OCTOBER 2 , 1975
PRESENT Nancy Abelman, Sue Abkowitz, Joe Barr ser, Ruth Beckett,
Ellen Boyle, Alfred Busa, Tracey Dickerman, Paul Ferguson,
Paul Furdon, Jeanne Hathaway, Myron Miller, Matt Powers,
Mary Rockwood, Jeff Spencer, Alan Wachman, and Richard
The meeting was called to order at 7 20 P.M. by Mr. Busa
who welcomed both the new and old members. After introductions,
he proposed that we elect officers, set the goals for the year,
and begin to prepare a section for the town report. The voting
results were as follows Mary Rockwood (Chairman) , Ellen Boyle
(Vice-chairman) , and Sue Abkowitz (Secretary) .
Mary took over the meeting and reviewed the past year's
activities. They included starting to establish a youth calendar
in the Minuteman, tabulating the results of the previous year's
questionnaire on youth facilities in the town, forming a course
at the High School in town government (which was dropped because
of under enrollment), a bicentennial essay contest, and all the
events related to the Bicentennial Youth Day. BYD included a
soccer game against Concord in the morning, an extremely success-
ful talent show for elementary and junior high school kids, and
a rock concert by the Parker Road Band.
Mary then opened the floor to proposals for the coming
year. Jeanne Hathaway suggested that we visit and share ideas with
Youth Commissions from other towns. Other suggestions were re-
vising the Youth directory, and finalizing a youth calendar in the
Minuteman - both projects started last year, and a continuation
of BYD - making an annual Youth Day with events similar to last
years. Much of the discussion centered around publicity. Captain
Furden believes that there should be an intermediary between the
YC and the Minuteman to publicise what we are doing, and all the
youth relatea events. Alan Wachman agreed and stated that a
youth reporter to the paper should be appointed. Publicizing the
availability of jobs, perhaps in conjunction with the Youth Employ-
ment Service (YES) will try to be arranged. It was generally
agreed that we publish weekly/monthly , in the Minuteman, a resume
of youth events, and also an announcement of our progress, for better
communication between the YC and the town.
A six member executive board was elected to run the sub-
committees and plan the agenda. This board includes the three
officers and three other elected members. They are Mr. Miller,
Matt Powers, and Jeanne Hathaway. The meeting was adjourned at
8.32 P.M.
Meetings will generally be held the 1st and third Thursdays
of every month at 7:30 P.M. Due to conflicts with Back to School
nights etc., the next meeting will be OCTOBER 23, at 7 30 P.M.
in G 15, Town Office Building.
Executive Board Minutes
The Executive Board met on Friday, October 10 The
purpose of this meeting was to discuss plans for the year and
to propose subcommittees to be set up at the next meeting of
the entire commission (Oct 23) . Mary read a letter from the
Board of Selectmen which requested all their subcommittees to
to review and report on their status. As a subcommittee of
the Board of Selectmen, we are required to meet with them and
present our goals and projects for the coming year. It was
decided that the executive board would represent the YC at
this meeting on October 27, at 8 30
Another topic discussed was a proposal from Mrs.
Friedman, coordinator of Max-Ed. This concerned the Lexington
Community Volunteer program whose purpose is to help bring
the school and the community together, and to btidge the gap
between the youth and adults. This seemed like a worthwhile
cause, and it was decided that we publicize the program by
posters, articles to the paper, and word of mouth
The following subcommittees will be set up at the next
meeting Each member should decide which subcommittee(s )
he/she would like to be on.
1. Youth Calendar in Minuteman
(and possibly appointing a Youth Editor from
outside Y. C. to the paper)
2. Annual Youth Day
(must decide and research best date, events,
costs )
3. Minuteman article about Y.C. (weekly/monthly)
4. Revision of the Youth Directory
(must find price, choices- booklet or
Minuteman supplement. ) Jeanne and Mary
nave ais.eady started research.
5. Town Report Committee Deadline-Nov. 15
(must prepare a written proposal. Will
contain the whole executive board plus some
other members. Pictures included from library )
Another item on the agenda for the next meeting is a
discussion and vote on the proposal to rewtite the town govern-
ment course. There will also be a discussion on helping the
Youth Employment Service.