HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-13-CONCOM-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUZL`i'TS CONSERVATION CONr.T9SION MINUTES of Notreatsbeh' 13, 19730 w; TLAND3 PROTECTION ACT HPARING - Filo No, 201-12, regarding Betioe of Intent of 15 Kendall Corp,, , 16 Adams Street, Bur- lington, M9asse, to alter certain inland we•tlaanda located at 30 Eartwell Avenue, Lexington,, Masa, The hearing was opened at 8 13 p.m, by the Chairman of the Com- mission, Drs. Howard M. Heasley, who road the duly posted and advertised notice of the hearing„ The following Cot1weisaion and Amaeeiste Mez bora wore preeaents Mesdames Friel:, Rawls and Solomon (Aneeiate)0 Dr, Friedman and Messrs. Lareon, Materall (ex-officio), Smith and Williams. Other Town officials present were Adrainistr€aw tive Ageistan°t David Hughey and Planning Board Chairman, Dro Eric Clarke„ Others attending were Frederick d, Conroy, Fred Lenox and Michael Colangelo, repre:3entiti?.g: the Applicant, Chary/ Waizel of the Lexing- tonNinuteoNan, Roger C, Vogler of Jasineki eat obitects, Ne Govil tu of .'orSin .C/on, David Pergola of Waltham, Scott M,cCaandiese of En- vironmental v'ir©n nentaal Eeseaweh aid ' oohnology, Inc. , Donne McCaandleam of Malden, Jean C,'otaetes of the Citizen for Lezin,;tor Conservation, and Sill Vachon and Arthur Le Lindsay, residents of Ledggelaaean Ave„ !4r. and Mrs, Niahan Hotel= and representing the Applicant for the following hearing: Mtn and ids'®„ Edward Doan. tege. and a-ailliflaal Pressley of Newton, Speaking for the applicant, Hr, Conroy pointed out that the applieantton s•efened to only work on lot 3 and a 16,000 sago ft, building to be placed upon it, 14'. Lenox pointed out the main drainage features o that only aroma narked in ted on the plan would be filled and that `here mould be an on-mitreservoir to sold water. Dk'0 useless pointed out that additional Wetlands Protection Act hearings would be required for the semataaidng buildings in the prr©poeaed project.ject, Sone fill will aloe be plead en the site of the pr=esent/4 propomed building, but -mine© part of a bluff will the removed to make rood for a parking Lot, not all of the fill removed vdll be needed on' the site. Moa9te of the c'aaivage loon the Rent to be developed firet will go to Hartwell Avenue and the root of the water will be dinectod to the north port of the let where the "reserz'voireia pie nned, Bommlaelon member* aaoked Carew much of the work is to be done new, and the applicant indicated that only lot 3 would be vorCted on, with the conviction of the stria :gsl,e plan to await ootzaetn otion of other buildings en other lots,. Wow t rola of the hls:ft will be taken? A,, All on Lot 3„ Q, Oa what are drainage auleu Rations booed? A. the to l ptoSoeto (l,, , hat will be etesion centre/ atatfande to hold remaictiiog &akar f aaftet come of it Is n'e aoded2 A„ Throw in some grass seed x11`35 'r, ` CI, Is the aeilie of the drainage pip® t' receives ;peat®a' Scrota rho �AWG 4i e,„ nea0000 ? A Moro is ea little boas culvert ahich will sada ,:irau'tot3 of Conservation Commission 11/13/73 gage 2 Wetlands Protection Act Henring ., File No, 201-12 (eontod) be Sod. According to Gale Engineering. the side of the pipes to receive the major part of the site drainage aro adequate, The hearing was closed at 8:35 p.m. HEARING WETLANDS PHOTEC11011 A6'`, a File No, 2Oi 6, regarding Notice of Ment of EDWARD f.7- (41 9AR! L.o. DOM/NGS, of 37 Valleyfield St, Lexington. to alter certain inland wetlands located on Valleyfield Street, Lots Noes, 166 thr©ugh 170, Lexinhgton, Msss. The hewing was opened at 8:35 Ease, by the Chaim of the Com- mission, Dr, Howard N. Kessler, who road the duly posted and advertised notice of t 'e hearing. All Commission members and Town officials listed as present at hearing for flue No, 201-12 wore else present for this hearing, as were all other attendees except Messrs Coznoy. Lenox and Colangelo. Speaking for the Appileent, .MA°, Pressley pointed out that buildinge added to the noiglOorhood In recent years had increased the water -ou Mr. Comings yard and en the ad$aeent lots on which he proposes to build a house. The lets) of the vacant lots is 6 inches be- low Macleod of the culvert under Valleyfield street Which is sup- posed to drain the bend, resulting in actual backward f1es toward Bride Street after ae heavy storm. Q. Hoza will the filling be accomplished? A. A send-gravel typo fill will be used. first, stockpiled them the the entire lot will be filled to about 2 feet from the property linens at the sides and rear. These Motes forme on the pro rty linos will replace the present old "head dicta' preascantly on the property. Q. Have test borings been rade? A. Mr. Comings said that holes ho dug netivealved about 2i feet of neat. these sand and gravel. Q, will this peat be -eazcm.eatad" A, only around the house -sand under the driveway and alae hs:_11 be pushed to the back of the lots. Concern was expressed about poaseSlblo effects on abutters anal neighboring land, Mr. Domingo said that the lots in gtaostiow are lower than most of the neighbors, 1¢a$a , The high point at the front of the lot is 212 feet, A Commission mother asked if there was a areas section drawirna of the Swale to be ceonstvacted. Mese appearedmot to be one. Q, What about the changes to be mnde betaine Nr. D.o!,,ieagffia pr®®wr" house lett Au Some fill will bo acddec? to1' r D;m ngs, beettyard bass no alteration of the twee%l itself is p1razaned , and no weft will be necessary of Mr. Comings' land where the thresh scantiness to wed C nca culvert under Valleyfield Street, Too tearing teas closed at c:% P.m, a • Conaervantican Coeo;rinioan Minutes 11f13/73 Page 3 F eontivc Sege on as desl.ared to discuss land negotiations between 9:55 and I3:20 p.m. All Town official© and Commission remained. Returning to the meeting or attending parif the remaining session were Chss yl walxel, Joan Crothorm, Steven-Hamilton, Nery Shimmy and representing Spaulding�,+ wad Sly and thssdr engineers Barnes and Jamie wore Charley E, s.riggign, a.rk Moore, Less Hammera+berg, end John Co Jarvis, Mooting in Westford Mnss. Crothera announced a r eetji:';w in Vettford Wednesday eveaalsi$, Noov©mbos' 14 to discuss a report on flood hazard analysis of the upper Sudbury River, which forms the watershed for Cedar Swampy This area im parallel to Tophet Swamp, mho said. Chun o in DNB Administration Wetlands concerns from Co naerva- C ha 0 on cos to Mater R0Supeo; Dtviaaion, heeded by 14r4/Kennody, was also reported by Mrs, Crcther=c, Dww flay Groo n plane propoei> :; oendemiiniu housing on the IG/Cru.:nsawa""l oy sand taae pves€asatted by Memos. Moore and SCP21140 In addition to a parcel adjacent to the Dreamer Boy ' cnaenatien land, Mr. Moore would also offer a conservation ea3asemwicv over the per/motor lands, ezorpt for roads, boaster courses will re- main ead> aisa am eximtisngr insofar am passible and two retention Basan would reduce runoff., Dr Kessler tiler p?t nted out that the Commission east cement on any aspects of the -project concept for eoologleaal offset and pleasure to resolve addition co:nscn'votion land or ease-. menta, Developer and Commission to keep In touch, Antiwar Basin. Stevan Hamilton gave the Commission copies of the Prows Of thi-Tan l which was given to the Planning Board for "Plan ABtl endorsement, tie said him father still otnis the land. Grading, siting and aeons problems weave dS. etlancd briefly. Commission requested additional soil information, Dr+. Kessler pointed out that negotiations for ©esrasonvation dedication of some of the land should met be dependent ripen Wetlands Protection Act� promos dZ gs, (Fs, FFD ) North Lobi ton Brook VOTED approval o? Conditions, accordingto iWiisii tterab t; c a amended at; the mse©tIcsg, A sheet entitled '2Worth Le to tcm Brook Cements'nts' will be drafted and approved by each Commission member laon In the wash' so tbM it can be included with the Oder of Conditions, fli ha mmat be mailed to the applicant before 5 para, 'T-szesday, November 20, Vine brook, Approval -VOTED of -Condi+dons and Comwaeut© as road. and amandacid, Eayf Street. Standard conditions,, fol.l ing plans as presented r eeWai oo n4;ras 4 VIED., ).15 Kendall Coe‘o Committee appeIntod (fl . SS, GL) psasa Committee apgaasisrnt;ao, . 1RMH, JF0Pomo r) Mooting adjourned at €I oSG Respectfully s sbsited„C"sem isIC9lCDretary to talie Ci11<;oloolon