HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-04-15164 L;EETING, APRIL 15, 1924. ' I regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen'© Room, Town Fall, Lexington, on Tu"..day, April 15, 1924, at 8:00 P. bLL, The following members of the Board were present; namely, Messrs. Burnham, HutchinsonoMoulton, Custance and Miles. Town Counsel was not prevent. Russell I. Prentiss, Milk Inspector. came before the Board relative to inspections of milk and showed samples of tests of milk sold by Herbert L. iellington, Frank P. Reynolds, Elroy Dalrymple and Clarence MacPhee. He showed certain forms that he desired to buy and wanted the Board to giv him authority to establish system so that the records could more readily be found. The Board authorized him to carry out the system intended and told him that they intended to back him up in carrying out hid duties. Mr. Clarence B. French came before the Board to apply for the position of Town Engineer. He started his qualifications to the Board and thit he is now employed in the -Engineering department df the amity of Waltham having had work on water, ' sewer and highway departments. He was informed that the Board would take the matter up with Mr. Scamman . Kr. 5camman Y.sr then instructed by the Board that they would leave the matter of employment with him. Mr. Charlee J. Kenrick and Mr. James A. Guthrie of Brew .venue and Taft Avenue respectively, came before the Board relative to securing numbers on their houses for Post Office purposes. The matter was referred to the Supt. of Public Works. Ir. Guthrie extended an invitation to the Board of Selectmen to be prevent at their meeting on May 8. 1923 at Adams School Hall where pictures of the Boaton Fire Department will be shown under the auspices of the tact Lexington Civic Association. kr. Timothy H. O'Connor came before the Board to make an offer for the two houeee at 331, 333 and 335 Mase. Avenue. Offer of $155 was received from the City Building Wrecking Co. of 185 5omex villa Ave. Somerville. Offer of $355 was received from the Mystic Building Wreck- ing Co. of 275 Mystic St, Somerville. Ur. O'Connor offered $500 which was raised to $510 by ' the Board. The Board thereupon acceptd Lr. O'Connor's offer of $510. for the two houses. He stated that he intended to move the house at 331 and tear down the other two houses. LUM Yr. Jay 0. Richards came before the Board in an appeal from the decision of the Building Inspector under Section 18 of the Zoning By -Law. He stated that the Building Trust has es'.abliehed a twenty-five foot set back and that he did not need to set his building back any further. It was his under- standing that this section of the Zoning Law applied to only the sections mentioned in Section 18. Wesley T. Wadmtn and Hallie C. Blake came before the Board relative to securing permission to alter the house at 23 Hancock St. from two family dwelling to four familly dwelling, showing plans intended. In accordance with the Zoning By -Law it was decided to hold a hearing on Tuesday evening next at 8:30 P. k. The Planning Board and the abutters were notified. Letter in re%*rd to the Liddleeex Turnpike received from E. P. Sellew, and asking that the town of Lexington cooperate by appropriating money to build a road to Burlington, was turned over to the Supt, of PublicWorks. Uompensation insurance policy on Town Employees (office) expiring April 5, 1926 was approved by the Board. Compensation insurance policy on Janitors expiring April 25, 1925 wan approved by the Board. Liquor license of the third class was granted to 0. G. Seeley he having filed the necessary bond. J. 0. Richards was instructed to renew liability insurance on tractor, expiring April 21st. Letter was received from the Chairman of the April 19th Celebration Committee asking the Selectmen to rertkew the parade from the steps of the Town Hall on April 19th. The invitation was accepted by the Board. Common Victualler's Licenses were granted to Sarah Berman and Dorn A. O'Brien. Letter was received from Francis J. Toye in which he offered his resignation from the Board of Registrars of Voters, owing to the fact that he was in the employ of the United Skates Postal Service. The Board accepted his resignation and instructed the Clerk to get in touch with the Chairman of the Registrars do reg -.rd to appointment of another registrar. Letter was received from the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy Co. in which they outlined certain things they would agree to do in removhg the tracks provided license to run busses was granted. The Board favored the statements contained in the letter and decided to ask Town Counsel hip opinion on came so that, if possible, this matter could be finished up at the meeting on April 22nd. 166 Mr. Sea -:,man reported that he had had an application from Mr. Emery for a newer to be put up Meriam and Stetson Streets. He stated that to build same it would cost $2500 to accommodate seven houses and if it was run up to accommo- date the Ihurch and Merriam'e factory it would cont $4000. Mr. Scammen stated that he informed :lr. Emery that this seemed exceseive and no appropriation was available for same, Mr. Scamman war asked to see whet it would cost to put a heater in at the pumping station, making this building a garage for all the town care. A true reco.o-d,Attest: Ulerk.� 1 1 1