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:i3¶'ObiN OF L:�flNG'T� is SSA.CHt'EE TS '• .; CON EL ATION aOM LISSIO;N :,(WUTES of Cioi:ot,cay, 2.11� >a3„ J 0 V E.tl LARD J tRCTE:aT C ' ACT zrA I �� File We, :701 ,9 tEcrkD: ; NOTICE OF INTENT OF ine,R, GRECF e Co ;TO ALTER (EUT IN INLAND ttEThANDS LOCATED AT 55 HAYDEN AVENUE, Lexington, Mass, The hearing was opened at 8 05 p.m. by the Chairman of the Cosa mission, D1', Iteward N, Kessler, tyke read the duly posted and advertised notice of the hearing,,, The Following G© l/loeion and Associate members wore present Academes Frick, Rawls a2d Solomon (Associate) and Messrs Larson,, m t h and Wit:Lia3 s and N¢2esall (es .officio) Town officials present wore Adragniatvaw tine Assistant David Hughes and Board of Health mewber dames Lambie, Also present s©nt wo 'e the following,: Stove Polito, Dorothy Barring- ton arring - ten (of the League of :utiles Vetere ) fto o2t Harp , dean C4'©`hc.rs„ and Iris "beaten of CLC, all of Lexington, and Arthur Franz of Newton Upper Fails and Sohn t4ea.trths of Varian Vacuum Division. Representatives of the Applicant were Van T. Boughton, Assistant flee-FoetddSt of wen. Grace & Co., E. F. Caseu_ ,'4°�0 _dy of Becfst©ise Hunter Associates inti Dan Cobbett of Whitman U Howard, Tine. Th' Bou ,;hon described the p 'o Sec e, ©n a f7'.6-ae?e parcel present- ly owned by his firm, (He also mentioned that Vii, Grace le prosenely negotiating to purchase additional ad2aeent laxed), lie explained that Atte soil was mostly glacial till sandand rocky, The /and, at ;about elevation 205 to 213,!! feet siope3 to- ward ti peaty drainage area to the east. Proposed Is a 2- to :3- story building to °obt tip, about 225 employees, plus a small ad- dition to nth© existing laboratory building. Drrn5.e?.ci e under the proposed neva rear parking los will be carried eastward beneath lot,ot, witkt grease traps provi:d©d° Environmental menttal Impac;; studies Included the increase runoff ffrd the project in the 130-acro watershed„ Added would be 5,9 eta, =king runoff from the development 75 etc in a 20-year stot'm an %. eta In a 50-year storm„ Questions from dommission members followed: Q. How does the project relate to the 2 drainage e areas -- Hobbs k r oett and Hardy Pend? r, Boughton explained that the drainage would be almost entirely to the east (Hardy Fend), except for`., En small amount ft'o .the western perimeter of the projeot0 Q. uttat la the limit of work? Lt , In addition to the "limit of were lines shown, FQare of the excess Mil will be placed around tis® proposed near 4 ui diz"nS„ Q. How many of the existing trees will be bayed? R, Qttlte a tela rnil.f, b© saved In "e ubs tantla'" tek.amels" in the parking lot, Q. :3;. ac: 1, the SC'..Lw 'KJ of i,he lana:l :In the waslety dosg.,,,mated to POVOivo 0=003 fill?? ttA, 'the land s?npoz' to the east, wags V, i " i he e : telly tf•A.S 3 of ,'9....77 I l ne S:i'1G� C 5.Li some �iGE.+; f, 'U the C 'l;c ...�' C�1: Z.� L� L'JO;: �.,, Lars AUG 71974 Mi'nut;c e el October a3„ 1973 Hoa 17File 202-9 Pae 2 fill will be placed at that end So davit .s'J2cherge tail) se minimal. Qa 7, 000 o t. ft. of 131_ 'G9 ii. ve,'''+'S.ln a:'tar a "fill aa'eL" 1'eao ere the plans to that rill? A.) Genees) en'site Till th ie, around bnti1ddilgn. Question raised that "limit of twrlsf'l.1ne cid not include areas around buildings. Q. Use of melting silt? A. M2ninnaal. Underground melting will Too used in areas treats' buildings. Q. Size of the drain under Rto 2?a ,5fl av 5v , with 136 ore capacity. Q. Neve studies been made of the pond behind the perking lot9 A. Mr. Cobbett has talked with DNR aboat it, as lff.R. Grace would like to "do something about it " Commission members commented on the excellence of the W.,H, Grace plans and presentation. Dr itasis'+et asked for comments from others present. A question concern the future long-range plans &'t W.R. Grace was ruled not ge rnaiu to the haring. The hearing was closed at .1:4O p.m. MINUTES of Commission Neotisnp of October 23 197 The Meeting asap celled to order by the Chairmen, Lor. Kessler, immediately following ting the hearing. Present were all of the Commission metaers listed: above and David Hughes, plus vteltors as mentioned below, and Dorothy Sarniseten, 9Ea23'.ettela Mete." Inn proposed expansion was discussed with visitor ata�rsi3iteeat 4 ogre 9 Vogler of Donald Jasinsski, ArebiS Yet of Haim tom Fails. M. fl Ncnbs Brook watershed needs, pLe"e'Eain3 and traffic, open areas and trees were among topics ozplored briefly. idetlannde Protection not Notice of intent recommended. Varian Vacuum. J'ef'f 4. Me:s siinc described his fiu�m°n proposal for scall addiitiam roar periling ox ,Lib ground, which would yeild 5.0O0 crit, trdo of ezoowrs fill to go eff-situ. Letter describing the effect of this work on floc rates through the culvert near Hartwell Avenue was requested ftheir engineers. Conserva- tien easement proppm proposed by the Commission ewer the natural area near Hartwell Ave. 'ireeriarn to consider this. (GL, HOD W.R. Grams, condition proposals mentioned: distribution of e o- e©ais air nd 'no el.eei:Pi ng or the 100—Test weeded buffer behind the .parking let. Committee appointed. 8D,', SS, OL) C. Lc iQ,p'ten Creek. Vine 13roof technical end ©qu:ipme :: questions oaf erby ViElluslars ties he transmitted 've DFP/Eng. sae soon as possible. (15V; NO.od .`°o";' siA to.,lee at DAfl and i DPr1/$=; r$ et tfPA hearings noted, (DM, OL) Conservnt.i.on 0©ri.dission Minutes 10/23/73 Page n. Nbt9ces i e nterst received today f4'om Domirgs and 115 Kendallio p° wi lbo voted on next week after pozusa± (10, DH) Signs .£OA' C©.lr.IervatIC_A Lands), )refeLaT) y Ira wood, to be 2ocd't?or iec1 ys'em ',apartment aflab q n'RT'sj E!'ilg't'9e43•ring rthipp1e Bill, VOTED unanimously to tli.saalc the Senior Girl Scouts o eEe work they have already done in the area. (17' ) Zoninein reviewed. Cc9ami s+a9 etz to rti; request at conservationland UF-EZIOrod green and that walkinL casenents receive a variation of the same color. Parkinz. lots Beautification progs•sra to be proposed„ (]7artij 0piider.s ,of Value and 4pprats als req�u es ted by the Coy,zdssirn will `dis n3.vered swot.., (HE) Munroe 3rook Easements Play: reviewed by the Comnisz2.on, with ad jus tmentseisiflity when=s needed, Minutes of October 9. 1971 approved as amended, nded, Minutes of October 16, 1973 approved as amended Exeo•ative .3ession wa& declared at 10 05 porn„ and the meeting adjourned at 10:45 pan, The nett Commission Mooting will taa;o pteee eat the cosacluoion o1 the Rearing scheduled on October :i0, 1973 . on Wetl€ande Protection Oct File to. 201 10 Respectfully submitted, Aoc. Erna 3„ GE'eene, Secretary to the C® fission