HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-03-11144 KEETlEG, MARCHH, 119 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room. Town hall, Lexington, on Tuesday. March 11, 1924, at 8:00 P. M. The following members of the Board were pre- sent; namely: Messrs. Burnham, liutchinson, Moulton and Cuetance. The Town Clerk. Aseft Town Clerk and the Town Counsel were also present. Petition to the Legislature to borrow $500,000 out side of the debt limit of the town for school house construction was received from the representative. The vote of the town authorized its counsel to sign petition and present same to the Legislature and this was accordingly done by Edward C. Stone. Joseph b. Lowell came before the Board with plans showing his Iroposed gasoline filling station, at the junction of Massachu- setts Avenue and Follen Road. He explained that there would be two entrances one from Maes: achueetts Avenue and Follen Road,.that the filling station would be 36.feet from his house, and that it would care for twenty care at one time, that is, there would be space enough for that number to pull in off the road. He felt he Ohould be allowed to use this land for the purpose asked as he could not build a house on it and he could not afford to have the land idle. Edgar W. Harrod and Mr. Martin came before the Board to assist Mr. Lowell to Ret his station as they felt it should be granted. The Board laid the matter on the table for one week. Lloyd H. Chase of 38 Gray St, Boston, came before the Board in reference to getting a hearing upon Iiie applicatiob for a gasoline filling station. He felt that as the Board was giving a hearing to Mr. Will -'am A. Granfield of 62 Palmer St. Arlington on march 25 that he should be given a hearing. as he was already owner of land in that vicinity. The Board decided to give Mr. Chase a hearing and scheduled same for April 8. 1924. Letter was received frac the American Legion in which they offer to decorate the town hall on April 19th in case the town does not appropriate money enough to decorate came. The Board replied that they had-n:wt received an appropriation sufficient to decorate the town hall and would not need the assist- ance of the American legion. Letter war received from Eugene J. Viano in which he asked for the use of the park grounds on April 19th for the American Legion. In view of the fact that gambling games of a disgraceful nature were allowed last year to be played on +1 — park park grounds Gammell Legacy Income. Trustees acting with Overseers of the Poor Mrs. William E. Eaton Mrs, John S. SpauldiR. Lockup Keepers John C. Russell Edward Leavitt, Measurer of Grain Joeee F. Wilbur Meetc°urer of mood, Bark & 1:anure Henry W. Preston 145 and the complaints received from the citizens, the Board requested Mr. Viano to come before the Board on Tuesday evening, next, and talk the matter over, Application for a wrestling match and boxing was received from kotert Whitney of Abbott Road. The bout was to be staged on April 5th at a smoker by the Masonic Lodge. In regard to this matter, the Chief of Police called atten- tion to the fact that the law prohibited boxing in towns that had not accepted the provisions allowing it, but he could find no law that prohibited wrestling. Mr. -Whitney was therefore notified that boxing would not be Permitted but there was no objection to a wrestling match. The following ap]pointmente were made by the Board: Almehouee Katron Mrs. William E. Eaton Animal Inspector Dr. Chec+ter L. Blakely Assessors Neil McIntosh George H. Gibson Charles I. Parker Arthur B, Howe Fredrick J. Spencer Bridge Charitable Fund Trustees John 1'. Turner Burial Agent nrthur Marshall A. Burial Permits, Agent to Issue John H. Kane Cary Memorial Library, Truetees The Selectmen - The School Committee and the Settled clergymen of the Town. Dental Clinic Miss Llice Newell Bare. S. Lewis Barbour. Harry H. Lowry. Fenee Viewers J. Henry Huffy John T. Qoegrove Fire Engineer- (Chief) Edward W. Taylor. Forest Warden & Tree Marden Osborne J, Gorman Gammell Legacy Income. Trustees acting with Overseers of the Poor Mrs. William E. Eaton Mrs, John S. SpauldiR. Lockup Keepers John C. Russell Edward Leavitt, Measurer of Grain Joeee F. Wilbur Meetc°urer of mood, Bark & 1:anure Henry W. Preston no Bilk Inspector Odorless Cart, UharRe Police Officers (Chief) Park Police Plumbing Inspector Harold I. Wellington Jacob Bierenbroodepot John A. Laurie Russell I. Prentiss Osborne J. Gorman Edward Leavitt. John J. Garrity nndrew Bain Sealer of Weights & Measures Charles E. Hadley Tcwn� Couneel Town Engineer Town Hall Janitor Village Hq.I1 Janitor Undertakers Weighers of Coal Weighers of Hay and Grain Weightre(PUblic) Edward C. Stone J . Henry Duf fy Charles E. Moloy William P. 'Wright Arthur A. Marshall James F. McCarthy William E. Mulliken John E. A. Mulliken George F. Teague Jacob Bierenbroodepot Herold I. Wellington Moses F. W i lbur Robert E. Hanaford 9illiam P. 9beaton William E. Mulliken George F. Teague John E. A. Mulliken Albert Bierenbroodepot Andrew Bierenbroodspot Harold I. 'Iellington "=7 1 17 Mr. Clifton E. 11'alker, of need St. came before the Board relative to the drain back of hie house which runs down under Bedford St. and across the Middlesex & Boston St. R" Co. property. He stated that he had taken the matter up with Mr. Duffy and was informed that it would cost about $15,000 to remedy conditions, but he felt some temporary relief might be had. He stated that , the water came down back of hie house from a natural water . course and filled his cellar with water because it babkdd up on the Middlesex & Boston property ovAhg to the fact that the pipe 0 IMIN was smaller there and the water could not flow. The Board agreed to see Mr. Duffy with an dndeavor toward ' giving relief to the situation. In reply to Mr. Duffy's letter re: his resignation, the Board requested Dir. Duffy to remain in the Town's employs and i that they would take up the matter of salary later. It was voted to increase the pay of the members of'the Police Department to date from January let, as follows: Chief - $300 increase. Deputy Chief and Sergeant - $200 increase.. Patrolmen 35¢ per day. In regard to the appointment of the Superintendent of Public Works the Board directed the following letter be sent to Christopher Harrison, Superintendent of Public Works! Mr. Christopher Harrison, March 110 1924 Supt. of Public 'corks, Lexington, Mass., Dear Sir: On idarch 7, 1923 you were advised that the Board of Selectmen, "at their meeting held last evening voted ' unanimously to appoint you as Superintendent of Public Works of the town for the year ending March 31, 1924". You are hereby notified that at a meeting of the Board of Selectmen held Karch 11, 1924, it was unani- mously voted that you be not reappointed with the result that your term of office as Superintendent of Public rforks of the Town of Lexington will expire on March 31, 1924. Yours very truly, Albert H. Burnham ) J. Ohester Hutchinson) Selectmen Theodore A.Custance) Fred H. Moulton ) In regard to the employment of Norman Skidmore the follow- ing letter was sent to Mr. Skidmore: Norman B. Skidmore, March 12, 1924 Town Hall, Lexington, Mass., Dear Sir: - The Board of Selectmen at their meeting held March 11, 19249 unanimously voted that your employment by the Town cease on March 22, 1924. Yours very truly, Albert H. Burnham, Chairman. true record, fattest: Cle rk.