HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-03-10MEETING, MARCH 10, 1925. A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town hall. Lexington, on Tuesday. 'Marcl, 10, 1925, at 8 P. M. The following members of the Hoard were prevent: Levers. Hutchinson, Burnham. Custance and Moulton. Notice of hearing before the County Commisvionexs on April 3rd at the Court House, Bast Cambridge, upon the relocation of Lowell Street to the Burlington line from Woburn Street. Application of L. beecy and R. Luciano of 122 Mass. Ave. for a gasoline tank was considered. The Board decided that public convenience and necessity did not demand a pe.roline tank at this point and therefor refused the application. Application for permission to erect a stand on the State Road for the sale of vegetabler and lunches was received from uum P . '.rtin . %r. Martin was informed that upon t4vice of the Town Counsel he could not be granted a license to erect a stand as the property wav not in the business district of the Zoning Law. Application for the construction of a granolithie sidewalk in front of the new High School Building was received. from urilliam. Ballard. Chairman of the School Building Com- mittee . Er. Ballard was informed that his application was rather late but the matter would be turned over to the Iup t. of Public Works to see if the work could be done. Letter war received from the Boston & Laine RR in which the Board were notified that the "so called" Theatre train leaving Boston for Bedford at 11:25 P. L. is to be taken off at an early date. The Board acknowledged the letter informing the Boaton & Maine RR that they regretted the action taken, and aleo forwarded a copy of the letter to the Board of Trade. Class 1, Ag.ent'v License under Chap.140 of the Gent-ral Laws war granted to Maurice 3. White of 133 Lincoln St. -�°Taltham to do business at 15 depot Square. Application together with petition of reridents of the vicinity, was received from Floyd 6. Chase for a gasoline filling station at the road side stand conducted by him on the State Road near the "ro-called" Graveland Stock Farm. ' The Board deeming; that public necessity and convenience did not warrant a rasoline station at this point refused to crrant a hearing upon same. George A. Warner of Burlington Street was nominated to the office of Inspector of Slaughtering subject to the approval of the State Department of Health. 220 z Application for the operation of fifty taxicabe during the week of June 22nd v;Tae received from Leo J. 'reaut proprietor of the Paul Revere Garage. ,. After consulting the !own Couneel it war found that the regulations governing the liceneing of public carriages required the filing of only a $1000 bond. she Board felt that this would not be sufficient to cover 50 carriages. It was therefor decided to request :r. tbreau to present an insurance policy. Letter was received from the Town Counsel parsing hie opinion upon the liability of the 'town for the bill of $150 rendered by Daniel J. �,'C;onnell for services. Mr. O'Connell war informed by the Board that they did not feel liable -fpr bills incurred personally by the Chief of Police inarmuch as they were not authorized by the Board. Hr. O'Connell. after conferencewith the Board and Town Counsel, Sic_ney R. -Wrighting ton, agreed to drop the matter. Dr. Chester L. Blakely of hancoek St, was nominated as Inspector of Animals for the year ending larch 31. 1926. The following were appointed as :-irrerrorr of the Town for the year ending march 31. 1926: George h. Gibson Charles L. Parker Arthur B. Howe Frederick J. Spencer Neil :'clntosh Letter vrae received from the Town Counsel in regard to ' the use of the Lexington Free Bed in the Massachuretts General Hospital. Mr. Wrightington stated that he could probably make some arrangement ro that the hospital would take patients until the income from the bed was exhausted. The. Board felt that the hospital rhould take patients upon the order of the Clerk of the Hoard as the Board war in a position to tell oho should ure the bed. Er. ++rigntington war again to see the authorities at the hospital to make definite arrangements. ' The Board signed a peddlers licence for Ciriaco Cataldo of Rindge Avenue to peddle j,egetabler and frust it toi�n. It wwr voted not to allow the ure of Jary tall or election days to any persons rolicit�ng voter as it ie believed that tris hall it not outride the limit required by law for the soliciting of votes. Dir. Harry 1:. Aldrich. Daniel J . J'Connell. Henry 1-_'.1&cCaffrey Nathan A Bidwell and Sydney R. drightington came before the Board to talk over matters pertaining to the claim which 11r. Aldrich holdr against the town. Er. Aldrich claimed damages to h1 p. ' property by the reason of supposed sewage being drained from houses on Audubon Road to hie property under Lincoln Street. he alro cl�4imed damages to hie property by the change in the water course made come years aFo through his property into the playground. He states that he was at one timi able to get hay enough from his property to feed eight cattle, but the ddmage being confined to 18 acres of property. he could not get hay for the cattle and had to buy name. He stated that Metcalf ' and Eddy told him the water in the meadow war not fit 'or his cattle to drink or stand in and he therefor had to remove them. I -r. rildrich stated that he would deed eighteen acres to the town, this being property adjoining the park ryptem,and release hie claim to the town but he also wanted a cash settlement for the damages done to his property. The 3oard asked I -r. •ildrich to send in writing his proposal of settlement to the Board at an early date. she Hoard felt that the settlement with Lir. Lldr l.ch should rye ta'rer up with the McCaffrey care. Edward W. 'Taylor, Chief of the vire Department, came before the Board to prevent his proposition in regard to his accident. a:r. Taylor and William .; . Dailey of ;Yiiddle St. came ir. collision on Larch 4th in the evening when :sir. Taylor was on his T:'ay to a fire. Mr. Taylor informed the Board. that he carried liability insurance on hip car for a n,�,mber of years and. never had an accident before* but now that the insurance company found out he used his car to go to firer, they would not inpwre him again. he would therefore be liable for suit from any party if he ti°rere in an accident, and would have no protection of hip own property. The Board roque€ted Lr. Taylor to find out if there Tis ary insurance company that would take the rick of insuring hir car, and in the mean time he should have someone drive him to the fires. Lir: Tavlor also called attention to the fact that it would` cost "'"795 to repair hie car, about $400 of which would be for labor on the car. he asked whether or not the Selectmen had any objection to the firemen working on the repairs of hie car in their spare time. The Board had no objection to this being done. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P. ui• A true record, "tteet: V1E'iYi 1