HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-10-23KI MEETIE G. OCTOBER 23. 1923. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Hall, Lexington. on Tuesday. October 239 1923 at 8 F. M. The following members of the Board were prevent, namely: Mevnrs. iw�camman. Blake, Burnham and Moulton. The Town Clerk and nse't Town Clerk were aleo present. The Town Counsel was absent. It being a stormy night the Board agreed with fir. Pierce's attorney to postpone the hearing on.his Common Victualler's License being revoked, to Tuesday evening, next. - The application of Mrs. S. U. Prescott of Oakmount Circle for permission to erect a garage was granted. Mr. LeOarpentier of Ridge Road came before the Board to see if the Board would sign a release for him so that he could sell his property. Some years ago he took the property on tax title and the lawyer for the party to whom he was to sell the property now wanted a release signed by the selectmen. The Board informed him that they would not sign any legal papers without the Town Counsel's approval of same. He was requested to have his Counsel see the Town Counsel about same. Ricci Bros, of Waltham St. came before the Board with the request that the Board put the 350 feet of water pipe which lays on top of the ground over the Lawrence property to their house und e r ground . The Board informed them that at the last town meeting the Town did not vote any money for the extension of this main as there was no one there to speak for it, and therefore they could not put the same below the ground. The Board suggested that they dig the trench and lower the pipes themselves. Two lettere protesting againet the vote of the Board relative to not allowing basket ball playing was responsible for a number of cracks in the ceiling of the lower hall. They informed the School Dept, that if they cared to assume the responsibility in the matter that the Board might grant them the use of the hall for basket ball. 1 1 Mr. Theodore A. Cuetance came before the Board with the requeat that the Board find out if the Appropriation Committee would make a transfer to their account. The Board therefore agreed to call a meeting of, the Appropriation Committee on Tuesday eveninge next at 7:30 P. Li. Letter was received from the Massachusetts Real Estate Exchange , in which they called attention to the proposed increase in train rates to be asked for and askirg that the Board send a representa- tive to protest against the increase at the meeting before the Department of P bl u is Utilitise on November 5th at 10:30 .i.b1. Letter was received from the 'State in which they aeted whether or not the town intended to keep the Riker Truck they now ' have, and if so that a check for $30 be mailed for regia tering same. The letter was placed in the hands of the Supt. of Public vJ orks. Letter was received from John Nolen asking for a meeting before the Planning Board to get work started this fall. The Board wrote the Planning Board asking if they desired to have the Selectmen call a meeting and if they wanted to Ret work started this fall. . Notice of the relocation of North Hancock Street was received from the County Commissioners. The Supt. of Public Works reported that he had not received the piq regulations from Dr. Simpson of the State Department of Health. The Supt.. of Public Works called attention to the fact that the cost of storing the Police Dept. automobile per month would be $15 at the Lexington Centre Garage. The cost of storing the high- way and water truck would be $25 per month and the three ton truck $40 per month. He suggested storing the trucks of the highway and water department in the Pumpirg Station at Lincoln Street. Letter was received from the Tax Collector in reference to the Supt. of Public Worke holding up bill of Helen P. Ready for services rendered in collecting water rates. The Supt. was in- formed that this matter was agreed upon by the Board and Mr. Earle and that it was explained to him by Mr. Burnham and that the bill was all right. The question of abating the rent of the Chapin family was discussed and in this connedtion it was decided to ask the Town Counsel what steps the Board should take to tear down this house. as it is not a benefit to the surrounding property and very small rent is obtained from same. The Board voted to transfer from the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to the Chief of Police the duty of signing releasee for the sale of automobiles as required by law. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. U. A true record. Attest: Clerk. n ms