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i"' �'T: r, n % �r; ii_".Ry 9, 1926.
r. uula,r meeting of the Board of :Jel ectrien ,^ras held
�71ebrunry 9, 1926, at 7:30 P. ;,". at the Selectmen's Room, Town
IIall, Lexin ,ton. The follo:^rin,, merab�rs of the Board !,!ere present,
1'essrs. Lutchinson, Burnt -am, 1;-iles and Custance. The Supt. of
Public orks and "1^rk ere also present.
Hearing was declared open or the lay -out of Oakmount Circle
from ierian tre, et a distance of 550 feet. Lless'" Sherburne U.
Prescott, iTellie 'C. Blake, Hobert C. P,:erriara, ITa_rveir ''inlock and
Robert D. .;'ayou were present to discuss the subject. Mr. Prescott
stated that he felt the road should be ecoepted. %?o_objections
were received_ and the petition of the abutting owners with the
st=ted amounts ar,ainst their names for the cost of the betterments
to be paid for a term of five years was sent to Fr. Prescott for
him to socure the siF;n^_tures on the same,
Hearing ras declared open on the acceptance of Chase=Ivenue
from graft to Tucker .'venue. IT_: 7'c-'enna; 1,'r. James 1,7cCarthy
and 'Villiam D. -hippie were present to speak for the petition
and urge that the street be accepted. They were handed the
petition so that they r.iFht sign their sic -natures on said peti-
tion statin; that they would pay the amount set against their
name for the batt^rments received.
!I Common Victuallers License eras�?ranted � o �l_���er Lord
of 84 -chool Dtreet, ."oburn and Henry G. Porter of 11" ISain
Street, `- of%uriz, to keep open the lunch cart in Grain Yill zilley.
ITearing on t'ae petition o" tine''-'dison-'lactric Ill. Co. of
Boston for location of poles on Fore�,t treet °;as granted. NO
persons appearing to object the Board voted_ to grant the petition.
He;res also grr:nted on petition of tl-e d.1 son Tlectric
Ill. S'O., of >;o:- on far loc`-ti_or of poles on '_T� mhlarid. r`1VenUe.
i:Io persons appearing to object the Do -:rd voted to grant the
baterents to the amount of 119.28 1-�re si_;ned.for the
•'ester Dep!-rtment.
!ppl_icnti_on for soline _;�urnps with ,-i of 2000
gallons was received from "dward IcLeo', same to be loca-
ted on lots r7,8, Rhodes Str, et, "Fast Levin' -ton. +'=r. P+icLeod
was notified that the Do -rd could not grant h'_rn his petition
for any business in this section as it was not in the business
district under. the "oni_ng Law.
Mr. Frank Hadley came before the Board in reference to the
license of the LexinF;ton Diotor Dal -'s Company C t 119 I"ass.
:' veriue �:!hich is beinL; held up by tho BOO Trd. Tr. Hadley ob-
jected to the building b'ing used for the storage of autos on
the ground and first floors, and on account of the insurance
r t. in thr:t section. bein;r7 incro-:sed. 17r. Hadley did not
believe that the Iri-siness petit Toned for should be allowed.
The Board reque7ted
that vicinity where
' do so. Tr. Scar,- an
out to Tocr over th
the cr re th-)t they
inside the b1;i di ng,
r. T -alley to socu.re si r .taros of oersons in
insur".nce r-_tes were incre<I.sed and. he agreed to
reporte.l that the = tete 'ire i:-arshall had been
e prcrn!_ ,, es and he 7 for .ed th-e ,parties runnirr;
* could not h^ve ;asoli e in the ^.ntom.ebiles
11 -1 -ml it ':!ou7:! !-�a,ve to 'o- dr^.fined out.
ITOti1.7 cation frog -a the "'ecret-ry of 1.;'-L^ )tatol s office that a
corporation of the name or The-Ta-ssacrlusetts-ssociation of Insl.zrance
,gents wris to be for e' n2 .:T1on the )-rsons a.p lyin7 for the same
was illo_rd C. IIi1.1, and they r�7uested to '.snow from the Board P'Tr.
Fill's rncter.
- letter .vas received frog, 101-i- Poston `hamber of Jonx-erce ask-
ing what the opinion of t'.e--�oarcl z ^s -1.n reg^rd to the 9ircumferentis.I
IIihr:ay proposed by the etropol it<.n _lannint- division for 1926.
The Board ack_nor:le irec9 receipt of t11.eir lett^r and informed their
that the Ioard m s in favor of t2:is propos_tion.
Llr. Jay 0. filch,.^..rds -,-J r. 7.11'_" �-171 TT. - b—forc the
Do,,�rd -u1:71ng the 1?-r-_orr1s iLo-'�- and iLo:`;__1 pe a^copied♦ the
Bo,srd feats that th-se str-ets should b' brought up to tIT_e grade in
a.ccorda.nce wv-th t',,_ -of I,e bo^r3 of Select -len.
� _
The corp ittee appointed for the celebratimn of LL,ri] 19th -is
as follows
,,,,Pt,!r "illi -am 1I. �Loung
lrvinrr Pi-rCe
The 23ofrd considered the proposition of snow removal and
owin3-. to the emep,-en.cy cau.,ed. by the gre,Tt amount of >now; voted
to authorize the eluperintencIent of Public `orks to expend such
amounts as may be necessary to rerr.ove M e snot^r under authority of
General LavesJhai�ter 44, eet i_o17 ;71.
true record, .^,ttest-