HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-01-07' 'vIEETING, Jan, 7,1926, special meeting of the oard of Selectmen was held on Jan, 7, 1926, at 8 P. T Selectmen's Room, Town Hall, Lexington, This meeting vvas attended by the following members of the Hoard: Messrs. Hutchinson, `.Ioulton, `files, 'ustance and Burnham, Sydney H, 'rightington was aiso present. The purpose of this meeting; ,ras to arouse interest in securing from the Trustees of ',he Isaac Harris -'a-7 Educational Fund another opportunity to vote upo,� the question of whether the town should have a large building ..-Y-ich :rou.ld include a Town Hall and rather to enforce this issue, than to let the opportunity slide by and the Trustees xould build a small building, .,,rich ;vo,ald not benefit the Town. The Trustees have been informed by the Attorney General. that they should not delay longer in carrying out the will, and would therefor have to take action ct an early date. Thus this meeting of about one hundred citizens .vas called together by the 19oard and Petitions circulated among them, in twhich the Board asked that the Trustees of the Isaac Harris nary -b'und prepare plans of a larger building to be located upon the so called, Plummer Estate on Mass., A�renue, and asked that others sign the petition for this building, The following citizens were present at this meeting. John H. Austin, Hubert D. l3roderic, L r .v. Breed Patrick J, Crosby, Clarence H. Outler, Francis chamberlain, Paul L', Lowdry, Calvin Childs, James Conway, Jr.., H. Callahan, J. Henry Duffy, rthur Earle, {alph Ii, Elvedt -i]_' iam -,, ", Baton, Pelligrina r'erri Herbert i'lint, Patrick i'lynn George E. i''oster, Edward 1; Fenn, Thomas 1i'ardy, Airs, Abbie '��d, Fuller John E. Uilcreast, George H. Gibson, ,oland E. Garmon, Hubert C. Grieves, Bartlett J. Harrington, Elliot Hadley, Edgar '7. Harrod, Converse Hill, John Hir_chey, henry Jac'_rsori, James F; Kimball, falter Longbottom, Jasper , Lane, 'Philip, lean, Clarence riacPhee, L, alter H. h%ia -hard Howard I.I, Munroe, ill iam F. i;Iul ken, David 2. Murphy, rs, Iugh��� IcLellan, Fred `.Ii_ller, Irs, I rnest MaCPhee, Ernest 0, i�ichols, Harry 11% PattP son, George Proctor, James G. RQbertsor, ireortme oss, Patrick J. Shanahan, Frederick J. Spencer, ,, Martin renson, L, Seaver, iCobert Stone James Sn ithi i... H. Ste-,Tens Francis Toye,, Fletcher "J Taft Albert H, 'Tenney, Perley `Tibbetts Ellis 1'o���er, Fugene J. viano, "harles I. Vaughan, Sydney t Iri_ghtington and Hollis =iebster. "uestions in regard to th,e reason for taking t1is step were asked, also questions pertaining to the ;i77., location of land were asked bTr the following -, ^]"sons; Messrs. George _-1 David oss, Charles Callahan, F. ,'durphSr, xlbert H, 'i'enney, Francis Toye Elliot Hadley, Hollis k bster, Patriclr Flynn, J �.mes G. i�obertson, Ernest 0, Nichols, "rill !an E. NIulIIen. George H. Gibson c.,ave a br .ef description of the work of the Conference Committee and stated that sl>etch plans •were in existence of a proposed office building in connection with the memorial building ' The meeting ,vas chai rrnaned by ir. Custance, it beim; necessary for 7,1r. Hutchinson to retire during; the meeting. The questions asked were answered by the members of the Hoard and the Town Counsel. The situation appears to 1'-,e that there is avai_l.abl e about $280.,000 for a small memorial building and if possible it is desirable to secure a larger building ,which r,i71 be of some service to the town, 284 "C ,after this meeting adjourned, a meetin.,� as held in the to1'rn offices and the following business was transacted. abatement slip was signed for Jesse Curra for bill of ' -;57.00 for care'of his child at the hospital. "!illiarl O'Connor was ap�,ointed as Special Police, he being employed as 'a Janitor in the high School. It was voted to place ,:300 insurance upon the seals and utensils of the Sealer of `'eights and biasu.res at h -is home 118 lass. l'venue. This was placed with Hubert D. Broderic. Letter was received from the Supt, of Public ,4orks informing the Board about the additional work over the contract that was done on oburn Street. Attention was called by the Chief of Police to the fact that he :as appointed. Chief of Police for one year and that'at the end of that time he would lose his Civil Service standir_g as Sergeant if appointed permanent]_y as Chi :f of Police. On the other hand his appointment as Chief of Police did not give him any assurance of his position and he re7uested that the Chief of Police be placed under Civil-ervice. It was accordingly voted that the Board would insert an article in the warrant for the acceptance of Sec. 49, Chapter 31 of th.e General Laws of 1921. Motor `Vehicle Licenses -mere signed for 'r --d N. Viano to do business at 400 TIass. l_venue and ', illiam G. D'Iurphy to do business at Bois, Street. Applications for insurance on to,,�in property were received from Charles II, 'Schofield of "'altham Street and Jasper A. Lane of :.al_tham Street. Both of these applicotions came in too late for consider, -,tion of tl�e allotment of new insurance on the New.High school. The Board aeknowled-ed receipt of bot1h applic�ltions and. informed the gentlemen that their applications would be placed on file for future reference. On account of an accident due to a cave in of a section of Bedford �troet above the railroad crossing a bill_ for the amount of or 69.0-0 was received from Roy Fer uson for tires, and a bill for 131.90 was also received from Mrs. hose 11. Smith for repairs to her c^,r caused by the same defect in the street. A letter -.vns received from George Gilmore in which he resigned as Tiuel .^.dmi_nistra.tor of the Tom owin' g to the fact that he was going abroad. he Board did not see any immediate need of appointing anyone else and therefor did not take any action. It was voted. to appoint Osborne J. Gorrian, Supt. of the Moth Department and -7orest ".`Darden for the ensuing year subject to the approval of t'2e State Department. r'_ -.true record, Attest; Clerk.