HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-04-011 1 MEETl G, APRIL 1,1924. n regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was. held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Ball, Lexington, on Tuesday, April 1,19240 at £3:00 P. L�. The following members of the Board were preRent; namely, kessre. Burnham., Moulton, Cuetance and biles. The Town Counsel and xes't 'Town Clerk were also present. Petition of the New Eng. Tel & Tel. Co. for a joint location of wires on poles of the Edition Eleettic I11. Co. near the junction of the State Road and the Lincoln line was heard. No one appeared to object and it was therefore voted to grant the petition. The bond of the Town Treasurer for $20,000 was approved by the Board. Letter was received from John W. Leary in which he asked for a public carriage license for a stand in front of O'Brien's restaurant. Mr. Leary was informed that this matter was taken up before and the Board refused him a license, and they could not see their way clear to grant him a permit as this is a congested district. The Board decided to ask Mr. Arthur C. dhitney to appraise the brick buildings in the town and Mr. Timothy H. O'Connor to appraise the wooden buildinge listed on the town blanket ineur- ance so that the insurance may be adjueted,as to valuation. Second hand motor vehicle. -license was granted to Justin Shea 12 Jover St. Cambridge, to do business at 119 Mase. rive, as the University Motor Exchange, George A. Warner was appointed Slaughter Inspector of the Town of Lexington. John F. Tibbetts of Reed 5t. North Lexington, was appointed Building Inspector of the town to take office on April let. In regard to the application of Joseph B. Lowell for per- mission to erect a filling station at the junction of Middle Street and Mace. avenue, the Board after discussing the matter, voted not to grant a permit for this filling station. The Board approved the bid of 3 97t received By the T w • o n Treasurer on temporary loan of $175,0000 said bid having been given by Eetabrook & Co. Letter was received from Norman C. Hooper in which he stated that he declined the offer of the position of Town Engineer. The Board therefore requested the Supgrintendent of Public 'Yorke to take up the matter of employing an Engineer to take Mr. Duffy's place. ��I Letter was received from the Secretary of the Planning Board in which he requested that the Board have Harvey Bacon carry out the requirements of the Planning Board. The Board therefore notified fir. Bacon in regard to his lay -out as follows: 1. the lots do not conform to the requirements of the Zoning Regulations. 2. The future extension of rear street to Maple St. would not give sufficient depth to lots on adjoining property, and 3. these future extensions are not indicated on the plan. Letter was received from the Planning Board in which they request that the Town Engineer be authorized by the Board to establish building lines on Bedford Street, Muzzey Street. Clarke Strc,et and Mass. Avenue from Clarke Street to Cedar Street. The Board requested the Town Engineer to eetablish�,thene lines and so informed the Planning Board. Letter was received from the State Lirector of Standards in which he informed the Board that the local Sealer needed 4 gallon automatic teat measure for gasoline 3 11 11 11 11 2 11 It 1. tl The local sealer was notified to that effect. Letter was received from George,W. Reed of 58 Reed St. asking that something be done in reference to Reed Street to put it in better condithn. Mr. Reed was informed that this matter would be referred to the Supt. of Public Works. Bid for the printing of the Voting Lints was received from C. Eliot Hadley. The Board requested the Supt. of Public Works to look into this matter. Letter was received from Lorna M. thine in which she sug- gested that signs of white be painted on the read calling atten- tion to school children at Clarke Street. She also suggested that when a policeman is called away in an emergency at Clarke Street that a fireman be requested to stand there. The matter was referred to the Supt. of Public Works, Letter was received from Carl H. Carroll in which he claimed injury to his car by hole in the middle of road on Mass. Avenue north of Bowker St. The matter was turned over to the Town Counsel. e ter as received from arl H Carr 11 1 wh ch e c},aime 1 jur to his ar ho in t e mid le o road Ma Be n en e n th of wke Stre t. \ l matte wa tur ed o er to the own uns . Lett Cambridge. kr.ereceived Jhalerclaimedegard to a defectcinithefJoseph Shaler of highway at Waltham Street. The claim was also turned over to the Town Counsel for hie attention. 1 1 1 We Letter was cent to Francis J. Toye of rimes avenue, in which was enclosed copy of letter from the Poet Office Department in '17ashington explaining that no civil service employee of the post office department could act an a Registrar of Voters. In view of this fact kr.. Toys wan requested to resign his position as Registrar of Voters. Letter was received from Nathan B. Bidwell in regard to bill of William Hunt for installation 6f sewer in Wallis Ct. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to look up the matter, and it was the opinion of the Board that the total bill renderad to kr. Hunt should be paid. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P. ti. A true record. Attest: U F.S. Building Permits granted to Laniel A. Gorman to build two garages on Bowman St. were ordered revoked by the Board as the proper procedure of having hearings on same were not gone thro ugh . ' Building Permit granted to James L. and Flora D. Doyle of 241 Mase. ave, was ordered revoked as the lot of land upon Which they were to build was not large enough to allow the sufficient number of feet required for distance between property owners land. Building Permit granted to �valter H. Lennon of 515 Bow St. Arlington heights was revoked on account of the acceptance of the Zoning Law by the town and the fact that the store he intended to build war not in the district allowed for stores. 1