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L.EET-LYG, APRIL 14 , 1925 .
A meeting of the board of Selectmen was held in the Selectripn+s
Room, `'own Fall, Lexington, on Tuesday. April 14, 19215, at f P. IT.
The following members of the Board were prevent: :eerrr. Hutch-
inson. Burnham, iU oulton, L:ilee and Custance .
Several men vaere appointed as Special Police Officern to
nerve during the time of the celebration, April 18 - 20 inclusive.
Letter war received from Rouert P. Clapp in xlhichh�otified
the Joard that the invitatior_r to the Fageant would bear the nar�er
of the Selectmen first upon thF invitat imp .
bows. Counsel, Sydney R. 'd'rig:htinpton, reported that the
care of the Town against �illiar� s''. Sim 'rad -been brought to trial
and th-t the judge decided the care in favor of Lexirr-ion. The
decision wear that the Grandfather of In ille,,Titimatp child. v;as
rerpor.rible for ite care. It developed that the er�ndfst:er,
hoN,.ever. ssa unable to supr.ort the ct-.ild owing to th:: fact tiiat
he had heart trouble ar_d a very small a,nount of funds. "r. ilriaht-
ington stat( -d that e v:ould endeavor, however, to have them take
the cl>ild and care for it.
r. ;rightini?ton rtatec that the 3ornrtein care war brought
befoze the Concord Court a d tY, -t he ^~ould erde: vor to ha rp trial
on ranoc at an E arlly datE .
x Guide Licenre mater &-'ranted to vircert Carroll of Grove St.
f<o. L(xirgton, to guide about, the Common until
-vire attachment order of the dison Ele.c. Co. t3 attach to
12 poles of the i ew Eng. Tel ? Lel. %o. on old V`ounty Road war
granted by the Board.
Location for/3E poles on iLasn. Ave. from. middle St, to S,71 -ria
6treet transferring ownership fro.a the L�iddlerex ?c Gorton St,.
Reay Co. war granted to the Ediron �,ompary.
Hearing w'ar? 'meld upon the application of the Country aide
Pilling Station, inc. located at the corner of Lowell and Toburn
Streets in Le,_ington. The pc --mit 7;ar. granted.
Letter z°ran received from George de. Taylor of'85 Bedford St.
in which he informed the Board that he would give to the Toren
a new flag for the Liberty pole . 1h1 ch he grave to the town in
1915 to commemorate. the 140th anriverrary of the Battle of
Lexlrgton. he stated that he would give thin flag in commemor-
ation f t e 150th nnniverrary of the Battle of Lexington.
' Th p�� epted the gift to the tovm acknowlPdg
of the gi ft. ing; ear:re by letter
and also inserted an item in the local papers informing the public
Slaughter licenre war granted to Amos iiolman of Hill At*e. �
Lex- infTton.
Inquiry 7. ar received from the l:ew England liuto Tourist^ '
i:lub ar to recurinp the -place at the corner of :.'a -le St.
and :_arn. l-�venue. for tourietr parking during the rummer.
he war informed that the Board could not grant permission
for any business to be ertablirhed in any rection of the town
that wear not a burinerr vection un^er the 3onin� By -Law.
The subject of purchase of a fire engine was dircurred,
and the matter laid or, the table for a future nate.
The followin, increarer in pay i&Tere apUrov+d by the Board
and authorized by the Supt. of Pub'_ic Works;
Apr. 1, 1925. Ularence B. French - Town rn-ineer - $2400 to 2500
If Robert 1i. Ahite - Supt of Streets - 2000 " X2100
" " Albert A. Rose -Supt. ++ater,Sewc-r - 2000 " $2100
Lar. 30, " John Cosgrove -beet .Town Lnglnecx -$35 nr wk to ;$36
?day I1, J.Bruce Lewis - " Engineer -$25 " " " *26
June 15, " George Harrington-" it -$Je " " " "'19
Letter war received from -Daniel J. J'Jonnell of 365 Marr. Ave.
in which he informed the Board that he mould alloy: theca the ure
of the land or. Layer t,venue between the Railroad track for a town
dump provided the town keep the rame in good cordition.
It war voted. to pay $100 per year to '�4illiam F. Wright '
of 2E �uzzey St. Lexirgton ar Janitor of VillaF-e -all. In
the part 1r. Wright has received the fees for the rental of the
hall. The fees averaged about ,'100 per year and. it war thought
to be better buainere to Fay a saiar,y for the janitorvhip.
Letter czar received from Sydney ?? .'4IriF-_ht1rgton in vrhich he
informed the board that letter wrae received fro Samuel '.i.''ilPon
of the Security Trurt 6o, Ll W. Lexirg;ton I=entucky, 'who has
charge of t,e rerqui-centenary celebration of the f.oun:i.ation of
L�-xir:gton,-entucky. Letter -.as alro received from honorable
Kogan Fancy. -'ayor of Lexington .Lentucky . Both parties 7,vanted
to exchange fraternal greetingr.
Letter w;ae written to both Samuel �_. i'#ilron and Layor Hogan
Yancy exchanging greetingr ar.d inviting; ,ayor Yancy to be prr-rent
at tl.e Lexirgton celebration.
The rignificance of the occarion it that Lex�ra-ter.. Yertucky
wap the firrt town named after Lexington. larrachurettr and t�:is
year they are to celebrate the vercui-centennial of the fourd:at.ion
of Lexington, Kentucky.
Letter wear received from -Daniel J. J'4onnell of 35 .arr.
Avenue, in which he arked for the installation of a viewer or.
`Woburn Street and also for granolithic ridewalkv on the sa,e
street* He war informed that hi« request -,ar rxth`r late '
for the 192E budget, but that the matter would be turned over
to the Supt of Pub-.ic 4�orke for his attention.
Bearing war held upon the a^plica,tion of J. Tarbell of
2 haymond Street for pe.rmirrion to 4rEct a one car garapF
on hie premieee .
This beim a private garage no obj E-ctionFar rained and It
:vaF, voted to grant the permit.
Oommon Victuallers License war granted to Hattie z. A.
Peckh!,.:n to do burinerr at c' hancoek Street.
It was voted to appoint John F, Tibbetts as Building.
Inspector for the year ending larch 711, 1926.
A petition to the County Comm.=rnionern for the widening
relocation ar.d specific repairs of 4ultham Street rie-ned
by the Board..
In view of the e,-tremF :amount of traffic expected to be
in Town on April 19 and 20, 1025 on the occasion of the 150th
Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington the following rFCv.l.ationr
were parsed by the yoard of electrien.
"'Traffic Regulations
Town of Lexir.s-ton.
Ruler and Orders for the Regulation. of Curria;mer and
A-,pril 19 and 20, 1925.
'own of Lexington in Boars: of Selectmen and public ';orkr,
April 14, 1925.
Noted: That the following ruler. and. orders are herrby
made by this Board for the regulation of carriages and vehicles
used in Lexirgton on April 19 and 20, 1925, in accordance TM:ith
Section 22 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws of the Commorlrealth
of Ilapeachueette, and of any power them thereto enabling.
Article 1.
Tao carriages or veiliclee r} all be allowed from 12.01 A.y'..
on April 19 until midnight on April 20, 1945, except for officialr
of the Town or its committees and except ae provided in Article 3
on the following etreete:
I�aer�.churetta ivenue, from uinthrop Roa6 to Parker Street.
'Winthrop Road from i-�areachueette rvenue to ''fine Brook Road.
dine Brook Road.
':+altham atreet, from Iasrachusetts avenue to Forest Street.
"aazzey :Street, from :areachusettr Avenue to Forert Street.
Clarke Street, from i�iaerachuretts A-renue to Forert atreet.
nrourd the Common (battle green.).
Tedford jtreet, from Revere StrE�-t to the Common.
Hancock Street, from Aaams Street to the Common.
r.ierriam atreet, from �assactusettr i --venue to Oakland ;trc-et.
Grant Street, from x'saenachusetts A-renue to Sherman Street.
Article 2.
Eo carriapes or vehicles
or. April 19 until midnight or
On 11assachueettr rverue,
ington and Parker Street.
Around the Oommon.
On Parker atreet.
On Olarke Street.
On Forest Street.
rl.all rtar_d or park from 12.01
April 20, 19c5, on the following
between Pleasant: Street. 7.art lex-
On lerriam btreet to Somerset hoad from ,_asrachuret-r Avenue.
On Grant Street to Sherman Utreet from llasrac`nzpetts Av-rue,
Article 3.
On April 19 and 20, 1925, except as otlFrvviee provided, Ylid-
dlerex & Boston Street railway burners shall use their regular
routes and the street railway on -+altham Street mall be operated
as usual.
On April 19, 1925, between the t.0ure of two and five P. �i.
busses of the Liddlerex L- Boso
Boston Street itail-r,ay cmira from Bedford
rhall parr into severe Street, thence torancock Street, thence
to Bedford utreet, a.nc receive and deliver parren err at that
3usrer from Arl-naton iieighte will proceed on ._arrachasetts
Avenue to 1�altham Street, receiving and discharging parsenp-err ,
at that point, and returning by the rra,• of t altham Street =end.
Vine Brook Road, an the electric car service from iialtham to"
Lexington will receive an' deliver parrenaerr at a, point rear Forest
Street and -Waltham 6treet.
On April L0, 19a5, between the hours of nine A. and six
P. :. burees of the. ,Iiddleeex s. Borton Street Rail-xay Oompany
coming from Bedford shall pars into nes-ere Street. thence to
Hancock Street, thence to Bedford.3treet, and receive and deliver
pareenverr at that point, bueeer from Arlinpt-)n ,eights rill n_ ro-
ceed to Winthrop hoad and turn on the trianple at the ,;unction of
oburn Street and larrachurettr .venue and the electric car ser-
vice from "sdalthum and LeFin -ton will reer-ive and deli -Ter pasrenaPrr
at a point near rorert Street and'sialtham. Street.
article 4.
F"rking, where allowed, shall be p:�rallelto the street only.
Article 5.
ido Perron h- ia,ing charge of a carriage or vel icle in any street
shall neglect or refuse to f•top the came or to place the same when
stopped ar directed by a police officer while on duty. '
Article E.
rhoever violater any of the foredo-np; rules and orders shall
rye subject to a penalty not exceeding tzarenty dollars for one
' Signed J. Chester Hutchinson,
ha_irmu.n of the Board. of Selectmen."
A true record. Attest: