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r. meeting of the 3o_rd of Lelectmen var held in the
Selectmen's room, Town hall, eXii.gton, on iuerday, April 28,
1915 at 8 P. L. i'he following members of the Board were
present: Lessrs. hutchinson, Burnham, i:.oulton, Liles and
Suetance. the Supt. of Public �iorks and 'lerk of the Board
were also preren.t.
whr held upon duly advertirfd -�Iplication of
ohn Kennedy of 5 Locust revenue for rcrmirri-)n to Erect a
garar;e for one car on hie premirer.
=r. i-ernedy appeared for the petition and no one ar_.reared
---painst. It was thE.refor voted to grant the r6t1t;_on.
iie�rir,fT vrar declared open upon potit'on of Curring Co.
for permir^ion to erect a parage ir, ;'ruin 11 _�llev.
i -o one appeared againrt the petition and it ;gar therefor
voted to grant a permit for thio garare.
iie:rir,g was alto held u -or application of _✓ariel T.
uonnell of 356 a:ase. r.ve. for pernirsion to i:.rtalI a 1099
gallon r^arol_ne Lank it connection with hi gar ar;e in thee rear
of 435 ivaes. eve. '
"shley i. and yuwer.e t.. lartri dge apt,earec rzv pastier
interested in botiL tr;i.r aj:pliCatior. ;.r6 ti,; -t of 61Lrhinr" vo.
the u.E,rcrr. Partrid •e tv:Erc in savor of bot propositions.
1,les sons al earir.� to object to this caroline permit
beir.p- granted it war voted to brant rani
the follot.inF- mom:_ior victu:.11er'r licenser -pre granted:
..Mary Rowland Lo :ell at.
Joiin ,':3rien 468 :::ars. rive.
::_rr,L.-izT�' n. C'i•Fll �1 ::.a.rr. nVe.
Curate nerman 10
i'lie 3oz;rd rigncd releare of land of property on ertn rrtPr
nve.nue formerly oi%ned by t_. mead, ',rurtee, cold for taxes in
January of 1697 and since redeemed to the prevent owner. rPorge 3
head of r;rlinr-ton. This action war in accord�r.ce with a vote
of the town Passed :arch 26. 1920.
Slaughter licences Wert granted to �%.,,lor'olyra and
Gurtav i3unzel. The fees to be paid are ar follows:
.,,=or holman to slaughter _:_ondav, , edne.rday and 'Triday
morning until 11
Gustav Bunrel to daughter Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and ,
Saturday from ?1 n.:._. until B P.
The Supt. of Pub'ic ++orkr war requested to recuse coal
The bonds of the Town Jlerk, 'T'own Treasurer and Supt. of
Public 4orko were apprroved by the Board.
Letter war received from I.enry itron, Sculptor of the
Lexington=:inute-mwn statue, in which ir. Fitson informed the
Board teat the boulder directly under the Captain Parker statue
war split and would tumble to the ground if not fixed it noon
as poprible.
The 3oard therefor voted to authorize Frederick L. Emery
to have ii1r. hitson replace the boulder with a new one so that
the statue would be cafe.
rafter considering the matter of the appointment of a Chief
of Police the Board decided gnat Sergeant Sullivan had handled
the situation commendably since chief Leavitt left the pohftion
and therefor voted to appoint U'amer J. Sullivan of 23 Grant St.
as meting Jhief of Police until further notice.
In connection with tiiis axpointment :-r. Sullivan ';'ar granted
an inereave in. pay of lOJ per year to date from is let.
Police war received of the hearing before the County Uom-
misriorers on L_onday, , ',�_ay 25th at the Selectmen's Jffice at 11:3o
1 on the widening of 4caltham Street.
It was ruggepted that .r. Justance interview the school com-
Mittee in regard to the purchase of land on, or near Allen Streot
for a new echool house to be built in the future in th,�t section.
' Application for a Jommon Victualler's Licenre was received
from Lary a. Powers of 568 :jape. "venue.
-rr. rowers operates an antique r1lop at the above address
but her shop it not in the bueinesr dirtrict under the Zo1ing, Law.
The legal question arose ar to whether the Board had any
rip,ht to grant her a license for a Common Victualler's chop inas-
much ae this war not an extension of her present bu Udi:rg
It war therefor decided to ask the opinion of the Town Counsel
on the matter.
It was voted to appoint John i'. Ticbetts as Building; Inspector
of the town for the year erdirg Larch 31, 1926.
.:r. Tho .3e G. b+`hiting of Oaltham Street, and eon, George,
ca _ie before the Board imaeference to their dieniesal fro,.. the
Fire Departmentby chief Taylor.
They presented the lettere received from ter. Taylor and stated
that they did not feel they were dealt with justly inasmuch as
they worked for the department for a number of year^.
the Board left the matter in the hands of the Supt. of Public
Workr to rtraighten out with the Jhief of the Fire Department.
� The board considered the proposition of purchasing the Fire
' Lngine Pump for the fire department.
=,fter considering the matter it war felt that the fire depart-
ment should be etandardized and also that the ti:rerican LaFrance
war a good machine. It was therefor voted to accept the Pro -papal
of the-merican LaFrance Company which war in substance ar follows:
Dort of new machine, $12.750.
rillowance for old one, 1,250.
Total tort to the town, $11.500.
the new machine to be equipped with the following additional
1 Double 1:ale Connection
1 Double female Connection
2 t:lectric nand Lantern, mounted
1 Length Soft Suction ::ore
2 Playpiper with rhut off nozzles, 1 with Blanchard Tip.
Lir. Moulton refused to sign the contract,as he felt a better
price could be received.
It was voted to accept the bid of Grafton &- Co. at the
rate of 3.479 with a premium of $1.52 on $175,000. Thin money
Ir borrowed by the 'Trearurer in anticipation of taxer.
Letter brae received from Edward 0. Stone, �;hairr�an of the
150th :nniverpury committee, in which he enclored pamphlet on
flood lighting of the ;.iinute :.,an.
Thee pamphlet outlined the construction of the flooding
lighting and gave ertimate of figurer of tort of maintaining.
It war decided to ark "Ir. .Alen if he *ould c)nrult vrith
the Edison company in an endez:.vor to recure definite figures
on lighting the :inute-man the ear round. and her. Stone war
notified to that effect. V
i::eeting adjourned at 11 P.:.
true record, Lttert: