HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-09-STM-min SPECIAL TOWN MEETING November 9, 1998 (See Warrant File for Warrant) The meeting was called to order by the Moderator, Margery M. Battin at 8:00 p.m. in Cary Memorial Hall. There were 168 Town Meeting Members present. 8:03 p.m. Town Clerk, Donna M. Hooper, read the warrant for the meeting until further reading was waived. The Town Clerk read the Constable's Return of the Warrant. 8:05 p.m. The Moderator announced the procedures for the conduct of the meeting. Precinct Clerks were appointed as tellers and Katherine Abbott, Appropriation Committee, is to serve as teller for the at -large members and members serving on Boards and Committees. 8:08 P.M. The Moderator declared that Article 1 was now before the meeting and would remain open throughout the meeting. ARTICLE 1: REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS, COMMITTEES 8:08 P.M. Paul Lapointe, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, moved that the joint report of the Appropriation and Capital Expenditures Committee be accepted and placed on file. The motion by Mr. Lapointe to accept the joint report of the Appropriation and Capital Expenditures Committee was adopted unanimously. 8:09 P.M. The Moderator declared the meeting open under Article 2. ARTICLE 2: REMODELING /CONSTRUCTION OF TOWN SCHOOLS 8:09 P.M. Presented by Ms. Barrie Peltz, School Committee. 8:09 P.M. Ms. Peltz presented brief introductory comments and introduced interim Superintendent Karla Brooks Baehr and other school administration staff 8:13 p.m. Ms. Peltz moved: MOTION: That the sum of $52,235,000 be appropriated for planning, constructing, originally equipping and furnishing additions to and remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to Lexington High School, Clarke Middle School, and Diamond Middle School; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the Board of Selectmen is authorized to borrow $52,235,000 under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or Chapter 645 of the Acts of 1948 as amended; and that the Permanent Building Committee is authorized to take all action necessary to carry out this project, provided, however, that no debt may be incurred under this vote for any one of the listed schools except for up to $6,000,000 for planning and other preliminary expenses until the State Department of Education has acknowledged receipt of a completed project application, and provided further that this vote shall not take effect until the Town votes to exempt from the limitation on total taxes imposed by G.L.c.59, §21C (Proposition 2 '/2) amounts required to pay the principal of and interest on the borrowing authorized by this vote. 8:13 p.m. Ms. Peltz presented explained the needs for school remodeling/ construction, including projected school population increases, as well as changes from prior year's proposal, reductions in site work and landscaping plans, and project cost summary. She thanked various committees and boards for their work over the past year. 8:30 p.m. Charles Hornig, Capital Expenditures Committee, expressed the committee's unanimous support for the motion. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING — NOVEMBER 9, 1998 cont. 8:31 p.m. Mr. Hornig requested the Moderator recognize Steve Coit, Appropriation Committee. The Moderator recognized Mr. Coit who explained the impact of excluded debt on the tax rate, and that the Committee estimated the proposed amount represented approximately a $25 increase per $100,000 assessed value over the Pine Meadows cost. Mr. Coit also explained the Board of Selectmen had voted to undertake a bonding schedule which pays less principal early and pushes out costs a bit, shaving the peak years. 8:36 p.m. Board of Selectman Chairman Peter Enrich stated the Selectmen unanimously support the motion and proposal, and further stated how far the Town has come over the past year through the hard work of many, including the Permanent Building Committee, Ad Hoc Committee, School Committee, School staff, and financial committees. Mr. Enrich expressed that this was a proposal we can all be proud. 8:39 p.m. Margaret Coppe, pr.9, moved a roll call vote on the motion if 49 also request a roll call vote. More than 50 members rising in support of a roll call, the Moderator declared a roll call vote in order when the vote is taken. 8:40 p.m. Ira Bernstein, pr.2, spoke in favor of the proposal, and of the work to be done, of last year's unsuccessful attempt, and the need for Town Meeting Members to connect with the community. 8:44 p.m. The Moderator recognized Mr. Jonathan Longley, 15 Westwood Road, from the audience. Mr. Longley questioned prior plans to build a third middle school at the Diamond site and the recent reference that Harrington School site is a better alternative for the third middle school. 8:47 p.m. Barrie Peltz, School Committee, explained the School Committee had looked at the possibility of a third middle school, which would have a base price of approximately $20,000,000. Such a school would not remove the need to renovate both Diamond and Clarke Middle Schools and would be viewed as non - enrollment driven and not funded as readily by the State. The Committee then rejected the alternative in favor of the current proposal. 8:48 p.m. Mr. Longley continued with an explanation to support a third middle school. 8:51 p.m. Marjorie Daggett, pr.6, spoke for the League of Women Voters, which supported the proposal. 8:52 p.m. Stephen Trip, 12 Freemont St., cochairman of Citizens for Responsible Spending, questioned assertions made in a recent flyer regarding heating issues at the high school. Mr. Tripi further stated that this project would be the first of more phases. 8:54 p.m. John Moynihan, Director of Facilities and Buildings, addressed Mr. Tripi's question and stated he was unaware of the data. 8:55 p.m. Ira Bernstein, pr.2, stated the information had been provided by the high school principal. 8:55 p.m. Perry Pollins, pr.5, spoke of persons leaving Lexington due to increased taxes. 9:00 P.M. Dawn McKenna, pr.9, spoke in support. 9:01 P.M. Michael Schroeder, pr.9, questioned off -set payment of debt service and payments received from the Commonwealth, stating that the cost of the motion is $52,235,000. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING — NOVEMBER 9, 1998 cont. 9:06 p.m. Selectman Chairman Peter Enrich explained that Mr. Schroeder's interpretation of the amount added to the tax levy is the net amount after reimbursement received from the State. 9:09 P.M. Town Counsel Norman Cohen explained there was no choice, Mr. Enrich is 100% correct. 9:10 P.M. Donald Jenkins, pr.8, requested Ms. Peltz to clarify savings from prior year's proposal, and that the $6,000,000 savings was the gross savings. 9:11 P.M. Ms. Peltz explained that the $6,000,000 is the gross savings this year from last year's proposal. 9:11 P.M. Mr. Jenkins further questioned the issue and if the $6,000,000 is the estimated savings from the same three schools. Ms. Peltz explained the $6,000,000 is a reduction in construction costs between the two proposals, with 4 schools included in the 1997 proposal and 3 schools in this proposal. 9:12 p.m. Mr. Jenkins questioned a $2,400,000 net savings from last year. 9:12 p.m. Selectman Chairman Peter Enrich further explained the gross and net costs for the 1997 and 1998 proposals, with the gross construction cost of the 3 schools reduced by $6,000,000 and the net cost of the total project also reduced by $6,000,000. 9:14 p.m. Mr. Jenkins questioned net cost for the same 3 schools in 1997 & 1998. 9:15 p.m. Mr. Enrich clarified that the difference in construction cost is one element of the project and further explained total project costs. 9:16 p.m. Steve Coit, Appropriation Committee, further provided cost comparisons between the two proposals. 9:17 p.m. Don Jenkins, pr. 8, explained that the discussion just had indicates much clarification is needed on this project and requested an additional clarification on estimated increases to operating costs after completion of the project. 9:19 P.M. John Moynihan, Lexington Public Schools, explained they had previously calculated in 1997 the costs and that he would be happy to provide the information to Mr. Jenkins. 9:20 p.m. David Kanter, pr.7, spoke in support of the motion and questioned if the decision this evening formally bound financing schemes. 9:22 p.m. Mr. Geza Szonyi, 177 Cedar Street, questioned Ms. Peltz on 10 year forecasts for student populations. 9:23 p.m. The Moderator declared that the question was now before the meeting and that a roll call vote was in order. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING — NOVEMBER 9, 1998 cont. 9:23 p.m. The Town Clerk called the roll, tallied as follows: Yes No Abstain Absent Yes No Abstain Absent PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 2 Joel A. Adler X Ira Bernstein X N ancy M. Adler X Marian A.O. Cohen X James E. Barry X Robert W. Cunha X Carol A. Batstone X Thomas R. Diaz X Laura L. Boghosian X Karen A. Dooks X M ary Bowes X Leonora K. Feeney X John P. Breen X Marita B. Hartshorn X Francis V. Busa X Myla Kabat -Zinn X Jean W. Cole X Paul H. Lapointe X Jonathan G. Cole X Daniel A. Lucas X John E. Curry X Andrew McAleer X Marsha S. Goldberg X Barry Orenstein X N ancy C. Gordon X Michael J. O'Sullivan X E ric Jay Michelson X Laurie Avallone Rice X B arry E. Sampson X David Rudner X Carol J. Sampson X Renee D. Varrin X Charles E. Shaw X Christina J. Welch X Paul G. Topalian X Alan B. Wilson X Albert P. Zabin X Carolyn C. Wilson X Judith L. Zabin X Donald D. Wilson X Rae Zuerndorfer X James S. Wilson X PRECINCT 3 Yes No Abstain Absent PRECINCT 4 Yes No Abstain Absent Samuel Berman X Nyles Nathan Barnert X N ancy M. Cannalonga X Scott F. Burson X Nicholas A. Cannalonga X Donald A. Chisholm X John P. Carroll X Stephen E. Coit X Robert N. Cohen X Ronald W. Colwell X Bruce Collier X John L. Davies X Jacqueline B. Davison X David J. Harris X Richard R. Enrich X Carol B. Hartman X Shirley Rauson Frawley X Peter C.J. Kelley X Carol J. Grodzins X Frederick L. Merrill, Jr. X Gloria V. Holland X Ann H. Miller X Paul E. Keane X Barrie Peltz X D ouglas M. Lucerne X Margaret F. Rawls X M arjorie K. Madoff X Kenneth A. Reich X M arilyn K. Mairson X Nicholas Santosuosso X M ary E. Neumeier X Sandra J. Shaw X Richard L. Neumeier X Ruth S. Thomas X Paul J. Rose X Judith J. Uhrig X Robert Rotberg X Michael Wagner X Francis W.K. Smith X Jeannette P. Webb X Caleb Warner X Martin K. White X PRECINCT 5 Yes No Abstain Absent PRECINCT 6 Yes No Abstain Absent Marsha F. Byrnes X Suzanne E. Barry X Howard Cravis X Florence A. Baturin X Ira W. Crowe X Cynthia L. Blumsack X Wallace Cupp X Paul Chernick X Melinda D. Dietrich X Mar jorie M. Daggett X Irene M. Dondley X Marshall J. Derby X Elaine Dratch X Kate Priscilla Diamond X Andrew J. Friedlich X Peter Diamond X Paul E. Hamburger X Bebe Fallick X John Hayward X Anthony G. Galaitsis X Sally S. Huebscher X Edmund C. Grant X Carol A. Liff X David L. Kaufman X M argaret C. Nichols X Alan J. Lazarus X P erry Pollins X Martin Long X Samuel L. Powers X Jane Pagett X James M. Shaw X Nchard Pagett X Sam Silverman X lAnne A. Ripley X Charles T. Vail X Edith Sandy X E phraim Weiss X Frank Sandy X David G. Williams X Sheldon A. Spector X M ary Kathryn Wolf X John S. Willson X SPECIAL TOWN MEETING — NOVEMBER 9, 1998 cont. roll call tally, cont. PRECINCT 7 Yes No Abstain Absent PRECINCT 8 Yes No Abstain Absent Catherine M.D. Abbott X Richard H. Battin X Marsha E. Baker X Roger F. Borghesani X Neal E. Boyle, Jr. X Elizabeth J. Bryant X George A. Burnell X Florence E. Connor X Steven L. Colman X John T. Cunha X Clark A. Cowen X Jewel S. Douglass X Robert G. Coyne X Piana T. Garcia X Robert M. Farias X Ione D. Garing X Audrey J. Friend X Charles Hornig X Alan Garber X Steven J. Hurley X Gordon M. Hardy X Donald Jenkins, Jr. X David G. Kanter X Paul W. Jenkins X Jonathan S. Lederman X Morton G. Kahan X Fred H. Martin X Alan Mayer Levine X M ary W. Miley X Richard A. Michelson X David G. Miller X H. Bigelow Moore X Joyce A. Miller X James A. Osten X John E. Taylor X Margaret Bradley Schwartz X James C. Wood, Jr. X Carolyn H. Tiffany X Martha C. Wood X Elizabeth C. Whitman X Alan A. Wrigley X Robert V. Whitman X PRECINCT 9 Yes No Abstain Absent AT -LARGE Yes No Abstain Absent Alice J. Adler X Margery M. Battin X Richard L. Canale X Daniel P. Busa, Jr. X Michelle L. Ciccolo X Norman P. Cohen X Anthony B. Close X Elizabeth B. Eddison X M argaret E. Coppe X Peter David Enrich X Susan R. Cusack X Dan H. Fenn, Jr. X Susan A. Elberger X Porma, M. Hooper X Thomas O. Fenn X Jay R. Kaufman X Louise v.T. Kava X Jeanne K. Krieger X Janice A. Kennedy X William P. Kennedy X H enry Norman Manz X Paul E. Mazerall X Yes No Abstain Absent Dawn E. McKenna X TOTAL VOTE 147 16 5 30 Isabel H. Mroczkowski X Janet M. Perry X Loretta A. Porter X Fred D. Rosenberg X Richard Schaye X Michael E. Schroeder X Dorris P. Traficante X 9:44 p.m. The Moderator announced 147 having voted in the affirmative, 16 in the negative, and 5 abstentions, more than the required two - thirds having voted in favor, the motion is declared adopted. 9:45 p.m. Board of Selectmen Chairman Peter Enrich moved that this meeting be dissolved. Adopted unanimously at 9:45 p.m. A true copy. Attest: Donna M. Hooper, Town Clerk