approval of the School.Committee that the School Physician, Dr. William L. Barnes, be authorized to do whatever is possible for the children to have the Shi.ck-test and be immunized for the prevention of diptheria. Mrs. Ida H. B. Capper came before the Board at the Board's request. She asked for an explanation of the deed which was sent to her by Mr. Ballard. Mrs. Capper asked whether or not the Board would give her a hearing upon her second application for a filling station, but the Board informed her that her application for a filling station 9n the southwesterly corner of Middle and Waltham Streets should be acted upon first. Mrs. Capper stated that she would consult her attorney in regard to signing the deed. John F. Tibbetts came before the Board in regard to drawing up specifications for a dwelling house. The matter was turned over to the Chairman to sonsult with Mr. Tibbetts in regard to same. The question of snow plow equipment was considered. A letter was received from Klaurer Brothers of Cambridge giving their prices for the service. It was suggested that further letters be sent to other companies to secure figures upon specification. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to recommend to the Board. on Tuesdayeveningnext, the type of snow plow he desired to purchase ' for the town tractor. Mr. Emery, Chairman of the Planning Board, came before the Board to ask when he would receive the information on building lines on Mass. Avenue. He said that Mr. French had promised this information 3'75 for some time, and as yet the Planning Board had not received it. Iie also stated that information had not been received on the Swan property ' between Vine Street and Fletcher Avenue, and the Meady property on Bedford Street, and the Planning BoarW-s work had been held up owing to the fact that they could not get this information. John T. Cosgrove, who is now in charge of the Engineering Department, was requested to furnish the information to Mr. Faery as soon as possible, and Mr. Emery on the other hand, was requested to give fir. Cosgrove written request of the work desired by the Planning Board. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to interview the residents of Hilltop Avenue with respect to securing signatures on that part of Kendall Road which, if Farmcrest Avenue and Hilltop Avenue are accepted, will make_a connecting link between the two streets and an outlet to Waltham Street. I The Supp. of Public Works was also requested to interview the residents of Tower Street in regard to afceptance of same from Plain- field Street to Locust Avedbe. In regard to the request of the Boston & Maine Transportation Co. for a license to operate their busses in the Town of Lexington, the Board decided to acknowledge receipt of the request and advise them tbAt they would be glad to take action on the matter of the license in the town when they advise in writing as to what arrangements they have made for non-stop service from the Boston & Maine Depot in Lex- ington to the Boston & Maine Terminus of the Fitchburg -Boston route. It was voted not to renew the American Surety Forgery bond in connection with the Town Treasurer's Department. Application for a permit to keep four swine at the corner of Ward and Ash Streets, North Lexington, was received from John F. Fleming. It was decided to refer the application to the health Inspector. In regard to the letters received from the residents of Lincoln in reference to the Lovell Bus Line making stops on their route from Concord to Lexington, the Board decided to forward the correspondence to the Public Utility Commission that they might be aware of the re- quests for service.. In this connection the following letter was sent to the Public Utility Commission: October 27, 1926. Public Utility -Commission State House Boston, Mass. Gentlemen: - We are enclosing herewith volume of correspondence re- oeived by the Board of Selectmen of Lexington relative to the Lovell Bus Line service in order tlrtt you may be informed of the requests being made for service. We are also enclosing herewith copy of the license given to Mr. Lovell by our Board. 376 We arc aware that we have no jurisdiction over the stops in any other town, but it is evident that the parties in this corres- pondence infer that the Board of Selectmen are retarding their chance to have bus service. I beg to inform you that the reason for the restriction in the license of non-stop service from the Concord R. R. Station to Arlington Heights was made at the suggestion of Mr. Lovell that the Public Utility Commission would approve df the license being granted with the restriction. If you will kindly send us a copy of the license granted to Mr. Lovell, or the Lovell Bus Line, Inc., by your commission, it would be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, Theodore A. Custance Chairman. - The Supt. of Public Works was requested to recommend to the Board whether or not street lights were necessary on Cedar Street in response to the petition received by him. In regard to the application of John C. Phelps for gasoline tanks on Bedford Street in connection with the Minute Man Garage, it- was voted to lay the matter on the table. It was voted to pay $1.00 additional to each of the Election Officers for services on November 2, 1926. The following letter at the suggestion of Mr. Ballard was sent to the Vetropolitan-District Commission, the same being approved by the Board: Metropolitan District Commission 1 Ashburton Place Boston, Mass. Gentlemen: - We would like your help and advice in respect to the way and manner in which we should proceed in arranging for permanent advisory engineering service for the Town of Lexington, sewer, water and park system. Are you equipped, or would you be interested to arrange so that we and perhaps from time to time other towns in the Metropolitan District might secure from you advisory service to be paid for by the Town according to the amount of service rendered. D I`JI Our sewerage system in Lexington was laid out in 1915 by. McClintock and Woodfall. While we have a normal Town Engineering Department, we feel that we should have competent advice as to whether we should continue installing the remainder of this sewer system as it is required from time to time, or whether wh should, -in vier of the, growth and changes that have taken place in the last ten years, have all of our plans reviewed in the light of our experience to date. Probably in the same way, it would be helpful for us to have your advice in regard to future plans for our water system. 377 We are also confronted at the present time with the necessity of undertaking real constructive work and the expenditure of several hundred thousand dollars in solving our surface drainage problems and planning our future park system. Perhaps you might like to invite the Board to meet with you at your convenience and discuss this whold matter with you, or with your chief engineer so we might better ascertain what could be accomplished by cooperation in working out these problems. Yours very truly, Theodore A. Custance Chairman. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. A true record, -Attest: Clerk. 1 Ci