HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-04-291"70 MEETIE G . APRIL 29v 19240 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen wan held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Pall, Lexington, on Tuesday, April 29, 19249 at 6:00 P. L. The following membere of the Board were present; namely, Ikkessre. Burnham, hutchinson, Youlton, C;ustance and Miles. The Town Counsel and Town Slerk were present. The hearing which was postponed from last :reek so that the Planning Board could Ret in touch with the owners of property near the Brown estate on aancock Street, whiMa Mr. Wadman Is con- templating buying; and developing, wan again postponed until "ay 6, so that the Planning Board would have further time. Hallie C. Blake, former Selectman, presented to the town four portieres to be hung in the balconies over the stage in the main hall. The Board gratefully accepted Lr. Blakete gift. 1 Mr. A. S. Kempton, 8 otate St. Cambridge, keeping a dog kennel at 305 Maee. Avenue, came before the Board to see if he could still keep the kennel under the existing Zoning Laws. He was informed by the Town Counsel that it was necessary for him to have a kennel license. but that under the Zoning Law , he could continue to put buildings already used for kennel purposes to those same uses. James A. Bean of Parker Street, came before the Board to see whether or not he needed a licence to conddet a public garage. He was informed that it was necessary for him to make an application and to hold a hearing on same before he could obtain a license to operate a public garage. Mrs. Flora B. Doyle owner of property at 241 Masa. Ave. where she desires to erect a house, came before the Board to see about the revocation of her permit to build. She claimed that the Board had no right to stop her; that she had a Parcel of land and not a lot, ando therefore, the Board could not revoke her permit. The Town Counsel requested her to have her Uncle, who. she said vas a Judge, come to ree him about the matter. to and the be Amo® Holman and Edward Bunzel came before the Board relative securing their slaughter licensee. They believed the amount charged them last year was excessive they were not willing to pay the amount. The Board informed them that they could do nothing about matter until they had a town meeting to see how much could appropriated. Application for a two flat house to be erected by Frederick Lundergan at 15 Sylvia Street, was received by the Board. Under the Zoning Law two flat houees were not allowed in thin section and Mr. Lundergan therefore wanted a hearing upon same. 1 The Board decided to give a hearing on Tuesday evening, Viay 6, at 8 P. K. at which time all parties interested could be heard. The following notice war therefore inserted in the Lexing- ton Times: "Whereas Fred Lundergan has applied for a permit to build a two family house upon Sylvia Street and in a district where under the Zoning By -Law no two family house may be erected. and Whereas under erection 15 of said By-law the Selectmen may in a specific case, after public notice and a hearing determine and vary the application of the dictrict regulations as more parti- cularly set forth in said se(:tion. I -ow, Therefore, be it Ordered that Tuesday, May 6, 1924, at 8 P. Id., is Ret as the time and the office of the Selectmen in the Town tall. Lexington, as the place for a public hearing upon paid application and to vary the application of the said district regulations, and that public notice of said hearing be given by publishing this order in the Lexington Times at least onee before the said hearirjg •" Bill of $200 for damage to cattle was received from. Frank H. Reed of Lowell Street. kr. Reed claimed the damage was due to rabies. Letter was written to Mr. Reed stating that, if he could show evidence that the cows died from rabies, the Board would be willing to send the claim to the County. ' Letter was received from :rise Katherine Harrington, cor Clarke St. and Mass. Avenue, in which she stated that she did not believe there was sufficient light to protect the Post Office at night. She was informed that the Board could do nothing toward providing light, but suggested that she get in touch with the Post Office authorities. vole location order for nineteen poles on Concord avenue was granted to the Edison Company jointly with the New England Tel E Tel. Go. It was voted to abate the following bills; as uneollectable: Commonwealth of Massachusetts (m.H. Rawson) (Outside slid) to December 31, 1921 $44.99 Health. Harvey S. Bacon June 16, 1922 $88.00 Patrick*Britt " 88.00 'Wallace Snow " 88.00 88.00 G. F. Stygles It W:Iv. �ye3* � " Total Maguire (Bal) 27.91 $6E2.41Frank ' Jdmee Rockwell Jan. 19 1923 M. J . Corcoran Sept. 9. 1922 157.00 51.00 94.50 Selectmen J. F. Zunino Aug. 16,1923 2.50 _ $729.90 172 Letter was received from Herbert J. Kellaway, Engineer "T) and Landscape Architect, in which he asked that the Board allow in Pome instances in lay oute he is interested in forty foot ' streets. The Board requested him to inform them as to what eectilons in town he referred to, and they would consider his request. lnnholdere License was granted to John Coyle to run the Paul Revere 'Tavern at 476 Blass. Ave. The Board agreed to allow jamee Aiebeter of to remain in the house owned by the town until June he would write a letter to the Board to the effect vacate at that time. true record, Attest: Town Clrk, 331 Maes. Avenue let, provided that he would 1