HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-06-084M MrETING JUNE 8, 1926 ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen s Office at 7:30 1.11. Messrs. Custance, Burnham, Miles Ballard and Robertson were present. The Superintendent of Public Works and the clerk were also present. A letter was received from the Town Accountant in which he notified the Board that a temporary loan of X100,000 eras necessary. The Board authorized the negotiation for the loan. Hearing was declared open at 8 P.I.I. upon the application of Robert L. Ryder, Trustee for the Lexington Real estate Trust, re- questing permission to install two 1,000 rpall n ;asoline tanks n.t the corner of Lowell and North Streets. fir. yder appeardd in behalf of his application and no persons appeared against.. After consideration on the matter, and being informed Oy the Plan- ning Board that they were in favor of this permit, it was voted to grant the same. Hearin; was held upon application of the 74dison Electric Ill. Co. for permission to install one pole or. Highland Avenue, also on another petition requesting the location of eight poles on North Street. It was voted to ;-,rant both of these pepitions. At 8:30 P.T.T. a hearing -was called on the proposed street running from the junction of Adams and East Streets to the junction of North Hancock and Burlington Streets. All of the owners of property having land aver which the proposed street was to be laid out were present, also the owners of property on East Street, which it was proposed to widen. Plans showing; the proposed street were presented for the opinion of the owners. . John Ifillican, the hisses BuckiciE Ilam, Mr. A. 1'g. Roberts, and Mr. Lidberg expressed themselves in favor of the proposed street. There was some objection on the part of the residents of East Street as thiey felt that the plans did not show definitely the relation of their houses to the street. It was decided to have the engineer complete the plans which are.: naw under wal, and to have blue print copies made and sent to each owner. The hearing; was therefor ;post -zoned until the engineer has time to carry out the plans at which tine another meeting; will be called. fleeting was called with the Planning; Board, rive members of which were present, to discuss the matters pert:.ininL� to i'rs. Capper's gas - dine application, the Maurice Ahern gasoline application, and the re- location of various streets in town. Members of the Plannin Board suog;ested that the Capper property might be a logical place for a schloolhozse, and that if a filling station were placed at the ;junc,tio_7 of 11altham and "'fiddle Streets it would spoil the location for a sc',00l and also a filling station would not have a sidewalk in front of czame where the children could walk, and the children would take the short cut throu�;h the filling, station yard where the automobiles drive in for gasoline, thereby causing; a hazardous condition. On the whole the Plannin; Board felt that the proposition of a fillinL-, station_ r,,t this -articular location should be refused. M�� In regard to the application of ITaurice Ahern for permission to erect a gasoline fillinr- station at t11e corner of Woburn dAd Cottage Streets, on land owned by Frederick J. Spencer, the chairman of the Planning Board stated that lie was not in favor of any gasoline per- mits being granted as a whole for he felt they were a hazard and that they would not bring as much taxable property to the town as a block of stores. After considering the above applications, the Board voted to refer the application of urs. Ida I1. B. Capper to the Planning Board to study the situation further. It was voted to,grant permission to Haurice Ahern to erect a. filling station at -the corner of Wobtmrn and Cottage Streets on land owned by Frederick J. Spencer provided plans and specifications be submitted to the board for final approval showing the building contem- plated. 1 It was decided to refer the matter of relocation of various streets in the town to Mr. Duffy of the Plannin Board so that he could o over the matter with the Town Engineer and determine just what streets should be laid out under a decree of the County Commissioners. It was voted to revoke the Innholdere License to Mrs. M. E. Garvin to do business at the Cary Farm owing to the fact that her property is not in the business district under the Zoning Law. It was voted to grant a public carriage license to Justin Shea to operate a public carriage from. 119 'Iassachusetts Avenue, lie having filed a proper bond with sureties thereon. Application was received from L,Trs. Bridget Leary and she also ' appeared in person requestin; a. permit to move the building owned by 'Tarry M. Aldrich located at the corner of Waltham Street and Mass- achusetts Avenue to 71 Noburn Street. The Board again considered the matter, and felt that it was not for the best interests of the town to grant a permit to move this building. An abatement of $74.84 was signed for the Water Department. The State Aid payroll was signed by the Board. Innholders License was granted to George S. MacAlpine at Wildacre Inn,, Alcohol License was granted the Paul Revere Garage. Notice was receired from the Secretary of the Commonwealth in which they ask for a statement in regard to Orville B. DeniAon of Reed Street, North Lexington, as it appears that Mr. Denison desires to incorporate the Beta Upsilon Association. A statement was returned to the Secretary's office showing that ?Tr. Denison was a very fine character. Contracts which were awarded to the C & R Construction Company ' for the v7ork on the Highland Avenue drain were signed by the Board; No action trras taken on the appplication of the Lovell Bus Line, Inc, for parmission to run �-%1)res bus service through the town. It was voted to appoint John C. Rus^ell as Sergeant of the Police 331 Department, the apy)ointrnent to t,,.ke effe�, as of Tune 8 and that the nay of the sergeant, be increased from 65.50 per day to IN5.75 The applic^tion of tele Boston & 7aine Transportation' Company was also laid „n the table for future �.ction. Letter was received fram Mr. A. G. 7cCoubrey in which he stated that the condition of the pig;ery at lir. Connors on Massachusetts Avenue spoiled the sale of his .property owing to the odor from the same. Letter also was received from Eaward L. Fenn of Wood Street in which he stated that the odors from the pig -cry owned by Ernest K. Ballard have depreciated the propert; in that vicinity and Ie asked that something be done to remedy the condition. IIe called attention to the fact that Mr. Ballard has violated the terms of his yDermit, and -;hat both lie and hr. Arthur Earle have investigated and found this to be so. The Board decided to invite 11r. Bart'.iolor.ew Connors and Yr. ErnestK. Ballard to come before them at t'^eir next meeting to show reasons why their pig permits should not be revoked. It was voted to notify Frank Johnson of Bedford Street that lie is violating the Board of Health regulations by keepin- nnore than two pigs without a permit, and that the Board has no intention of granting him a permit to keep pigs in the section in rhich he lives. The Board signed the regulations for public carriage licenses which were revised to conform with the By -Laws of the town. The rerru- lations sAere to ::e published on June 11, 1926. 11uperintendent of Public Works called.attention to the fact that a Mrs. Osgood who lives in the old Lawrence place desires to have the water pipe laid to her nroperty from ti -,e ,)resent main *-•rich is approxi- mately 400 feet. The Superintendent informed her that they `°could not extend this main owing to the fact that it is a private way foar the entire distance. The Board felt that this was t'e proper action to take in this instance. In regard to the establishing of W.,ildin.o lines on Bedford Street it has been found that only two parties namelir, the Smith owners and Thomas Kelly, have niot cif;ned for th6 se�,b:acin t'_e section There the State road is being built. "r. Ballard took one of the pdtitions and stated that he would enaeavor to :~ecure sign= tureof Air, S4ntth. It was voted to instruct the e"iddlesex & Boston St. Ry[. Company to put in effect at once the schedule of busses to be operated on the State Road from Five Forks to Arlington Heights as follows: Five Forks r.37 X B Arl. Hts. 6.55 " Five Forks 7.37 " Arl. Hts. 7.55 " Five Forks 8.37 " Arl. Hts. 8.55 " ' Five Forkb 9.37 " Arl. Hts. 8.55 " Five Forks Arr. 10.15 " Five Forks 1.37 1111. B Arl. Hts. 1.55 " Five Forks ?.37 " Ic Arl. !It-. 2.55 Pi T. B Five Forks 3.37 " Arl . ]Its. - 3.51- of Five Forks ?.37 " Arl. Hts. 4.55 " FiveForks 5.37 " Arl. Hts. 5.55 " Five Forks 6.37 " Arl. Hts. 6.55 " Five Forks 7.37 " Arl. Int s . 8.00 A Fiveorks 8.37 " Arl. is . 9.00 " Five Forks 9.37 " Arl. Ilt s . 10.0: " Five Forks Ar. 30.1)0 " •It was voted to appoint Leander ',Mood of Colum:;us street- as .:ire engineer. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 A. PI. A true record,Attest; Cl erk. M. Oc 1 1 C