HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-01-1209 ','1'._11TI'_l1_IG, J', i'. 12, 1926. A regular meeting o" tlle o^.rd of el ectmen bras held on January 12, 1926, -.,t 7 0 '_' , . at the electmen's too 2, To -,.,in Fall, Lexington. The follornn :lea.,�aer•_ of the too rd were pres-nt, I1essrs. ?iutc' inson, -;riles, Custance, Burn}.am and Ioulton. '-'he `up'. of public ­Orl<_s and Clerk were also present. Financial statement of t'_Ze cemetery fznds in the Lexington Savings -Bank was received fror._1 7�,d-��rin B. ' orthen, Treasurer. It was decided to ma�:e a ch, -.r,--- of 25 cents for 'ai- book includ- ing the Plumbing, Duildin�-r and Zonin- L'. -;is of the tol"m. The _Board was notifi-,d o" the }-,.e• ring at the 3t^te House on "'ed- nesday, fan. 1.3th at 10::0 on the proposed Drainage ?ct of the toren. Plan of the widening of T:?ass. Avenue between Pleasant Street was vielved by the Board. -'his ai:lening beim* petitioned by them to the County Cormii s s ioners . It bras voted to appoint ''orr:�st '"napp of 3 Iviass. Avenue, James Lima of Waltham ,etre and John P. '>elley of ',oburn vtreet (Non-com- petitive) regular police officers of the department, their term to begin Jan. 12th, 1926. Tire Civil service Commission was notified of these appointments. 11r. Fred Longbottom of 23 F--rn :street w i s drawn as a juror. Mrs. �'nnie Bornstein of 5 Hibbert �:3tre,,t came before the Board in reference to securing an ^batement on her taxes. She claims sickness in 'Oer family and for t1_at reason is unable to pay her taxes. The Bo -rd informed her that that ,vis a matter for the Boerd of 'ssessors to look after. It was voted to grant Soldi _rs 'Relief to Charles =. _-',`heeler, Spanish War Veteran, to the amount of "12.00 per month. The Board discussed the -tter of the proposed Veterans Hospital to be located in Lexin7tonon the Simond's j;state and decided to send the follo,;ring telegram to Congr-ssman Harry I. Thayer, Senator ':v'illiam Y. Butler and General Frank '1�'. Hines, >>iroctor of the U. S. Veterans Bureau, all of Washin-ton, D. C. "The full Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexinton, T;Iass- achusetts, assembled. in Executive session, wish to advise that the believe the sentiment of prominent citizens and tax payers in this toern are strongly opposed to the establi shnent of a *,veterans Tiospital here. Also the full Board collectively and individually will oppose the establishment in Lexington of said Hospital." ' A letter was sett to these persons confirming_the telegram sent. • Notice was sent to the Lexin;�lton i, otor Sales Co., of 119 Plass. ,-venue, that they laould not be .ranted. a license to do busl_ness this year, true record.,<,ttest: l O Clerk.