HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-09-23IM Petition was received from Wilfred E. Haynes and othern asking for the removal of David F. MurprW and Bartholomew D. Callahan from the Registrars of Voters owing to the fact that they were elected as yelegatee to the Democratic Convention. The petitioners were informed that Bartholomew D. Callahan was not elected on the Lemocratie Town Committee, but that it was necessary now to remove one Democrat'and David F. Murphy being the last man whose term expired, should be removed. The Board therefor appointed d. Henry Duffy to serve in place of David F. Murphy. The Board received an invitation from the Governor to attend the Planning Board conference at Worcester, October 6th. It not being convenient for &zW members of the Board to be preeent, the inidtation was not accepted. ' Petition was received from the residents of Wood Street asking that some permanent repairs be made on this street so that the street would be paesable. MEETING. SEPTEMBER 23, 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Tom Hall, Lexington, on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1924, at 7:15PM. The following members of the Board were present; namelyy Messrs. Burnham, Cuetance, Moulton and Miles. The Asst Town %lerk was also present. Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Ldison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston, for permission to erect 22 poles on Concord Avenue, southeasterly from Shade Street. No one appeared to object and it was therefor voted to grant the petition. Petition of the Edison -Electric Illuminating Company for per- mission to attach its wires to poles of the Middlesex & Boston St. Ravy Qo., pole number 52060 corner of Bedford St. and Simonds Roade was granted by the Board. Resignation was feceived from Harry H. Lowry, former Supt. of Schools, from the Dental Clinic Committee. The Board voted to appoint Bion C. Merry in place of Mr. Lowry, who has taken up the position of Supt. of Schools in Waltham. Letter arae received from the School Department in which they ' asked for the use of the Parker Field Playground for every after- noon during the week. The Board felt that this was asking too such as it would not give anyone else a chance to use the Play- ground. The matter was left with.the Supt. of Public Works to take up with the School Department. The Board si mied the Warrant for a Town Meeting to be held October 6. 1924. Petition was received from Wilfred E. Haynes and othern asking for the removal of David F. MurprW and Bartholomew D. Callahan from the Registrars of Voters owing to the fact that they were elected as yelegatee to the Democratic Convention. The petitioners were informed that Bartholomew D. Callahan was not elected on the Lemocratie Town Committee, but that it was necessary now to remove one Democrat'and David F. Murphy being the last man whose term expired, should be removed. The Board therefor appointed d. Henry Duffy to serve in place of David F. Murphy. The Board received an invitation from the Governor to attend the Planning Board conference at Worcester, October 6th. It not being convenient for &zW members of the Board to be preeent, the inidtation was not accepted. ' Petition was received from the residents of Wood Street asking that some permanent repairs be made on this street so that the street would be paesable. 196 The petitioners were informed that work was now being done on the street so that it would be put in Rood condition before long. The appointment of a Town Counsel to take the place of Edward C. Stone, resigned, was discuseedg but nothing definite done. Hearing was held upon application of Eugene Roeenborn of 101 Fottler "venue to build a 'two car wooden garage on his premises. There being no objection and the building intended to be built complied with the law, it was voted to grant the license. Hearing was held upon application of Almon Munroe of 133 Oak Street for permission to build a two car garage at 90 Mase. hvenue. Mr. Munroe desired to build his h e within 10 feet of the street which is entirely against the Zoning Lew, Mr. Munroe felt. however, that there was no other way in which a garage could be built to go with this house as there was no approach to the house the grade being so steep. The board informed Mr, Munroe that there war no way in which they could allow him to violate the Zoning Iiaw but suggested that he might build a garage back of the house and have the approach through the private way from Mass. avenue which was near the house. Hearing was declared open upon the layout of Carville Avenue as a public highway. Signatures of the abutters who were willing that this proposition would go through were received. Mr. Toys appeared for the abutters and informed the Board that they all seemed willing to put thin matter through. The Hearing was therefor closed. Hearing was declared open upon the layout of Oliffe Avenue Plane of the the Betterment Act Engineer. Signatures of were placed before and the hearing was proposition to lay but the street under were placed before the abutters by the a sufficient number of the abutters the Board as being in favor of the lay outs therefor closed. Hearing was then callbd upon -thC 1b,3n-.out of Wilson avenue Mr. Hendrick stated that he was in favor of this lay out but he felt that Mr. Wilson had so mush land'abutting upon the street that the tax assessed upon him would be enormous and felt that the Board should work out some scheme whereby he would not be assessed so much, jhe hearing was then closed. Hearing was called upon the ley ,out of Arcadia Avenue. Several of the residents of that street were present and with Mr. Ferri as spokesman all appeared to be in favor of the lay out. The hearing was therefor closed. 1 1 1 1 The Board then signed description of the lay outs of Carville llvenue, Cliffe Avenue, Wilson Avenue and Arcadia Avenue to be laid out under the Betterment Act and the abutters to pay one half the cost of construction. James jtuart Smith of the School Building Committee came before the Board and requested them to place insurance on the additions to the Parker & High Schools while being constructed. Meeting, September 26. 1924. Meeting was held for the purpose of hearing the abutters on Grant Street in regard to the lay out from Sherman St. to Hayes Lane. Messrs. Moulton, Hutchinson and Miles were present. Mr. Terhuns, Lester Comley & Mies Muzzey and Clifford Muzzey present at the hearing . wife, veorge Smith. Mr. Thompson aldo Mr. C. H. Harrington were Everyone at the hearing appeared to be in favor of the lay out of the street and signed the paper stating that they mould be responsible for their share of the coat of construction. George E. Smith also agreed to get signatures of the other abutters. The hearing was therefor closed and the Board signed the desefttion of the lay out. It was voted to grant State Aid to Mrs. Viola 0. Oliver to the amount of $6 per month from Sept. let and also Soldiers Relief to the amount of $10 per month pending her pension. Attest: Cler k. U