HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-11-25M YEETIUG. 1d0VEMBEa 25 , 1924 A regular meeting of the board of Selectmen war held the Selectmen's Room, Town hall, Lexington, on Tuesday, November 25. 19249 at 8 Phi. The following members of the were present: Kepora. Burnham, 0uetance, L:iles.:_Hutchineon Moulton. The rire't Town ler k was also present. 17) .c in Board and Hearing was dedlared open upon petition of F. i+inn of 26 Bedford Street for permission to build a garage at said address. No one appeared to object and the board therefor voted to grant the petition. Hearing was held upon the application of -mrley A. Burgess of 'Webb Street for permirsion to erect a four car private garage. Mr. Burgess appeared for hie petition and no one appeared against. The Board therefor voted to grant the license. Joint location of poles on Blossom Street from Waltham St. 800' easterly, five poles, war granted to the Edison Llec. I11. Co. and New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Boeton, after due notice and hearing . Petition of the Edieon Electric Illuminating Company to attach itr wires to fixtures of the New England Telephone R- ' Telegraph Co. of Boston on Lowell Street near Reed Street, pole 49/9)o was granted by the Board. Application for a junk license was received from A.Green- blot of 37 Harvard St. Waltham. As the Board previously decided that they would require all junk applicants to pay the full amount of $100. for the years license, they decided to adhere to this ru]eand so advised Mr. Greenblot. Letter war received from Andrew T. Bain in which he requested an increase in pay next year to $1000 including expenses owing to the increase in work in his department. He also requested addition al amount of money this year to take care of expenses. The Board considered hie request and felt that an increase to the amount requested war, reasonable. They did not see how it was possible, however, to grant anything additional for this year. The matter was to be taken up with the Appropriation Committee, The Board'r attention war called to the fact that Thomas Welch is now 16 yre of age and his board is being paid to James F. McCarthy by the town. According to the general rule the State Department will not allow children to be aided after they reach the age of 16yrs. This boy, however, has but one year to finish ' High School and then he will be self supporting. The Board felt that it would be better to pay hir board for another year ro that he could then be self supporting rather than ask him to go to work at prevent. Forms were received from the Serretary of the Commonwealth ' in which he asked that information be returned to ',de office in regard to the proposed Lexington board of Trade members. The incorporators were to be as follows: William E. Mulliken, William R. S. Eaton, Charles Eliot Hadley, Calvin W. Childe, Ashley 7o. Partridge, Clarence Shannon, Edward L. Fenn, Timothy H. O'Connor and Lester E. Smith. The Board replied that this organization was formed for the good of the town and that all of the above men were of g:iod character. Letter was received from the Lexington Building Trust in which they requested that the h:iddleeex & Boston Street Rails on Bedford Street eb near the Building Trust property be removed. The matter was turned over to Mr. Scamman, to investigate and consult with the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy Co. in regard to came. Sydney R. 7irightington of Bennington Road, Lexington and 10 State Street, Boston, came before the Board with reference to hie appointment as Town Counsel. At the present time there is no appropriation available for the use of the Town Counsel, and fir. Yirightington felt that he could not serve the town without pay. For this reason he felt he should not accept the appointment of Town Counsel perman- ently until the ap!�,ropria tion was made, and also the Plight discrepancy in the by-law relating to Town Counsel .vap corrected in town meeting. He was willing, however, in the mean time to help the Board out of any difficulties they had before them. The Board were unanimous in their desire to have Mr. ,iiright- ington accept the position of Town Couneel and thanked him for his willingness to assist them without pay for the remainder of this year. ,The Supt. of Public iorks presented a schedule of stre-et names to be changed to other nares in accordance with the vote of the town the past year requesting the Selectmen to present names to the town for acceptance. Several of the private streets in town were named in duplicate for accepted streets, and this made a lot of confusion especially in regard to delivery of notices. The Board decided to present ter. Scamman's list to the town for acceptance. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to get town report bids for the report of 1925. Lyon Carter of Middle St. having brought before the Board a typewritten copy of the Court record in the case of hie friend Stanley Lawton who was charged by Officer O'Leary with being drunk while operating an automobile and who was discharged by the court being not guilty. The Court testimony showed that J'Leary contradicted his own statements and the only reason for hie so doing was to convict hip victim. The records of the case were brought before the Board by Mr. Carter to show the Board how an innocent party might be the victim and be penalized by the Court when it is in the power of an 206 officer to so arrest a man. The Board requested the Chief of Police and Officer O'Leary -� to appear before them. Ehe reason for their so doing was to reprimand O'Leary for hie action because it was seen by the Court records that O'Leary made a statement to ar outride party , that the man was not drunk after he had made the arrest. The treatment Riven the man war unjust and the Board felt that the officer should be reprimanded. lie was therefor re- primanded and requested to see that he gLve persons proper treatment. Neil McIntosh came before the Board presenting plans of Fair Oaks and asking that same be accepted by the Board of Survey. He stated that the plane were satisfactory to the Planwing.Board. and the Board therefor set Dec. 23. 1924 at 8 P. Ii. as the time for the hearing on same after duly advertising the hearing. Mr. McIntosh also presented plane of the Cary Farm, so called. which he recently purchased showing the lay out he proposed on this land. The Planning Board were in session and were asked to sit with the Board of Selectmen on this matter. They informed Mr. McIntosh and the Board that they were not in favor of the lay out as proposed by Mr. McIntosh and that they felt more streets should be laid out and that the lots were too narrow and too deep for a proper lay -out. They also felt that Mr. McIntosh should present a topographical survey. hr. Mclntosh, on the other hand stated that the lay out he presented was worked upon for months and was the only way the property could be developed to give a.ny profit. He did feel , that deep lots gave way to the proposition of setting two houses on a lot wrath would in time make a poor development. He did not feel that he could afford to make a topogra_rhical survey to present to the town. The Planning Board felt that a Purvey was neceseary.that the engineer's department should be instructed to make one. The Selectmen therefor instructed the engineer to make a Purvey for the benefit of the town and to present plane to the Planning Board and to them at a future date. Lr. McIntosh called attention to the fact that a lighted buoy should be erected at the junct'lon of Middle and Waltham Streets opposite the Jenney Filling Station. This matter was given to the Supt. of Public Worke to study and to also present figures for other acetylene lights to be erected at other points in the town. The Clerk was aut zrized to get in touch Trith the Town Counsel in regard to serving the proper papers relative to net backs or building lines. meeting adjourned at 11:45 F. i.i. A true record, Attest: Clerk,