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LrEETING, HOVE ,"' R 2 ,1925 '
A regular meeting of tl,e Board of Select-ien was held
November 3rd at 6 ;, at the Selectmen's 1Zoom9To,vn Hall,
Lexington, The following members of the Board were present,
Idessrs. Hutchinson, i.ioulton, I,Iiles, Custance and Burnham. The
Supt, of Public '!Works and Cler'- were present.
Hearing was held upon the petition of the New England
Telephone &, Telegraph Co. for permission to set one pole on
"Yaltham St, northeasterly fro: Concord l,venue.
LIrs. Isabel Fardy of ',"Waltham Street carie before the Hoard
and objected to the location. She stated that she mould be
willing to allow the company to place the pole upon her land
for a consideration, but she objected to th_e location proposed
and the present location of pole near the corner of the two
streets because it i-nterferr�d Jtli the "arage on her property.
The '=:oard voted to lay the matter on the table until
next week and requested the Sunt, of Public ':'or'< -s to talre the
matter up with the Telephone Company.
Hearing was declared open upon the petition of ".!esley T.
!adman of Hancock Street for approval of plans of a proposed
Road running from Edgewood Road across leis property to land I of 7'rs. :'dice Goodwin,
,ir. Edward P. ::ierriam, I.Ir. and I, rs'. Druselly, ":r. C rpenter
Mr. 1,Vadman and ',Ir. Blake erere present as parties interested in
the matter. '_:Ir. Duffy was present, representing the Planning Board.
The proposed plan of road seemed to be agreeable to everyone
present and :♦Ir. Duffy urged the continuation of the lay out of the
road over the Goodwin property, '_:,r. kIerriam was requested to take
this matter up ,cith L-lrs. Goodwin.
The board therefor voted to approve the proposed street and
the subject of a name for the street was to be ta'ren up later,
Mr. Edward P. Merriam requested that water and seeder be
installed in the right of way leading from Hancock St. to the
Goodwin property.
Mr. Paul B. Cowdry of Allen Road, "Farmcrest" came before
the Board, about the school children being carried to school
in a barge. He felt that the children should not be compelled
to ,walk to Grapevine Corner to get the bus, and also stated
that he took the matter up with the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy
Co. and that they were willing to send the Five Forks Bus for
the children beyond Grapevine Corner and bring them to the
Hancock School if permission could be received from the Selectmen
to use Forest Street twice each day. Permission was granted to
the Ididdlesex & Boston St, i;wy Co. to carry the children in
their bus to the Hancock School and retarn.
In this connection 'Jr. Scamnan :,as requested to talk
with the residents of Forest St. who formerly objected to
the busses using that street.
Leo Datoli of Cliffe =1venue came before the Board and
asked that a petition be sent him for street lights on the
farther end of the street, The Clerk was directed to draw up a
petition so that the residents in the vicinity might sign sante.
Eli Roberts of Ci_iffe :'.venue came before the Board in regard
to a settlement for digging trench and putting in a ,rater pipe
for service to his house. He claimed that after he had put in the
pipe the to.^rn �roted to put the water in ;;elrose Avenue a.nd 'used
the trench which he had dug and through which he blasted several
feet of ledge. `:ie felt that he rade the sIkork so much easi,;r for
the town and that he had paid for the previous work of di.gmi ng
247 feet the sum of ;`;2.25 that he should be paid something for what
he had done.
f ter talking the matter over the Board. asked 1,ir. Roberts
if he :,could settle for 1':75. and he agreed to this amount.
Invitation was received from the Town of 1.`:a7jnard asking the
Selectmen to attend the memorial exe-pe-Ises on November 15th at
which time they were to unveil a memorial tablet to veterans of
all ,-ars.
iir, Custance agreed to attend the exercises as the
representative of the Board.
Petition was received from the High School pupils asking for
better bus service,
' sir, Scamman reported that he had taken the matter up with
the i,'.iddlesex �. Boston St, lwy Co, and found that the matter ',vas
due to the uncertainty of the school schedule and that this ;week
t'ae regular school sdzedule would go into effect and the company
would -then be able to count the number of children ^o that the
service would be better,
1'r, Grindle, Supt. of Schools, was notified to this effect.
Letter was received from T)dward C. Stone, in which he
stated that 1ir, Day Baker, attorney for the Hart i:'otor Bus. Inc
requested hire to act as attorne7 in securing a pormit to operate
h.s busses in the Town of Lexington, is"r., Stone stated that he
did not intend to act as attorney but simply requested the Board
to consider the proposition <:.nd if they felt it fnr the best
interests of the town to have a line which would operate on the
State iload and take ,Dasserigers on thct end of the town to act on
the question accordingly.
The Supt, of Public ':`oris was requested to interview
lir. Balrer a-nd find out how he i.n.tended Lo operate the busses, and
reply was made to Mr. Stone to that effect.
The following regulation in rega-rd to traffic:
Traffic Regulations
Town of Lexington,
' Nov. 16,1925
1',cti.ng under the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 22 of
the General Laws, order is hereb7 given by the 13oard of Selectmen
that on and after date of n6tice all parking of vehicles in the
centre of the Town of Lexington in the area from Clarke Street
to '','altham Street shall be parallel ith the 1'�ne of the
sidewalk, 1 period of thirty minutes onhT will be allowed
for parking in this area bet)aeen the hours of 9 and 7 ,P4,
Parallel parking of vehicles :rill be allowed only on the right
side of Muzzey Street from I,fassachusetts -venue: on t':e left
side of 71altham Street from Eassachusetts tivenue, and on the
right side of Clarke Street from I;fassachusetts:,venue,
Yhoever violates the foregoing order sl --al
l be subject to
a penalty not exceeding twentydollars for one offense,
J. Chester Hutchinson
Albert H, Burnham
Fred H,iJoulton
Charles I?, :.files
Theodore ,-,, Custance,
Selectmen of Lexington.
Letter was received from I;,r, Robert P. Clapp in -,4rhich he
informed the Hoard that the Trustees of the Isaac "arris Cary
Educational Fund had received an opinion from the ,lttorney General
in ,arhich he advised the Trustees that 'they had already held the
fund as long as they should and they should now made some dis-
tribution of same,
The po, rd decidedto request the Trustees to meet ,i th them
to see if something might be done so that tvi- To,�'n could benefit
by the fund so kindly given b -T the Cary Heirs,
It was voted to place the family of -.,:.rs, li;ffie ;, , Chapin
in the back part of the Tor,rn lmshouse inasmuchas we have to
pay rent for them ani they could 1>eep cuff-Iciently comfortable
in the bath- end of the house •.rith the otherpart of the house
closed up, This is owing to the fact that the .lmshot.ise inmates
have been boarded since Oct, lst at the Somerville almshouse,
In consideration of the sale of th
purchase of a e .ilntsholzse property andmore central municipal yard, 3.t •;ras voted to
view the poorer station of the 11Jiddlesex', Boston St, RvnT Co,
at North Lex_,ngton and consider its poss3.l-.ilities as a yard.
In connection with the proposition of using the Isaac Harris
Cary Educational r'und for a town hall, letter r,as received from
Frederick L. Emery, in which he expressed the
should .be takenopinion that action
, if possible, to prevent the `Trustees from erecting
a building exactly in accordance :!ith the terms of the will, as he
did not believe any real benefit '.eras received from the building
proposed but if the terms could be*stretched to provide a town
hall it ,^.could be of more benefit to the torn.
It was voted toappointGeorge L. Gilmore as local fuel
administrator for the town of ,exi:_T-ton,
Petition was received from the residents of P:?ass. Ave. asking
for the extension of the server on Mass. Avenue between Independence
i:-renue and Curve Street.
The '?oard voted to make the extension if the funds were
available after extending the sewer in Curve Street and so requested
the Supt, of u�)l c forks.
true record, attest;