HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-12-08' PrTE1I1'I'vG DECOMER 83, 1925
regular meeting of the 3oard of Selectmen was held on
December 8,1925 at 3 P. ','. at the Selectmen's Room, Town Hall,
_lolwin� members of the Board were present
Lexington. The fol
Uessrs. Hutchinson, Custance,
12oulton and Burnham. The
Supt, of Public ">'orks and Clerk were also present.
Frederick L. Emery of the Planning Board came
before the oard relative to t}:e transportation facilities in
the town.
He explained that an infor.nal hearing was held �✓ith the
officials of the I3oston & 111aine RR and a fear other citizens,
including the Chairman of the Selectmen ar_d hi
hearmseI At this
hearing the railroad officia_l_a informed them that rains but
three in the morning to Boston and three returning from Boston
at night°. -ill be cut off in the near future as the expenses of
the railroad .,,!ere such that they lost ;100,000 a. Near.
Yr. Emery explained that it is useless to endeavor to
hold hearings as there ,vould probably be no results because the
public utilities +,ould not encourage any company to operate at
a loss.
' The Board felt that it was useless to take the matter up
further and decided to accept the schedule of train service ✓ithout
any action. It --Jas decided, however, to request ',r. Manson of
the '.-iddlesex w ':Boston St. c ;^,ry Co. to come before the 3oard to -
ether r✓ith I.`r. Emery fora conference on better service for the
bus line on Dec. 22, 1925 at 7:45
Daniel J. nndrexs of Shirley Street and Chester ti. Fogg of
'Woburn Street were drawn as Jurors.
Letter was received from Feil McIntosh of the '3oard of
Assessors presenting his resignation from the Board to take effect
on December lst, 1925.
The Board acknowledged receipt of his resignation and stated
that they were sorry to be informed that he could not give the time
to serve t�-;.e Board any longer.
The Chairman signed the contract to have the telephone in
the Almshouse changed to the High,^ray barn.
The Board approved the bill of ?465 the same being the a,,:ard
of the County Commissioners on the claim of 3reck-I:obinson iursery
Co. for over -assessment of property by the Assessors for 1924.
"ollotas; IIeairings were
upon the change of
names of s treets as
Bowman Street
Bedford St. North
3owman St.`
Cedar St. from Reed
St. southwesterly,
iv'arsh St.
Eustis street
1-isbury St. Emerald
Fairview Ave from School
St. Fairland
fern St. frog
Ave. - x'erndale St.
Grove St. fror"heed 5t.
Garfield St.
Hillside ve from Lee t,ve.
Homstead St.froi,-. ':ass, leve.
Letter was received from Charles
Robinson Terrace,
'_fierce of
Homestead St, so called, objecting to the
name and suggesting
that it should be Mass. «venue.
Telephone call was received from
i:i'_ss Sarah Robinson
of the same street is"ling that the.name be
changed to Stratham St.
rs, Dora Paxton of Tilillside ve
and. i;;r. Patrick Crosby
of Hillside Ave came before the Board to
s.zggest a na-,e. It ,vas
agreed upon'Crosby Avenue,
Letter ;vas received from 11irs. Clara L':anning of Bowman St.
stating that north Bowman St, would be an agreeable name to her.
r. Duffy of the Planning 'oard, however, suggested that
this name be i:anning Street and i:[rs, i.'anning -;vas so notified.
The other names suggested seemed to be satisfactory to
those concerned.
Letter -° as received fro"! the Chairr:an of the �'chool build-
ing Committee in which he informed the Tor,rd that an appraisal of
the new =igh school building would cost about .:100 and adv -It -sing
t1 -at the Board secure same.
The '3oard felt tha'; this appraisal would be made free
of charge inasmuchas the contractor -ne1 the amount of rronev spent
on the bul ding, and in view of the fact that the insurance account '
was low, they decided not to have tl-e apl,r:isrl made, and so in-
form„d the Chairman of the Building CorarA_i_ttee.
In regard to the policy recently issued for auto-:obile
fleet insurance, the Board decided to attach riders for each automobile`
owned by tl-.e town on this policv t'-eraby saving; the town for lay ups
of all c.-.rs.
Permit to sell- ,rreaths in the town was granted to idrain
Blaauw of Bedford, :iass. This permit -,ras simply for the holiday season.
The Clerk sug; -Psted that "Dangerous corner, Slow Down" signs
be placed near the corner of "''altham and :,fiddle Streets as there
appears to be many accident-, `'-are in spite of ti -"e beacon lights
The Board felt that they would not place anything furtern.,tall_ed.
there at this time.
It has come to the Moard's attention th,:t -ohn Fubbell, of
7'2 :<luzzey St, Lexington, the oldest nan in the town and holder of the
Boston 'ost gold cane, has passed away.
It is therefor the belief of the 'oard th.t Georgi Dennett
of 38 Forest Street, is now the oldest resident and ;r, iiutchinson;
Chairman of the hoard .,:as requested to r^a're t1 -e presentation of the
gold cane to ,-;r. Dennett.
The -Edison Company were granted a location for pole on
;:ass, avenue near I,ocust -venue
old pole. , the same being a replacer.ent of an
It was decided to request town report bids ''rom the fol]_ovin
Somerville Press - Davis Sq, Somerville.
Hadley -ress Lexington.
or*ell Printi ,g Co. - 2 Brattle Sq. Cambridge.
Alpine Press - 32 Oliver St. Boston.
edford 'ercury, cedford, ?ass.
1achine Composition Co. 138 Pearl St. >3oston.
Star 'rinting (,o. Board of 'rade ")ldg. Boston.
Melrose free :Press, Inc. Telrose.
Yeran Press - 27 3each St. Boston.
Isstabrook .Press - 196 Broadway, Cambridge.
dewburyport herald :'rens, i4ewburyport.
Me Olizrer ?rens-42 Batterymarch St. Boston.
right c„ Potter Printing Co. 32 Derne St. Boston.
John I. Hill, 65 Broad St. I3oston.
Seaver -Norland Press, 409 J-). St. Boston.
John F. Garrick Co. 295 Huntington nve.Boston.
ercantile Printing Co. 'Vorcester, ''ass. 25 Foster St.
It was found that th^ towns about us do not print as nany
town reports as Lexington. In fact the following fir-ures were
received from other towns:
"'atertown - Population - 25:000. Representative form of
government. _'rint 1000 - 1500 town reports.
' Do not deliver.
Arli-ngton - Population - 25,000. Representative form of
fTovernment, print 1500 reports. Do not deliver.
".'inchester- Deliver - 2900 printed but committee to report
on advisability of discontinuing delivery in
i'rookline - Populr;tion -42,500. __'epresentative f orm-1500
copies. No delivery.
Belmont - o delivery. "opulation, 15,256. 1_200 reports
l;ex_ington - population 7785. Print 2.000 copies and deliver.
3ased upon the figures shown above it -.ars decided to have
o`ly 1000 copies of. the Lexington town reports printed.
Request eras received from the
Police Department for an increase
of from5 per day to „6 per day and uniforms.
The Board acknowledged receipt
of the
request; and informed.
.the men th.t it ^iould be taken up with
the kpproprlati�)n
It lvs decided to °equest bids
pamphlet form that
for he
Town By -Lays in
so an appropriation
could be
asked for at the
town meeting in ''arch.
Letter was received from_ the Planning 'hard in .�,hich
their infornie-3 the Board that t'ney :^re conside.r_u m the rroposi-
tion of a schcol house site in the southeasterltr section of the
to,:vn, and that the sub-cornmittee in charge of t'nis --;as
Dr. J. 0, Tilton and L, ;;, '!orthen,
Letter was received from. Joseph _sarl Perry, representative
of the 218th ; ddlesex District, in ,•'rich '-e informed the Hoard that
the last date and hour for f ili ,g bills for a legislation ,•as
January 1at 5 and s t.at l -ng that he -!ould do everything he
could to assist the L,
It ;vas voted to grant aid in ero,; iri es to the :['ariily of
Mrs. Effie- Chapin -:while 1-,er son, Stanley, is out of ••:,orlc.
The Town Counsel carne before the 1oard and presented a
petition. whi.c'r he stated he had ta? en up '.with the :-.ttorney General
and found it to satisfactory to him a_1d stated that lie -could
ta'�e it up s✓ _th _r, Clapp, Chaim.?an of the `insteps of the Isaac
Harris 13,ar;r o,ducatinnal Fund and i.f sat-i_sfactory he orld return
sare to the Selectrien to ci lclz1_ate, Cl -,10 p-t_Ition asl�_s th:.t the
Trustees defer action on t1le erection of shall blzildina and
erect le•.rgP, b1:�lldi.ng •.ender t'", ---i.li_ r'I�aaC .'.arri '�i;-l.r,r and
l iz "arnharn.
_11rederlclr J., 'rnan of the rIa' iir'g 'oard
came before the ;3oard in�reference to the �rno osed nes-building
and felt that if it :as agreeable to the Hoard, he -,,oul_d tal-e
up :rith the Trustees the matter of secl;ri.:jg t}-�e lot for the
To•:an I:all next to the .'ubl is Library. T e sta:,ed tT,a t tl�o Trustees
had decided on the lot or, -:,,-rich the Ziur.T er house �-ta_.ds on ' ass,
-'ivenue al,id tht their have purcl-aced same, Inzt .,a felt that for
all purposes a building of s•ze}1-:Ynl_.itectw�e as tris b,li1di_"g'
s' ould be,that it shou.l d not be Dlaccr?_ 1-) n 'Iusi gess s ccY, ton of
the to n ::'n re business bl_oc?cs �.�;i71 be surround_i,n:g it i n�:rs to
r'n._:1^, �1-:��`if it leer- placed near the Cnr]^ .,l1�re �.._1,•...: n
he it oul , s
d hav, good surroundings and in vie•. ,
chased b the s - ,meg v of the parr nur-
Y tone across nor.: t. e proposedb;ot nd in front of .
the 7o. -ton a'. e RR station, there ,o� Id/nothin� to block the
The '3o<<rd agreed --ri.th r, ismery that if th_is location could
be secured that it • would be t hn, bet t:er location and '-r, ' oulton
offered. ";1000 to::ard the location and felt that subscriptions
should be received from p: rsons i_; the town so that this lot right
be secured and held until such time as the building cn.,d be placed
thereon, ;.ir, }emery was to see the `�'rustees on this matter a_ .d rould
report later,
ar, ?raurice Page of Ir,dooendence ve, 1 ast Lexir gton and 'pis
son came before the ?oard in reference to the Building Inspector's
request that the peat building be dextro;,
*ed s it is da gerous
to life and limb "r gage explaned t1lat he simply o,., -red the
property by tax title. Ise stated that 111e acres of
land and the propert;r
was assessed for .`1000, lie did ,ot lzno:v
who the ori. -;incl orncr of the propert-r.;7as.
It -✓as left tvi.tll 'ir. •'Irif`�.tington to loot, ir_to the ratter
and dracT up the necessary papers to ta':-e action on sa_-,e,
r , ori gl-ti_ngton presented a copy of a proposed_ "Drainage
-ct" for trs o.ni of ].,-xi ncton and it ,vas ;noted t- - t tY e Ro.rd
an -rove said nrono-1 ,ct al -A. ,equest t __e :'o+=3 -n Counsel to File
nlo-er petition and confer with Represen-LLative Perry and urge 1-.im to.
s'Dcu_re speedy action on the .-.ct.
,r. ''lrightirngton reported tTiat 1,e hed the "cCaffrey case
recorn-:_tted for h-�ari_ng before the aster.
n regard to the case of Cotton vs Town of ],exington, '{oard
of =assessors, the town Counsel reported that the '7ounty Co=issioners
valued t': e pro,-erty at :;6500 in the bear 1922 for t+,enty t. -,,o acres
and house and barn and x;17150 in 1923.
The 3oard felt that this :vas a low amount as the property
has been considered to be -,:orth -`15,000 and authorized the To,n.
Counsel to „arr., on the case for 192, acrai_nst Cotton. The pro-)erty
is situated on the State 1ioad and is all good land for development,
J. Henry Taffy asked the 3oard's opinion on flooding; the
3ast ]:exington meadows to afford_ a skatinj grounds for the c" il_dren
in the �i;act Village.