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'fleeting, July 27, 1926.
' A regular meeting o" the Board of Selectmen was �,eld at the
Selectmen s Office at 7:30 P._`. `des=rs. Custance, Burnham, Files,
Robertson and Ballard were present. The Superintendent of Public
Works and the Clerk e.ere ,%l3o prcwe--t.
In accordance with request for bids on $19,000 water main coupon
notes the following bids were received:
Lexington Trust Co. 1001.55
Merrill, Oldham & Co. 1001.90
Atlantic National 1001.24
F. L. Dabney & Co. 1001.60
Estabrook & Co. 1000.50
The bid was awarded to Merrill, Oldham &, Co.
Bids were received in response to the request of the Superin-
tendent of -Public Works for sidewalk work under the following spec-
Gravel must be Screened or Crushed Stone that will pass through
1" screen.
Sand rust be clear, sharp sand, free from all loam or other for-
eign matter.
Cement must be high grade ce^7e_a of any standard American riake
and approved by Engineer.
All loam must be excavated and be piled tiv_lere directed boy Engineer.
Fill to within 4" of finished grade wit:- course gravel or cinders
thoroughly soaked with water a -ad tw,iped so there will not be any voids
or soft -.)laces.
r V JYuU :
Build forms of 2 x 4 Spruce planed l side, put down in proper
manner and brought to grades given b. Engineer.
Concrete to be *fixed 1 pert cement 3 parts sand and 5 parts gravel.
This to be poured it forms and broug1it to within 1" of finished surface.
Cut joint across walk everg 5 ftl' ti*
. anc'. fill' sand. Concrete to be
properly tamped, over this spread 1" of concrete mixed as follows: 1
part cement, 2. parts sand, and 1/2 la::ap black, to eac? bag cerae�.t. T�zis
to be trowelled to true ezen surface and cut across walk over sand joint
below. If walks are laid in :iot we•=.t.'�ier, 1 -Keep s,-uie covered for 48 hrs.
and sprinkle several tides a. day for 4 or 5 days.
All curbs or ramps coming in connection with sidewalk shall be done
under the direction of the Engineer in charge.
All work that. becomes defective 'Within 1 year from date of comple-
tion shall be replaced at Contractor's expense.
The following bids were received -for work on Bedford Street at PILelps'
J. P. Dailey $225.00
Anthony Ross 3.20 per sq, yd. and
3.55 per sq: yd, for ramps.
The bid was awarded to Anthony Ross; he being the lowest bidder.
Hearing was held upon the application of Abbie L.' Wellington of
14 Curve Street, for permission to erect a garage on her pre rises. ft
persons appeared to object, and the Board voted to grant her a permit.
It was voted to Z7rant a Sunday Sales license to Charles H. 2ailler
of Lincoln Street to operate a roadside stand at the corner of State
Road and Lincoln Street.
It was voted to ';rant n Conlon Victuallers license to Eugene H.
Pr;,rtridge to operate the restaurant at 454 Hassachusetts Avenue.
Special police commission was signed for John Tioloy w1no-is to do
police duty on the Bedford Street construction. '
The following report was received from the Inspector of Health,
Russell I. Prentiss, on the condition of piis at John Ricci's premises
on Waltham Street.
Coneition s.
1. Pens. Fair
2. Troughs. Fair,
3. Platforms.One platform above ground, but dirty. One pen fed on
4. Feeding places clear.? Houses O.K. feeding yards dirty.
5. Do coQnpost heaps comply with regulations? Not covered, but not
offensive odors.
6. Is garbage kept according to regul.tions? No.
7. Are swine kept in wet land? No., one exception.
8. When were buildin;;s vrl-ite-was.red and .ow often is it done?
Vrhite-v-ashed two years ago.
Rus; -°ell I. Prentiss '
I3ealth Irspector.
General ren.ar7s on conditions of premises.
General condition of the piggery is fair. 7Ir. Ricci said he would
clean up refuse and Yi_%ite-wash and also let :ie 'c_iow T;. -hen this was done.
`..)Lo witnessed con litio s ';nidi ;,cou? john Ricci.
71hat reco,7::endations «.ve Jou to ma'e? I'o renewal of permit until he
,i=s doge wh_ it ;ie promised to do.
Is there a permit on the premises? 'To.
The Boar'. considered the advisability of prosecution in the case of
Ricci. The Health Inspector stated, hotivrever, that Ricci would clean up
his premises by ^%bite -washing the buildin s, and he felt that ae would
endeavor to do what was right. For this reason, he advised a delay on
any definite action until such time as Ricci showed the disposition to
cooperate and completed his pronices. _do action was taken.
:.'r. Prentiss also sent in report on the piggery of Ernest K. Ballard
on Wood Street as follows;
1. Peas. Houses clean., yards very (1irty.
2. TrouGh.s. Fait.
3. Pla.tfor.-,s. Dirty and built on c -round.
4. Feeding placec clean? Cleaned once a.week.
5. Do compost leaps comply ildth re, uir.tiolz? Not covered..
6. Is garbage kept ac�ordin. to regul<.tions? One yard 0.$. 100 ft.
fro_: highway.
7. Are swine kept in wet land? iTo..
8. When were buildings white -washed a�,id how often is it done? Two
years ago.
General remarks on condition of prenises.
Breeding ';,rouse clean. Yards dirty about one foot of muck around feed-
.platforms. Barn cellar. very wet.liouid from gar-
bage diainin,; into cellar land i•aaking a wet place that
was filled wit), cotton waGte.
Tho witnessed conditions with you? Joe Kellar, Foreman.
What recon�.,.endations hwve you to - ake? Clean up barn_ cellar. Clear.
;cards, Build uyo platforms above ground. Tighten up
boxes for storm arba6e. Stop storing ar'oage out-
-ide of yard ;)ear 'oarii.
Is t'_.ere c permit on the premises? Yes.
It was decided to :,otify 7r. Ball:.rd that in accordance with`the
recent report of -'U-',e Hee.atl I..�.spector it i -s evident t_:. t lie is violating;
the conditions of 'nis per:it.
It having been nund t l:at 8 `I'o';: s : l -eer did not have the plan
of the filling station proposed at the corner of Waltham and T4iddle *MW
Streets ready for the consider --tion of the Boar,?_, it was decided to
defer actio_ on Mrs. Capper's application until the next meeting.
etitior. was received for street lights at Lexington Manor with '
the request that articles be inserted in tle town warrant. It was
decided to place the articles in the warrant ::.t the r:ext town meeting.
,'-r. Keay and Mr. Littlefield of the Boston. and TTaine Transport -tion
Company came Uefore the Board to press their request for permission to
operate busses from the Lincoln line over the State Ro-,.d and Massachusetts
Avenue. They s_ owed letters from the towns of Lincoln, Shirley ' Little-
ton, and Ayer giving permission to operate throuh the totirn. They ex-
plained that the rate charged by them was about 3.6¢ per rile. They did
not desire to make sto-7�s on the State Road, and they felt that their ser-
vice would not in any way be in.opposition to the Middlesex & Boston St.
Rwy. Co.
The Board inquired if they did not wgnt to make their trips. from the
Lincoln line to Lincoln Street and Lincoln:Street to the center making a
stop to be design.:ted by tk.e Board. This que:ction wv� asked because there
may be some perso:l.s who would desire to ride to Park Square in Boston
rather than to drive automobiles as the situation of pr..rking in the city
of Boston is alilcost i-poss,i le, and one has to pay 50je to.park in a garage.
If the Boston --.gid T akne Tr-.nsportation Company were willing to give this
service, it r~i:, ht help s, nu:aber of business yDeople. 7ie corlpany. informed
the Board that they carry 1100, 000 liability insurance on each bus and
that they would cor:ply with all the regulations the toy nii would set forth.
They agreed to get further information in regard to n .king the trip
through Lexington Center, and furnish the Board lith a_ time table. It �
voted to grant permission to operate the line petitioned for.
Tfr..Thomas F. Griffin cane before the Board mid requested that per-
mission be given to take off the busses runrin between 1741tham Street
and Massachusetts Avenue. He gave a detail of the numberof passengers
riding on the line from Fi-.-e For'cs to -Arlington. HeiEihts. The figures
showed that an average of .11.40 per Jay Ya.s received for twelve trips.
On the end of the lind from "".1tha::: Street to 'Tassachusetts Avenue only
one or two passengers rode each day. If the co zany were allowed to
remove the busses from that end and nal e_t1le tri over `^alt:lam Street to
Arlington Heights, it would save an average of about 60 rales each day.
The Board decided to grant permission to take off"' this line of busses,
but requested Hr. Griffin to make t1le request in ;,rriting for same.
It was also voted to grant temporary periission to the "'Tiddlesex
and Boston St. Rw;r. Co. to use North.TiancocT: Street while Bedford Street
is under construction.
It was voted to lad the matter of action on the Hart ?Rotor Company
nus application on the table.
It was voted to notify I:rr. JOhn B. Lovell that the Board. refused
t rant slim a perAt to. operate *zxxVmXX.0 his busses from the Lincoln
ine to Arllin�.ton Line via the State Road and Massachusetts Avenue in
It was
nbt he felt
Company was
decided to^'_: the Town Counsel's opinion .rs to Whether or
the contract 'or con:pc ration ins-urz:.ilce of Ile Liberty Mutua
a proper fora of insurance for toy�1 to carry.
Mr. Barn -sir_ called attention to the fact th_t the ,)olice depart -lent
did not answer a call o�1 Ju'.y 19 at 1 P."'. at the corner of Lowell and
j Woburn Streets. The fact eras re -ported to hirl ' y Dr. 1173oster of Waltham
who stated tl;!.t the, officer at the uesl: i fo=ied him that they would not
send any officer -:.o -l.e accide:nt as Ion, as r_o one was hurt. He stated,
therefor, that he called the State police, n' hey did not ay�pe^r. It
' was found after c,:)_ 1sultinJ t', -e Chief. +.!-.-,t he answered the call, and in
ten minutes after vT'n.en a.n officer carie on luty he sent him to the seen6,
He stated that it was not up to thePolice Dep: ruler t to : ecide in an
accident which )arty* tzT.s in ``lae wrong, c.nd that this was the reason an
officer was called.
It rra,s decided to limit the niz,ber of guides in the town to ten.
Letter was received from the To -ma Protective Corr.dttee of 3 Joy
Street, Boston, asking for the cooperation of the Board against Inns
and Clubs operated as vice resorts.. The -Board directed the clerk to repl,,,
to the letter.
The Superintendent of Public 1"orks rras requested to.look after the
salvage pipe at the Highland Avenue drain construction job. '
It was decided to call the Planning Bot -.rd into the next meeting to r�
look over the proposition of widening TSassachusetts Avenue from Hancock
Street to Woburn Street.;
The Clerk i�,ras directed to request the Town En-ineer to dive the
Board tie details as to w'..at departr ent the engineers .,.ave vrorked for
since January 1, 1926.
'the Supf,.rirtenLlent of Public !?oras war requested to fix the side-
waik on llassacliusetts Avenue from Oa',: Styeet to ",e Arlington line..
The Superintendent of Public Works was also requested to find out
Y!hether the Police officers 11.e.c. telephones in their residences, --.nd if
so, if the town plaid t_ieir biles.
Application was received frog? B. J Harrington of 11 Curve Street
requesting, the appointneat of lican:ed drain layer. The Board voted to
lay the _natter on the table until such ,;i_:e as they investigate what other
cities and towns o in t .e n. -,iter.
The Building Ins-)ector, John F. Ti` `,e'.*'- c^.r..e before the Ro^.rd in
regard to plans of the Berman ;,..-rade on ''c..^n .c3r�5etts Avenue. He stated
that they -:.-ere proceeding with t'ie -.gain t is instructions.
In view of the fact that a controvers has arisenrnovr, and has in
the past, it eras voted that the Select en leeo`: e that the Building;
Inspector require applicants for buil :i g )er its to -ile with i-. rt tv-o
sets of plans and specifications of ts.e build r;hi.cl. t:_et, desire to
build, and that one set of pla :, <,nd s )ecificc•tio-_-,is bearing the appproval
of the Building 1,'spector be filed Here as a permanent record of the tovrn
and a similar set e returned to the applicant witli tine regal_ tion that
they will nainta,in 'hat set of p1w: s on file Burin,; 'vhe proles,; of con-
struetion, and that any or all ..,odifications of tliis .lam c,ill have to
have simil .r ap.LDroval before per,:.it -uill l: e gr.= rated in the tovai of Lexing-
In view of the th<,`, i_ie ._1 � z;•.icz='r. Tibbetts h1 1d on hand
were not complete, 21.1r. Ball^rd offered to con:r,unicate ti^,ith Daniel J.
O'Connell. attor.ley for 11r, Ber �.h, .irou6h hir.i secure a complete set
of plans which l e vro .ld sub.:_it to:. e i; ear IK iris office for advice as
to the construction of t:ic: a -.se, , <11 n::. t: e all of t:e first floor,
and secure fron t3 -e e -L," leer a r --:ort.
It w,, decided to :;rite Chief Ta. ,Ior asking: for a report `L7
on vile corlplair'i-i of ':'alter ? , fo"_les of 7.inter Street,
`.rile Superintendent of 'Public fetor:{s reported that a new 811 water
main teras necessary in Cedar Street to replace the 4" riain there at the '
present time avin to the fact tY_at no pressure could be received on the
farther end v-.,hi.ch -is now connected with a 6" pipe.
1.r. Scam.-an also called attention to the f'ct that the pipe oil Utica
Street for a distance of about 250 ft,, being a 9"pi
_pe, should be replaced
with a 6" pipe. The Board requested the Su'_)erinterdent to bet definite
ficures as to how many families these y:,ipes servea-.nd to report at the
� - Y !T Nt
nez;, meeting the cost of rer.etvi.i; file .:.gins.
The meeting adjourned at 12:05 A•, TSS•
A true record, Attest;
Clerk. -