HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-03-041 D-E=I G, gMARCH4 . 1924. nm A special meeting of the board of Selectmen wal- held in the Selectmen's office, Torn hall. Lexington, on Tuesday, h'_arch 4, 1924, at 8:00 P. M. for the purpose of organizing with the newly elected members, Mr. Theodore A. Cuvtance and lir. Charles H. Mileo, in place of Mr. Hallie C. Blake and Mr.'4illiam S. Scamman whoee terms expired March 3rd, 1924. The following members of the Board were present; namely: Menets. Burnham. Moulton, Hutchinson. and Custance. The Ase't Town Clerk was prevent. Mr. Miles was abeent being on a trip to Bermuda. The organization of the Board was so follows: 'f Mr. Albert H. Burnham, Chairman. Highways, maintenance & Construction Sidewalks Street Signs Snow removals ' Street lights Watering troughs Mr. lied 111. Moulton General Govt. Elec. & Reg. Board of survey Overseers of the Poor. Outside Aid Almehouee Town Physician' Soldier's Benefits. Mr, Theodore A. Custance Park Commissioners; Parke & Playgrounds Inspector of Buildings Tree Warden Moth Dept. Mr. J. Cheater Hutchinson, outer Dept; Maintenance & Construction Sewer Dept. if to Hydrants Town Hxzgineer Brooke. Mr. Charles H. Miles. x:42 Board of Health; Inspector of Animals If " Plumbing If " Slaughtering ' If It Bcilk . Edward C. Stone was appointed Town Uounsel for the year ending i+areh, 1925. Letter was received that the grading around the and Bedford Streets be done lines be established. The Supt. of Public on the list for work to be was notified that the work from William H. Burgess in which he asked block at the corner of North Hancock this spring and also that the side -walk Works wb.e notified to place this matter done when the weather permits and Bir. Burgess would be done, Petition for a street light at the intorsection of Abbott Road and Oakland Street was received from "rthur C. 'Whitney, Errol H. Locke and Robert `Whitney, The Supt. of Public 4orks was notified to look into the matter and if a light was needed to order same. Letter was received from Charles -Y. Lawrance, Sub -Master of the Lexington High School, in which he aeked permission to have the base ball field and tennis courts of Parker yield reserved for the use of the students of the Lexington High School between the hours of $2:30 and 6.00 P. K. The Board took no action on this matter until they aecertain whether or not thio will exclude the use of the field to other students of the schools. Thomas t7o. Doherty came before the Board to protest against the application of Joseph b. Lowell for a filling station at junction of ease. revenue and Follen Road. The Board informed Mr. Doherty that this hegring is held over until Burch 11. at 8 P. 11, at which time he may appear. Letter wu.e received from the Supt. of Public Works in regard to the town reports. He stated that a great many errors were made, such as pictures belonging in the highway department were in the school report, and he desired to know if the Board wanted the reports circulated in that condition. The Board voted to leave the matter entirely with the Supt. and so informed him by letter. Mr. Francis Chamberlain was notified that the hearing on the gasoline filling station of Joseph B. Lowell will be held on March 11th, The Board eigned the application of Ciriaco Cataldo for a peddler's license. This man lives on Rindge Avenue and has had a license to peddle vegetables for the last two years. Description of the taling of Lowell and Maple Streets s ' a State highway was received by the Board. This makes a State highway from the Arlington line. up Summer St. Extension to Lowell Street, Lowell Street to Maple Street and Maple Street to Massaehueette Avenue to the State Road or Middle Street, so called, The subject of capaddty of the Town Hall was discussed. The situation is thit the seating capactiy of the Town Hall including the gallery is 690 according to the State License. At the town meeting Feb. 18, more than the number allowed were in the hall. In all probability even more will seek admission to the hall at the adjournments of the annual meeting than the number allowed. If anyone is refused admission they may claim an illegal meeting. In view of the condition it was decided to ask the Town Counsel hie opinion on the matter. Frank Haynes, former commander of the American Legion, came before the Board to find out if the Board intended to decorate the Town Hall on April 19th. They believed that it was not any credit to the Town last year to have the reviewing stand undecor- ated and felt that their letter to the Board should have been con- strued as an offer to pay for the decorations if the town did not appropriate money enough. They wanted to be assured that there would not be a recurrence of this situation this year. The Board informed Mr. Haynes that the Town Hall would have been decorated last year if there had been an appropriation made at the town meeting sufficient to do eo, but the continual harping on retrenchment in town meetings led the Selectmen to spend money for nothing that they could get along without. They could not however conbtrue the reading of the letter from the Legion as an offer to pay for the decorations, In view of the situation the Board informed Mr. Haynes that they felt he should write a letter to the Board explaining that they would be willing to pay for the decorations in case the town did not appropriate money enough for same. Supt. Harrison informed the Board of the declaration of intention of Albert A. Ross, Supt. of Streete, Water and Sewer, to give ut his position in a few'weeks, The Superintendent reported t,hAt the engineering survey of Bowman Park revealed the fact that there was 4.83 acres instead of between 52 and 6 as presumed by Mrs. Sarah Bowman Van Nese, Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. 1:. A true record, Attest: Z Clerk. �l