HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-02-10213, ' YEETI C FEBRU .RY 10, 1925. A meeting of the Boerd of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town mall, Lexin pton, on Tuesday, Februar y 10, 1925, at 8 P. i,,. The following members of the Board were prevent: !!-were. Burnham, Uustance, bailer and hutchinson. The Supt. of Public -Workr and xrs't Town Clerk were also present. Hearing was declared open upon petition of Keil McIntosh of piddle Street for approval of plans of Cary Street on the Cary Farm property. T,Ir. Ycintoph formerly presented a plan showing lay out of sever 1 streets on this props rty. Phis plan not, having been approvedthe Board he prerented the plan of Cary Street which is alread�r a thoroughfare from diddle Street to Shade Street. kr. Lclntorh stated that he must now sell the property in small farms ae he would not have time to get the prorerty ready for sale . The Board approved the plan of Uary Street. The Board signed the Warrant for the annual Town BLLeeting ' to be held &arch 2, 1925. br. 7'illa,rd C. hill came before the Board in regard to the placing of i-nsurance on the high School Building. He stated that he had received communication from dr. `ar'. H. Ballard., Chairman of the School Building Committee, authorizing him to place insurance to the amount of w100,000 binding same on the new high school beim constructed. Nr. Hill presented figures giving the premium for five years on $250,000 - a premium of W4369.85. The Board authorized L -r. Hill to bind an additional amount making the total $120,000. and agreed to notify him of additional amounts in the future when notification was received. �Er. Ballard agreed to notify the Board when the payments toward construction on the building v:ere made. 1r. Eill agreed to give the Board figures as to the cost, of placing the insurance on the blanket. He also called attention to the fact that fire extirouif-hers rere necessary in order that. the insurance rate be kert low. ,a:r. Hill was authorized by the Board to consult with iLr. Ballard and. the architect for the baildin g in an endeavor to obtain the necerrary additions t]:at, would lovrer the schedule rate. voreph R. Cotton, Francir Burke and Roland 9arm3n, committee from the mm(rican Legion, came before the Board vg-ith reference to inverting; an article in the ;,arrant to see if the Town vyould vet aside the sum of X3,617.89 under the provisions of Charter 480 of the "ctr of 1924 r_rovidinF for the return of funds dollected 214 in rer.arc_ to ' :y enterrp: : t,re play for additional poll taxes. The chief of Police came before the hoard and stated that ' three of hip men were off duty on account of illnerr and that to make a min had to be stationed with a prisoner at nrlir.Pton Svmmer certain changer and Hospital, and apkinp that an extra man to watch the priponer be he would inform obtained. i�r. Scamman was requerted to obtain romeone to apsirt. The Board voted to recommend an increase in pay to nndrprr Bain, Plumbing inspector, ro that he will recei.ve :1000. The extenrior of forest :)treet war dircurred, an article inverted in the goarrant, and h:r. Curtance agreed. to see the owners of property abutting: along; the rtreet in an endeavor to have their cooperation, that the rtreet may be accepted un.er the Betterment •attest: "rplicution war received from ... L. Parker, "weet band. Candy Shop, aekinp rermirsion to vend Pop Dorn an^ •Jor.fectionery at, the Lexirpton 1'heatr.e and the �ja.11 round. the Board felt that t_:is would be ertablirhirp a precedent and therefore voted not to pra.nt the licence. Licence war *ranted to iirr. helen -�;cnl-inter o'' Elm „-venue, Woburn, for a lunch room at 454 rare. Avenue, application vrar r�_ceived from r_up'h uiclntoeh of L�-fiddle Street,' for permirrion to Bell ice cream, tonier, fruit and confectionery. the Supt. of Public aorkr v,�ar requerted to look into the matter to see if this place ^ar ..!thin -the burinere district. Correrponder.ce was received from the Chairman of the Planning Board in regard to Forest Street L tension urgirg that thin extension be made so that it could be opened up by Aril 13th. Letter vrar also received from • r. emery a.rkir�,; that the Engineers be revuerted to place upon the larPe to -,^;r ;nap such toro- graphic detail ar t;.ey have on hand and also that they be requested to Pet topographic data in connection with plots of land that will appear for development. Lr. Emcry ? .as, informed that the -board vrould request the dept artent to co this v. -hen it war convenient for tti:em to obtain the informtion. Letter w4s received from Galen n. kuesell,-hairman of the ;oncessionr Committee of the One `r_urcr�d F ft'eth 1.nniverrary of the Battle of Le `r. gton, in which they asked that the Board refrain from granting permits to Bell goods on the town lard and that the power to grant the locations be wiven to the Concerrions Committee with the approval of the 1:;25 Town Committee. Letter was received from 1'rederick I. _mpry con citionp along- the b.)ulevard in rer.arc_ to ' enterrp: : t,re play ;rounds from .altham Street. le stated that it, may become necerrary to make certain changer and stated that he would inform the Do_.rd of the conditione. �. true copy, •attest: