HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-01-29-9,1924 . A reRulax meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town mall, Lexington, on Tuesda7T, January 29.19214, at F:00 P. ,. The following members of the Soard were present; namely �"esere. Sca man, flake.'Hutchinson and Burnham. The Town Clerk and Ass't Tod,:,n Clerk were also present. Pitt F. Lrew, President of the aiddlesex 8- Boston St. RWY Co. and Harry h. f.aneon, General Lanaper of that company, came before the Board to again diecuse the regulations in regard to jitneYs. Lr. Dretir felt it wap unjust for the town to request him to file a bond in connection with taking up the tracks e.nd all other towns would probably requer,t him to do the came thing and that would be a :ardship on the company, me felt too that the Public Service Commission would throw that part out of the regulations and was willing to hive the same submitted to th=m for their opinion. i e �^rae Trilling also to Lave a petition presented to the Public Service �)ommiesion for lower fares. rie agreed that when ter. Stone returned from the Y'Veet he Trould take this matter up with him and endeavor to come to some final agreement. Precinct One. . ilber P. "twood Edgar -W. Harrod i,chael A. Pero Donald Cameron Bartlett J. harrington Thomas J. Doherty Mrs. Evelyn C. Brougfall Elizabeth C. Wilkinson Joseph A. '++atere 'Earle L. Hadley Finlay Mclsaac `iilliam E. nnderron r Precinct Two. William S. Scammsn xlbert H. Burnham Patrick P. Dacey Dr. John h.10 Palph Farehall Johntj . Czurri ty Deputy Warden garden Clerk Deputy Clerk Inspector t %eputy Inspector Teller 11 4 arden Deputy aarden Clerk )eputy Clerk Inspector On the matter of decision to be rendered by ter. Clapp relative to.Joseph Trani's perLzit, _he ma -,ter was laid over Yr. Clapp as, did not his present opinion. thefollowing the rinnuaI Hlection, election officers were appointed to serve at March 3, 1924. Precinct One. . ilber P. "twood Edgar -W. Harrod i,chael A. Pero Donald Cameron Bartlett J. harrington Thomas J. Doherty Mrs. Evelyn C. Brougfall Elizabeth C. Wilkinson Joseph A. '++atere 'Earle L. Hadley Finlay Mclsaac `iilliam E. nnderron r Precinct Two. William S. Scammsn xlbert H. Burnham Patrick P. Dacey Dr. John h.10 Palph Farehall Johntj . Czurri ty Deputy Warden garden Clerk Deputy Clerk Inspector t %eputy Inspector Teller 11 4 arden Deputy aarden Clerk )eputy Clerk Inspector 132 'Ii. ; rs . ",,larian Jackson : eputy Inspector alirp la4h(_rine A. 1.iernan 11 Ezra F. Breed feller James VS.Lc�arthy " , allston,ul. Redman " '++allace i. Liller " James L. SicLenzie " Samuel B. Bigelow " U ay 0. Richar, de " Charlee F. Vaughan Fred E. nutters William ; . I!Xl liken " Wrancir E. Burke " Edward L. Lelley The Board signed the tvarrant for a Town eeting to be :-:eld x'ebruary 16 .1y 4. the ...rrant c-nt.a'ned only two articles, one on receiving the report oftheIsaac rlarri'p teary-ducational Fund regarding prnpoeed j.I,.emorial 3ui1ding, the other on the ZonirF*, ryptem. 1l0tice of a hearing on January 31, 1944 at 10:30 y.-. it the estate Houre, on the electrif_c.,.t_on of steam railro,xdr in the 11 etropol-tan Jirtrict Y'ar re cei.,cd. Letter war received from Samuel :oar, �i.air ,:n of the Board of Selectmen of the town of V':)ncord, in vrhich he enclosed ' cony 0" r.ulep and 1�egulationv in regard to'2'_lboardr, rigne and other advEt,riring devices. 1._re roar urged the -Delectmen to have an article inverted in the .'arrant for the annual town meeting ro that he was trying to get all ,he towns :zbout as intererted ar po-rible ro th;zt there rehulatione could be adopted by a number of the towns. .Letter war received from Sydney drightinFj Ptating that he could not be pre„ gent to preridie ac,.oderator at the Town 11eeting on Llonday, lebruary 18, but th :t he had requE sted Mr. :%otton to be prevent if they dEsired to have him act as lZoderator. Claim Wa^ received from ter. Fred S. Piper of 20 Clarke St. for 10.00 for damage to the top of hir automobile Wr:ilereturning from an accident on Lar- atreet. He claimed that a large branch bro'_�en from a tree rtruck nip automobile top and tore a hole about 4 by 10 inches and he felt the town should pay for came. n long letter in reply to the letter of the 30�ird to the Supt. of Public Jorkp telling him that hic work -:--r unnatirfactory wap received from the Supt. , Copy of the bill for the F. 1.. Reed cattle pars l,,ich has been filed and is now in the hams of the Waye and Leans Com- ' mittee war received fro,.,,. t.- -r-epentative. Petition for the reuoval of snow on ood Street crap referred to th- Superintendent of Public .,orks. Petition for three Ptreet lights on Burlington Street Brae received frori +4illiam �;orwjn. iie desired to uee electricity for watering 1)ir garden and felt that only three etreet I'Rhtn ' -sere needed to have the electricity extending to hie place and he could aleo use it on hie place. Th Supt. of Public Works war requested to to^k into the matter and report to the Board the number of liRhtr needed, The Board voted to allow helen C. Gallagher the $200 paid her on the Moth Department for clerical hire, on the Selectmen'e iccount, mlaki�ip; the amount paid her from the SFlectmen'r Account, $1200 per year. 2hf,re gill there Fore be no payment for Clerical 'hire on the Loth Department. n true record. Mttent: Clerk. 1 1 133