HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-12-18116 11EETET.G. DECcr:B R 1891923. ' A special meeting of the -0oard of -)electmen was held in the 6electmen'r Room, sown `ball, Lexington, on Tueeday, December 18,1943, at 8 P. t.i. 1'h following meibery of the Board were prevent, namely: �evsrs. Scamman, Blake, Hutchinvor, Burnham. and i�oulton; the Town Clerk, nest lover, clerk and Town Course} were alvo prevent. In revponne to the application of John B. Lovell of the Concord. f.;aynard & Hudson nus Line, to operate jitneys in ?exington r. Lovell came before the Board at their requevt, 1:r. Lovell informed the Board that he had operated jitneys 'n Uareachuvettr longer than anyone he kr.=w of. He operated the Woburn and Zleading Bur, Line three or four yeare and then Fold oust to the r,artern liarrachusettn aailway Company. He. started in the business in 1919. lir. Lovell'v attorney informed the Board that the Bus Line company simply transferred the name Concord, 1'aynard and Hudson Bur Line to what was formerly known as the rloburn, Reading :aur Lire. He raid that he could not give any statement of hie incorporated rerponvibility. ""r. Lovell stated that he carried a Liability lnvurance Policy and a Boni, of 4500. lir. Fred ; . Pierce of the Norfolk &: Bristol Bus Line Inc. came before the Board their ' at request in connection with lLr. Pierce'v application for a permit to operate jitney© in Lexington. Mr. Piercestated that he and a 1:r. :now operated the Nor- folk & Bristol Bur Line Co. but owing to troubles it the partner- ship he could not Rive an-- financial stateilent as to how the coirpany stood. he stated that the company incorporated in ecember 1920 with a capit�.;l of $50,000. 1r. Cnow being treasurer of the company and he President. In .-�o^ton the company was required to give a bond of $25.000 Rich costa about $250 and charge $5 for :, license fee. ter. Fierce sated that he run busses in Chatham in .alpole and Norwood. 1dr. Pierce stated that he made the application in Lexington entirely reparate from his partn=r. In order to br`ng about vo-ething d=finite Mr. Farriron war reou ©ted by letter to give the Board figures siLdl.xr to those he had sent to ,.-r. Bayley, giving them in detail, so that the Board could tell the probable covt of taking up the tracks and resur- facing the street witi. the macadam where needed. 1'ir Ccumman • reported the t i, -r. h.i. tia- von, in accordance With the ar;reement last meeting , met lith Lir. Harriron to discusr the figurer hE had madep but could Hake no progreer wit}: the Superintencent. Letter war sent to L.r. Lloyd L. Chase in W' ich the 3oard asked him to put in ' writing certain vtaterents which he would agree to before a Common victualler's License to him. would be granted low Renewal of insurance amounttr_g tD $18,284 formerly placed Tith B. '. Bro,,m k_ Sons, was placed T-i.th George 7W. Taylor °- Son. Policy expired Jan. 14, 1924. Learing on application of the Liddleeex & Boston St. Rvey Co. for perminnion to install a gasoline :ank at their preminen on Bedford St. was held over until a later date. Letter received from F. n. Goodwin in regard to children coa ting on streets and a-P.king that protection be given them was turned over to the Chief of Police theit he might afford police protection, a.nd if need be, to zone sections for coast- ing. -,pplication for approval of Board of Survey plane showing lay out of land on Maps. rive. near the corner of Maple Street war received from harvey Bacon. The Board Pet Jan. 8, 1924 the date and 7 o'clock P. ', the time for the hearing and notified the Planning Board of came. Letter was received frori Frederick L. Emery in which he complained of the conditions at the amith Bell Farm on Bedford St. and suggested the revocation of Yr. amith's Uommon Victualler's Licence. In accordance with the advice of the Town counsel the Board set a hearing on Js.n . Et 1924 at 8 P. Al . at which time Mr. Smith was requested to appear and give his statements of the condition ' of his premises. A true record, %tte.st: 01 erk. 11