HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-03-09u 1 V.0 1 MEETING, MARCH 90 1926 A regular meeting of the }hoard of Selectmen was held March 9, 1926, at'7:30 P. M. At the Selectmen's Room, sown Hall, Lexington. The follow- ing members of the Bodrd were present, 'Messrs. Custance Miles, Burnham, Ballard, And Robertson. The 64pt, of Public Works and 8lerk were also present. It was found that a vacancy existed in the April 19th committee, inasmuch as Christopher S. Ryan resigned. It was therefore voted to 613point Edward L. Child, of Lincoln Street, to fill the vacancy. The Board voted to make the following appointments: Animal Inspector Assessors Clerk, Selectmen Bridge Charitable Fund Trustees Building Inspector Burial Agent (trial Permits, Agent to Issue Cary Memorial Library, Librarian Dental Clinic Committee Fence Viewers Tree Warden Gammell Legacy Income, Trustees acting with Overseers of the Poor Health Officer health Inspector Lockup -Keepers 'Measurer of Grain Measurer of Wood, Bark, and Manure Dr. Chester L. Blakely Eugene xraetzer Walter Black Charles E. ,Ferguson George H. Uibson Frederick J. Spencer Miss Helen C. Gallagher Charles B. Davis 132 John H. Tibbets Arthur A. Marshall Dr. John H. Kane Miss Marian P. Kirkland Mrs. Francis Chamberlain Mrs. S. Lewis Barbour Thomas J. Grindle John T. Cosgrove Clarence B. French Osborne J. Gorman Mrs. John S. Spaulding Miss Helen C. Galagher Dr. William L. Barnes James J. Sullivan John C. Russell James J. Sullivan Moses F. Wilbur Edgar W. Harrod Wf w e C Measurer of Wood, Bark, and Manure, cont. Harold I. wellington "C Jacob Bierenbroodspot "r7 Milk Inspector Russell I. Pnentise Odorless Cert, Charge of Peter Canessa ' Police James J. Sullivan Park Police John J. Garrity Plumbing Inspector Andrew Bain Registrars of Voters Wilbur F. Atwood 129 Sealer of Weights and Measures Charles E. Hadley Slaughter Inspector George A. Warner Superintendent of Streets Robert H. White Superintendent of Water and Sewer Albert A. Ross Town Counsel Gydney T. Wrightington Town Engineer ClRrence B. French Town Hall Janitor Charles E. Molloy Town Physician Dr. Henry C. Vatentine ' Village Hall J^nitor William P. Wright Undertakers Arthur. A. "arshall James F. McCarthy Weighers of Coal William E. Mulliken John E. A. Mulliken George F. Teague Jacob Bierenbroodspot Harold I. Wellington Weighers of Hay and Grain Moses F. Wilbur Robert E. Hanneford William P. Wheston Weighers (Public) William E. Mulliken George F. Teague John F, A, Mulliken Albert Bierenbroodspot Andrew Bierenbroodspot Harold I, Wellington All the above appointments to be for the year ending March 31,. , 1927, except that of Assessors. The Board lbt '!1. to send the nomination of Dr. Cheater L. Blakely a.s.Animal InsIpedtStj and also the nomination of George A. Warner, encel ogsleugi�nten ngoriiowasedeciidedD toaaccept theHfollowingnrates for slaughter license fees. SLAUGHTER LICENSE FEES. The Board shall charge for each animal inspected as follows: Swine 10¢ per head. Sheep 15je per head. Veal 20je per head. Cattle 50je per head. Psyment to be in advance based on the amount of slaughtering done d.urdngctherprevious year ending Dec. 31. Based on the above the cost of licenses for 1925 based on 1925 work will be as follows: G. Bunzel $521.95 A. Holman 244.85 Opinion was received from the Town Counwel. on the appointment of the Board of Assessors, The point which the Board desired to solve was whether or not the Assessors should be appointed for a term of one year or three years. The opinion of the Town Counsel vas that the Board could not appoint the Assessors for a definite term, but that they could remove them at pny time. A letter was received from the Planning Board, in which they men{;_,:_ ' tioned the fact that they felt that the Sewer report in the Town Report should. be more complete -s to detail. The Board decided to acknowledge receipt of the letter. A letter `^metre• received from the Town Counsel, Sydney R. Wrighting- ton, in which he desired to know whether or ,not the Board wanted to get judgmen,t' im.the case of Bornstein vs, the Town of Lexington, and in- formed him that they did not desire to go to any expense, if in his judgment he finds that he cannot get a return on the amount of $1041.00, which has been paid for care of Charlotte,Bornstein, illegitimate child of Ida Bornstein, up to December 31, 192-5. Notice was received from the Public Utility Commission of the hear- ing on the B. & M. change in train service, the hearing to be held March 23, 1926, at 10:30 A. fid., in the State House. A letter was signedd by the Board, directed to the State Doerd of Health, .authorizing the establishment of a Tuberculosis Clinic, for the purpose of examining the children in the public schools,. that are under weight. This arrangement is made so that parents of children under weight can receive instructions as to how they can bring their children's condition up to normal. There is no cost to the Town for - the clinic, as the expense is borne by the State. ' The order for the construction and relocation of Bedford Street, directed to the State DepPrtment of Public Works, was signed by the Board. It is the Board's endeavor .to have this work on the construction on Bedford Street, ff om the B. & M. Railroad, to the end of the present state highway on Bedford. Street finished this year. Letter wee received from Neil McIntosh,. requesting the authorizatim 300 of the extension of water main of 300 feet on Wachusett Drive, from the corner of Prospect Hill Road. The Maltter was turned over to the Superintendent of Public Works to ascertain whether `or riot this ex- tension could be made with the amount of iaoney or, hand in the Water and Sewer Department. The Board entered into a discussion relative to the Middlesex & Boston tracks in the center of the Town. The Board felt that this year the tracks should be removed, and the roadway rebuilt. Thb matter was left to the Supt. of Public Works, .to consult with the Middlesex and Boston Street Railway Company, and to report to the Board at the next meeting what' could be done. It was also suggested that while Massachusetts Avenue is being reconstructed, a fifteen foot widening should be made along depot park';. t The method of pro4edure of business was discussed, Qnd it was decided, that when persons came before the Board requesting decisions upon matters, that decietion would 'be withheld and the matter discussed in executive session after the persons had retired. Bids on the notes of $175,000 were received from the followings. Atlantic National Bank 3.87% discount; Lexingtson Muet, $.77%; Grafton Company, 3.870 and premium of $1.27; Old Colony Trust Company 3.771, premium $2,25; First National Bank, 3.811, discount $4,00., The bid was awarded to the.Old Colony Trust Company, they being the lowest udders. Mr. William G. Murphy, 25 Mass. Ave., came before the Board to ascertain whether or not he would receive any encouragement to apply for a gasolene filling station on the land between the house located near the Arlington Town Line, and the house in which he lives. This land is at the present time not of any use or value as it stands, and he felt that if it could be filled in, and a filling station built, it would be of some value to both the Town and himself. The Board de- cided to notify ;fir. Murphy that they would accept an application from him on this proposition. Mr. Charles Deveau, 1 Sherman Street, came before the Board rela- tive to his proposition of 'building; a two flat house next to the house in which he now lives on a lot of 485 sq. ft. He informed the Hoard that the lot was laid out in 1917, and stated that he could not s'et the louse back according to the Zoning Law, and build the house as planned. The Board informed him that he should mnke his DV ica.tion to the Building Inspector, who would take the proposition ani with the Selectmen, if necessary. Mr. Earle, Tax Collector, ceme before the Board about the arrange- ment for the clerical hire in the town offices. He thought that with the amount of money he collected, he should be able to decide who he should have work Tor him. The Board decided to leave the matter to Mr. Burnham to work out with Mr. Earle. Mr. Robertson brought up the matter of payments to the Town Treas- urer of the amount collected by him for building permits, and also the amounts collected by the Plumbing Inspector. The matter was left to -Ur. Scamman to find out how often payments were made to the Town Trees- I urer, and to report at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P. X. A true record, Attest; cler