HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-02-05134 ?, LTEETIT O, FEBRUj-.RY 5.1324 . I A regular meeting: of the Board of Selectmen arse held in the Selectmen's Eoom. Town gall, Lexington, on Tuesday. February 5, 19'44, namely: ::ersre. �)camman, slake, Hutchinson and Burnham. the Town clerk and nee't ion clerk were also present. Letter was received from the T:Thyor of a'edford in which he asked that the Town of Lexington join with them in fighting the increased fares for the 3oston S-L:aine RR, Oo. They stated that all other towns in the community were do irg t:,:i s and they "rould like to have Lexington joir.'with them. The Board notified them that they have no funds available and can, therefore, take no active p.rt in the matter. The Town Accountant notified the Board that hie appointment expired on January 23rd, 1924, and requested reappointment. The ;bard unanimously voted to aproint:r. Oharlee F. Pierce as Town accountant for the term of three years dating from Jan.23,19-4. James L' Ahearn of ly:anley Ct. was appointed as a Teller to serve at the Larch Llection, Larch 3rd, in place of Oharler F. Vaughan who could not verve. I On recommendation of the Chief of Police the Board voted to grant a Tarr 3, Lotor Jehicle Junk License, to Clarence A. Byer of 212 Liars. Ave. Lexirpton. Letter war received from James :arvey. 10 Middlesex St, Oharlertown, uasr, In vhich he asked the Board for a permit to keep swine. Letter was received from eupurt. Young in *hich he asked for permit to keep swine. The Ohid' of Police made a report that he had ar. Harvey in Court for keeping pipe without a per:cit and that he did not feed the pigs and let them freeze and the Board therefore voted not to give 117r. harvey a permit. Lr. Young was notified that as soon as the permits were printed he would. be given one. Letter rear received from the Supt. of Public .'iorkr in which he informed that one horse on the highway department 'vas now use levy and that it should be disposed of, and that he recommended a one ton truck, saving the cost of another horse. The Board accepted the recommendation. Letter. was received from u:r. F-arrieon, in which he answered the letter of the 3oard whereby he defended himself as to ',Jr duties. Po definite action was taker, up the letter. ' Letter wtv received from the vhief of Police giving the requested increase in pay of the members of the Police Depart- ment which are as follows: 135 Chief Beputy Chief & Sergeant x300 F:utrolmen - 350 making it $5 per day, or $1620 per year. the 3oard notified the chief that they believed that this a proper increase for the men of the department. Out of respect for !�x President '+'i -ikon, whose funeral war to be held on February 6th, the Board requested the belle on the Fallen Church and Unitarian Church to be tolled and. the Town Fall doors closed from 2:30 F. to 4 F. .i* r. furnham called the Board'r attention to the fact that the Finance Committee refused to recommend any money to pay a realth Inspector. 11r. Burnham also called attention to the fact that the Supt: of Public 'rorke purchased a Ford Tractor at the price of $P33 and he war not authorized by the 3oard to do so. He felt that this was a waste of money and that -r. Harrison war told not to buy a Ford tractor when the other tractor i+.*ar bought. Notice was received from Representative Joseph R. Cottor. that the hearing on !'rank E. Reed's cattle pass hap been changed to February 19, at 10:30 h. L. Rm 427 State xiotine. Petition for Street lights on Concord mvenue war received ' from Clarence H. Cutler of said street. The petition was turned over to the SlIpt. of Public Works with the request that he investigate the matter. 210 report was received from sir. Clapp on the Trar,i build�np permit, and therefor no action .)n came. It -War voted to allow the `nigh Cchool E;thletic xrrociation the use of the Town Hall for a benefit dance to one of the boys of the school for the sum of $6 to pay for the lights. the Supt. of Public yrorke war requested to look up the number of street lights needed on Burlington Street ar requerted. by r ter, vorwin, and alio the number of lights on North Street. h true record, rttest: a clerk. 1