HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-12-22280 �c ',THTII1G, Dec. `=2, , q.5, of the=joe.rd of L)elec en 7as ',eld on December 22, 1.925, at 7::-0 at the ;c_l cctr:en l s oor.-, Tmrn Fall, Lexington. The following rrerbers of the ''.oard ✓e -°e pre-ent, Pessrs, Iiutchinson, ?; it es, Custance and �surni,_.*,. -'>^c 'upt, of abl l c ' `orl s ^n,l r'r "Qr(� also n"went, The Hoard ,-equested ' r, r'r^der' c'r_i? 'ry and ':r, i:,II, Hanson, to come before them to .Mscuss the matter 1 9,' r, i.;,,Pry suggested namely, that of iv:i.ng better scrvlce when the train service is reduced. He also suggested that the id-dlesex Boston �-A, ��;=✓,r �o, try to arrange bus service to Harz,a-'� Square, =:r. Emery stated that h� had ^reviously had a conference ith, rrIr. Hanson In regard to this r. -,atter. -r. Hanson felt that the bus serv:lce to iiarvard _'quare "ould not be a materia1 ben -.fit to the ;n;_blic inasmuchas they 17ould rage to charge another fare from-irlington _'eigr,ts to 'Harvard. -s quare and unless some arranp;ement could be made a;ith the '3oston 'levated persons travelinE to Boston •.vha veto hve to pay anothar fare, The Selectmen felt that the 71ddles,ex (°c Boston ,✓ould cooperate vith thein in giTr_',n<r as good service as possible whenever requestn.d and could not quite see the advi sa',il it -r o' ­ rr;i,estir_n the service to Harvard Square, .Ir. Hanson stated that just as soon as the trains service •ras decreased and the de:iand for rTore busses came the -r would cer- ' ta9nlzr increase their bus service, There having been an error in the deed si7ned '-,-r the Hoard sometime ago, the sa; e 'oeing uit-claim deed from the Town of 1,exington to i:eorge S. Head., the '3oard signed another corrected deed. Letter �nras received from ''rs, ''axton of Hillside .we, Last Lex- ington stating that the residents on that strut ­!Ould l i ->>P the name of Harvard iivenue instead of :ills i_de :,venue. Owing to the fact tr.at some of the residents ; 7 not r�;-ree on IR name, the Hoard su.g-ested the name o" Oxford :.treet, It was voted to mai.-e an ch^rge of 2,00 for all 'lumbing Permits issued, after Jan, 1, 1926. The matter of a new location for the -raM,iz'ne for d,ma;^ite nog^✓ be'.ng stored very= near the stand -pipe on Concord Fill '.ras disc,3ssed. It as thought the present location very dangerous and if there should. be an explosion M—re Tright be danger to the standpipe. It �,✓a.s suggested that the to:,rn farm might `.-se a logical loc,:tion. The date for the meeting t•✓i_th the Trustees of the Isaec Harris Cary r'und- ,eras set for January 71 1926, It ^ras voted to have about ' one hundred citizens i'vitecm -e to c -e before the -leet ng and ask them to take petitions for voters to sign recuesti_ng the 'Trustees of the Isaac Barris Cary Yund to secure plans of the proposed Buildings and r�,quest them to delay matters so that plans and ' specJf'icat ions of a large building can be ?resented to the toas✓n for approval, or rejection. p kation for two street lights on bast Street from the present end of the lights to•°;raid "loburn was received from Gustav Run7el_ u, Son. They were informed that the Supt, of.' Pub is -'Ori-s would look into the matter and order the street lights placed there. The State :iid pay roll for the month of december was signed. atriclr J. Heaney who owns property at the corner of 'r�hase and I3anl-s avenue came before the zoard and stated that lie of ned a lot 50 x: 80 and *r order to comply t°.rith the Toning Law and lave a 20 ft set back he could not build a house upon his propertTr. r, 1`red�i iclz L. isi._ery, Chairr.an of the Planning sso.,rd, vas r,quested to ive his opinion on the i:atter, and he stated that If a set ' was obtained on the principal street that .would be all th;,ac'r at would be necessary. He d_i_d not feel that you could -request the man to set back on both. streets. The Building. Tnspector was instructed therefor to see :r. l?eaney tind inform hi.in if his house set baclr ts'renty feet on one street he could build same. ' The Board ap-)roved plans of Coolidge 1toar7. on the Liehl ;roperty. `these plans were similar to plans formerly approved by the 13oard of the property off -idams Street,. The Board appointed Edgar 'V, Harrod and Charles Lowe as kieasurers of Mood, =-Sark and :-ianure for the I,=ear ending; ::a.rch "7_, 1926. Letter was received frnm °'4il]iam H. 3allard, Chairl°an of the :school Building Committee in which he asked that the Hoard r-eco:isider the proposition of appraising the Haigh -chool =Jili-.ding so teat ✓e can obtain the proper figures for insurance. The. Board decided that they ~would have the building appraised if it eouid '"e done by C. 5. Cunningham "or 50. etition was received from J. filonno .'oulton of 15 Sherman ,�t, for permission to erect a garage at his prer_ises, -ea.ring Navin; been Y,eld t'rnis evening and no objection being made, it was voted to grant permission. The following bids were received for the '1i O7n reports; Me df'ord Isercury. Iercantile-'ri_ntinL 1000 copies -,95 pr p, Co. 'r " - 2..75 " ' Somerville ?rTnting Co, Seaver -Hovland Press " rt - 2.18 „ 15 Ne�✓buryport neral.d Press " _ " 2 45 Yeran Press n n P p 3..10 r' The Hadley Press Iric. " " - x.53 " It John 'r', Garrick ° - 2.00 " The Bailey Press " " - 4.00 " r' 282 dM, >ids on 1-10tes of the to-xn e -bunting to ?75,000 ] are received as follows; First National i3ank Old Colony Trust Co. 3.98",_ rem. 1.75 Lexington 'frust Co. 3.71 - Discount C. D, _�ar}cer 4.03 iitlantic io`ational i�ank. �.67"'l- Liscount. Opinion alas received from the --'own Counsel in regard to action to be taken on the removal of the old building 1rnown as the feat factory in the rear of the old pumpin„ station at Fast Lexington. It was decided that at the present time it '::rould not be well to take nny steps in th-is --cept to request ?'r, t:.auri.ce Page •iho holds the tax ti_t e on saree to place up ir._ a, s i d , p' si�n3 d0 '-'res passing" on the 1)ropert,r _.fne,. by 7..> name, so that persons 117.1 have -varni-ng of the nroba'�le Ganger of the buildln(r fal) ing in. i,,otor vehicle Licenses .-iere sif;ned for the follo',ring; Calvin 'r. Childs - 99 l,ias:'. <=ve. Class I. --;vents Lie, 10.00 ' ',ysti_c P:iotor Co. 427 Lass. _ ve. Class I. " 10.00 Fred 3, uartlett- 72 Bedford Ut.Class I. " 10.00 "illiam G. iurphy- 25 Lass. eve. Class II " " 15.00 Fred \'iano. -400 :,lass. i ve. Class I. " " 10.00 ' _lppli cation for 'other's .yid r -:s r-ceived from rs. Charlotte Cr°wile of Grove ,_t, Borth Le , r ton, 'his being a %_ambridF,e case and ,^rill require only t-nnorary air3 in -xir_gton, the Hoard advises that the !,roman move bac],_to �ambri dge. Temporary aid ill be given for groceries until such time as the ,,,roman is able to earn, she having an infected 'nee at present and bei ric- under the doctors care. Tiearings were tiield on all stre=ts left on the list for changes of names. i,lo persons objected to the subjected r,,17'es, and the 7o rd decided to recommend the narles to the Toi.•,rn meeting, The Builth -ng Tnspector cal -led attention to the building near the Childs Clara7e on-�.iass. .ive., iaSt J.:er. n tOn ':i'^1. C) it '.las Intended to be moved across the street and be used as a store. The 'oard felt that the-tand,:rd Oil Co. should be -informed that then �11,ould be ran,.ai.r d to 'wild a first class The attention of the Supt. of = ub is or' -s ;eras called to the fact ti�.at one street 7 ight ,vas re;;uested on '_etcher --venue and also street lights ?r . ;leer?.?d on i`o"nct t. YterislOn 9nd nos ^ ibltr on 'um. ,er "t. Th.e cornii.mentar7,r ticl-�ts of the �'ireinenls -'enefit scociati_on —ere acl,rowledged lith thanlrs. ;._eetir_g adjourned at 1]_:45 true record_,ttest; 1