HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-03-04' ST'ECIaL dHsT_T_i:TG FOIL 0:'. C. WI'ZAT_T_OPd i ',CH 4, 1926, 1 295 A special meeting of the Board of SeIlectmen was held March 41, 1926, at 7:30 ';i. at thb Selectmen's 'room, Town -fall, 7--x4ngton. The f'ollojrr_i_ng, members of the Board were present, Tiess.rs, Cuttance, Burrh3m3 Tdiles and ttn✓o ne.v members, James G. io'oertson: and "rilliam H. Bal]_ard, The Supt, of Public "Jor'�-s and Cler.Ir i7ere also present. The `Board organized as folloas; Theodore A. Custance Chairman, IriaS_ntenance Construction Hi.gh�vays; Street Signs Side-'alks Snow removal Street Lights atering Troughs Albert H. Burnham General Govt. Elections & Registra".ons Board of Survey Overseers of the Poor. Outside xid o filmshouse To,,,m "'h?rsici.an Soldi_erls Renefi.ts. F.Filliam H. Ballard Park Commissioners James G. Robertson 'hater Dept, Sewer Dept, Charles H. I4iles Board of TI^alth P rizs tc Playgrounds Inspector of Buildings Tree '"garden Moth Department. I.Iaintenarice €• Construction rl Ii TTydrant. Rentals Town �n?ineer Brooks Inspector obi 61VI htering Inspector o Ann s Ins, of Plumbing 8- Milk. :Ir. '7. D. Nilne and J. Henr-r Duffy of the r7_anning Board to get the aprroval of the Board upon the articlesto be submitted c.t the Town I; e'ting, -1,ar. ch B, 1.926, on chap ze of rethod of sewer assessment and drainage problems. The Board ':vas agreeable to the request in the articles for the town to petition the legislature for the passage of these*. ilcts, but felt teat the Planning 3oard would_ present tYie articles . to the To,vn. The matter of indefinitely postponing the articles calling for the laying of se,,rers :vas discussed. It was finally decided that should the article petitioning the Legislature for the passage of this Act be passed, then action on the laying of sewers should be offered for indefinite postponement at this time. An opinion relative to the appointment of the Board of ..ssessors leas to be requested from the Town Counsel as it was not clear iust what term the Assessors should be appointed for. i.r. 71. J. Doherty of Fast 1,exington came before the Board. relative to the amount of money paid to the Election Officers at Fast Lex; n7,ton. HP stated that in other towns 1p10 -,,as paid to the officers and. he felt to secure the men that should be senured tod o the Twork that 510 should be paid. The Board. informed Mr. Doherty that they %could take the matter under consideration. The meeti,,g adjourned at 9!45 P. r.. true record, Attest; Clerk. Owen E. Graves and Robert A. McAdoo !vere drawn as Jurors. 1 1