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���JAA) �I WN CEJ2IIBRATIOW CON4ITTE'1 "\"\b/// //// February 1.4, 1.g74 PRESENT Chani Barnes M> Gaughan, Mr Brenchick, Mrs Litchfield, Mrs McGonagle Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Lore., M,. Mitchell Chief Marshal Leahy, Mr Tarlin (Bicentennial), Mr. Cronin (Chamber of Commerce) Mr William McGonagle (guebt) CORRECTIONS _ To Minutes of February 7, 1974 Page 1 -- Battle Reenactment - line 2 Change '84 men are coming" to read "84 men are available" (Barnes) l.i. .e 4 Qhange "all actors" to read "all Lgactoters" (Barnes) Page 2 - Parade Staff - line 1 change "orev jus" to read "previous" 3 " i1 fl ❑ 1I Page 3 �� ei la ,AUL C,rozan to read "Crqnin" (typographical errogs) Correspondence paragraph B line 1 -- Board of Health Letter change "±nvitation." to "suggestion" and line 4 to ;sad " we have made the suggestion" (Ba_ nes) PARADE PARTICIPANTS REEKING Mr Brenchick presided during the early part of the meeting, which was attended by groups interested in both float entry and/or gen- eral parade participation on Patriots .Day Application blanks and rules were distributed; details of scheduling, parade makeup and assembly rare explained, and questions raised by guests either answered or noted for future response Mr Brenchick has a record of attendees as well as others interested who were unable to be present; he will be responsible for entrant contact Mr Cronin reviewed requirements for contest entry for those who might consider competition for the C of C, TOC prizes Mr Bogk of Parades by the Gondolier 351. Main Street, Centerville, Mass then displayed photographs of floats, distributed promotional material about items which are commercially available, and answered many questions about details of float construction, effectiveness, and movement Several attendees expressed interest in attending a workshop which he could hold; Mr Brenchick will follow up on this Mr Bogk also noted that marshals for at least one Cape Cod parade use ping pang paddle signals to direct group pace and spacing, Chmn, Barnes then reviewed the schedule of events for Patriots Day reminding guests that participation in the morning parade is restricted to Lexington residents and such guests who march with or upon the invitation of local marchers The afternoon parade is open to outside groups upon receipt of permission to march from the TCC or after the parade r ster .s printed, permission granted by the Chief Marshal.. Participants were irked to avoid iaJsachusetts Avenue if at all possible on their way .o the morning assembly areas CORRESPONDENCE Mrs Litchfield reported that the Royal Eagles are available on April 15; they would request a donation of 4300 as appropriate to cover their expenses It was moved by Mr Gaughan and secondad by Ms Fitzgerald that they be invited to participate and that 4300 be contriouted toward their expenses Voted. unanimously The Natick VFW Band, a unit of 40 men and women, would be available to march; they would also request a donation of $3000 This unit is not known to the TCC; it was decided to postpone consideration of this band until a fuller discussion of proposed parade roste is held on February 21 The suggestion 'FEB 2 01974 0 TOWN =MUTTONS COisr,ITTMM _. February 14 1V74 page 2 was fade t`ia t the Le'.;.ngton VFW might like to couside poaso:r_n,_, their appearance, The iill.e 2icn Baton Twi rle' s Club a group of 125 ,-'trla from 6 to 16 years of age, wrote to expre;.s interest in parade participation. Mrs Litchfield will contact their d: -eater for more inforcvat_.on The Coast Guard Band i. arailxblc; this is a 45 man unit which has marched in years past The committee agreed that the request fora for this unit should not be •eturned to Washington until the Feb?uary 27. di :cussion. This band would charge for round trip trans-)ortaion plus meals as in 1973, Pioneer Girls of Grace Chapel Le .ington, would like to march in the morning parade, The TCC has recei 'ed a ;.e--ter from the LBO reiardin& our projected invitations to Governors of the other original colonies ,3Ugge.'t:4ng participation of units in the Bicentennial parade Many pertinent questions were raised which we will con— sider on February 21, Chmn Barnes has written to Mrs Jones of the hoard of Health to clarify the TOG position regarding Mrs Berkowit2 letter to them to say that the TCC is not familiar with Mrs, Bus operation; we have however, suggested to high school groups that they might nsh to sell refreshments in the high school parade assembly area, PARADE P;RTICIPATI©Il Mr. Lord has spot... with Senior Class President Steve Doran about the morning parade Chmn. Barnes suggested that, in addition to being Chief Marshal, he be asked to serve as Master of Ceremonies at the Battiegreen Nr, Lord will issue this invitation also, Clamp. Barnes has contacted Mr, Weinstein of the Minute Man Council, Boy Scouts in the attempt to increase participation by Lexington's Scouts in the parades The TCC extended particular compliments to Mrs, Harris, Girl Scout representative on the service given by Girl Scouts as Aides in the 1973 parade, as well as on past enthusiastic participation by girls in the many groups PARADE STAFF The TCC and Chief Marshal Leahy were informed by Chmn. Barnes that the following have accepted the invitation to staff the afternoon parade Eduard W Turner, Chief of Staff; Francis McNamara, Jr, and Richard F Zeoli, Aides to the Chief of Staff, James Broderick, Cornelius Cronin, and Joseph Rooney will serve as Aides to the Chief Marshal., On February 28. the TOO will deet with the parade staff It was noted that Chief Marshal Leahy would probably wish tc invite division marshals and their aides to this meeting, too, Wm, J Dailey Jr has been recommended as a division marshal by the TCC; staff members now appointed will be able to adv ie in the selection of others, LUNCHEON Preliminary price comparisons indicate that quotations given by the Sheraton Motor Inn, Lexington, may be reasonable further discussion. will be held on February 21 when more information from caterers aill be available, FISKE HILL CEREMONIES Chmn, Barnes notified the committee that joint ceremonies will be scheduled for 4 p.m. on Saturday April. 6 air, Brenchick will have a flag available, EXEOUTXVE SESSION Matter' dsrta.x_.ng c, -parade eta:Tin.g and parade progress were briefly discussed in executi4e session at thea request of Chmn R'..rnes„ Rs: pectfully mbmitted Ruth Mitchell, Recording Secretary