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f meeting of the :30ard of -)e.ectmer ; ar held ir, the L;elect-
rien'r noom, Town hall, LeT.ington, on Tuesday, :yay 19, 1925at 8 p.i`.
The follo-inemembcrs of the Board there present: I errre. Hutchinson,
3urnham, Boulton, ::ilei and. �,urtance. 1'he L;upt. of Public +arks
and clerk of the Loard were oleo p7 event.
,pplication to peddle fruits and vegetables war rimed for
e'rer:uan L. d1alsh of 18 fierce wt. :.riinr�ton i-ights.
the Board dir*cuseed the matter of ma.kinR a charge for build,
ins ermitr irrued and parsed the following- rn�;Pe�ti )n of the 3ui ld-
_�nF pinnpector:
"Voted: Thot all building:, permits irrued shall call
for a fee of '2.00 for altexarion; '5.J0 for a
ningle house; q)8.00 for a two family house; c.JO
for one and t'°ro car paraRer, and for more than tr:o
car Via_ a{;er � .:)0."
i'he t'O :rd alio paired a vote ;tl: l ink a charge for
Plumbing Permitr as folloir:
"Voted: That a charge of ;'L,.00 each h:ll be ;nAde
for all lu io'.r_ Perr..itr irrued in the torn of
Fe Ir pton.
the Po re�r;o_.np, voter Vert rent to the lotrn 0ounrel77-td
the reouest that :.e ,.(jv re ;,r *.,o ?"1.et . r or not the rittorney
general -W-ould have to approve rame before they �^rould beco_,ie
mret_r thi evef;inF: TTar celled for the c7prerr
purpore of dircusring the pi,~i�;ery situation and making repu-
lc:-tions governing same.
it ie the belief of the -)card tta.t the twill brought
into the town it t'ht-A i"',deh cauf•en the odor and with that
end in view the i3o: rd pawed the following vote.
The 30ara of "electrien of Lexington actirp o.r the Board
of riFalth of LFx_r�:'ton under otututes 192*. 0ha,pter 1 and
General Lawr 0f�,pter 111, eectione 31 and 122 and any other
power which they may have in the premises, being of opi-nion
that swill, garbage or refure brought into the Lown ie capable
Of contain "n9 or cot:veyinp infection or contagion or of creat-
ing sicknere, make the following re,gulationr.
Noted: that uriapter 7, Pcetion 1 of the re-gulAtions of
the Ooard of A(alth of the own of -cxink-ton be and the same -
hereby is atsended by adding th:: re to at the j end thereof the
' f011olring:
�8) .L11 VY -Fill, garbage or refuee referred to in nub_
sections 1 and 5 i ll mess
of the t cern . that collected within the limite
240 Not
(9; Too swill, garbage or refuse other than that originating "7
- tirithin the limi,r of raid Lown eiiali be transported into, and
unloLided or stored in raid town.'
the above re€ulltLtion- were sent to the --ownvoun,el "iith '
the request that: he dndemvor to have the rams approved by the
Attorney General.
Information ,^.,r obtained from other towns ar.d it it evident
that the pigg,erier h ve been forced from the tc*.•m, if objectionable,
by means of the .coarct of Lculth rcFulationr.
Invitation was received from "yor gamer "-. Curley to the
150th anniversary of the ?rattle of Hunker _ill. the celebration
to be held June 17th.
the Board instructed the Clerk to reply regretting that they
would be unable to be present on accou,�t of the presentation f
the Lexington rar,eant the week of June 15.
The oupt. of Public, inf caned tie Board th:�t the Stanley
kill Post had given up their readquarters and that they wirhFd
to hire nary Nall for the executive z:eetirj7r. .
It, n -as decided to make a charge of 1'5per month t) the ie�rion
and to allow them to store their piano in Lary ::all.
The Supt. of Public '#v'orks reported that 1.e h d F' -,en per-
mission for a Sundayr.reball game on ,:ay & 1st.
ihe Shpt. of Public -iorkr reported that one yitron.livinR '
in the r(-ar of 165 :.:are. rve, felt that come name should be given
to the drive in the rear of 7 oin z- 3arr.er house ;:here the houre
in which i,.r. Litson 1 -'ver is located.
Tor the purpore of being located the erupt. of )ablic 14-orkr
gave the name of the drive as "b:.rnee Place."
ihe Supt, reporttd t:iat owing to the recent grading at the
Hancock Church it would be necersar,-T to place a step-ir at the
:ter. .lilee reported that the removing of the fl;,od lights
which reflected on thekayee :memorial Ctatue, comaoni-: called the
T,:inute-man statue, war an error.
He reported-, however, that the cost of installation of
these-.iRhtr ti^,�oul,. be x;1:5 and the operating expen^e v -.old be
190 for whatever hours it Was operated.
i'he 3oard believed that this equipment rhould be i-nr'talled
and asked :sir, i;:ilee �o make arrangements for same.
George dhiting appeared before the Board to ark when he
and ::is father were to have ti:eir hearing in regard to dirchargP
fro-, the Fire Lepartment.
ihe =Joard informed ;aim that they would consult the ^own
Counsel in reOard to their r_ghtr in the mater. '
Bide were received from the Somerville Press, 1'he
Linute-man and from The LPx_i:.F;to;: 1'LlPrr for rrint .ns; buildin-r
and Lonin Lays -
Dids are as fol;.ows:
Somerville Preen - 1 thousand copies -8 ,,oint
t.",'pe - $2.90 pr p€'.
- 6 poin t type 3 .75
C:. u. Parker S. Uon-6 point type 5.96 11 It
hadley Press - book 3z 1L 6 -8 p-�.
1000 copier 115.00 for job
- book 4a A7z - 8 pt. 149.50
The bid war awarded to the iadle:y Frere to
print 2000 of book 32 n 6 - 0 Pt. for $ 180.00
The Pew ingland lneurance yxchange sent to the 3oard copy
of the tent of the nmerican LaFrance automobile which showed the
test satisfactory.
Letter. w ;s received from 1-eil i�.`clntorh. Jr. in which
he asked whether or not there war, a remedy wk,ereby -ater .mains
could be laid 'v-ithout waiting for a town meeting. He stated that
this was the only town th' ,zt re knew of that had ti -As delay.
Upon examination of the by -lave it revealed the fact that
the selectmen may lay mains whenever necessary.
the joard decided to call 1.1r. i�-c1ntooh's attention to the
' 6ommon lictuailer's Licenses Nere granted to
Eugene i . Fartridge to do bueirness at cor malt yam St. and
ae avenue.
Sunray Sales liter,: e war granted to i.:rs. Ida I_. 3. Capper.
a true record, attest: