HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-09-11I- MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11s, 1983. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room. Town Hall, Lexington, on Tuesday, September 11, 1923, at 8 P. M. The following members of the Board were present, namely: Messrs. seamman, Blake, Hutchinson, Burnham and Moulton; the Town Clerk, Ase't Town Clerk and the Town Counsel were &lop present. Hearing was declared open upon the application of Mrs. Ida H. B. Capper for a permit to erect a filling station at the junction of Waltham and Middle Streets. Mrs. Capper presented her plans, which were substantially in accordance with plans submitted at previous hearings upon other applications for this same location. Mrs. Capper presented nothing new to what she had presented formerly. No other persons appeared for the petitioner and no one appeared against the petition. The Board considered the application and voted not to grant Bars. Capper a permit. Hearing was declared open upon the application of John C. Phelps of 31 Bedford st, for a permit to erect and maintain a public ' garage at 33 Bedford Strest, Mr. Phelps presented plane showing the location of the garage, ground floor plan, front plan and plan showing proposed street enter- ing from Bedford St. by the proposed garage. Mr. Joseph Swan, owner of the present Colonial Garage objected to this garage being built as he believed the street to be a danger- ous one and that one garage would satisfy the needs of that vicinity. Mr. Christopher Be Ryan objected as he believed the property In that vicinity would be depreciated in value if another garage were built. He also objected on the grounds of danger, and of the future development of the property in that section. Mr. Richard LeGraw also objected as the proposed garage would be' directly opposite his house, and he did not believe another garage was necessary. No other persons appeared for or against the petition. The Board considered the application and voted not to grant a Permit to said John C. Phelps. Hearing was declared open upon the charges brought by James J. Curran, Counselloir at Law, 635 Tremont Bldg, Boston, against the Chief of Police, Edward Leavitt, James J. Curran appeared as Counsel for himself and Daniel J. O'Connell as Counsel for the Chief of Police. Fred L. Lord of Fair Oaks, with whom Mr. Curran makes his home was also present. ' It appeared that Mr. Curran went to the Police station for a dog license and gave $2 to Officer O'Leary who told him he would have the license for him on the following Monday. Curran called after the license on the following Thuesday and found the Chief at am 00� 400) "D his"deek. He claimed that the Chief was injecent in his use of language and that he ordered him out of the office in which he had a right to be. Mr. Leavitt informed him that he could Ro to the Town Olerk'e Office for his dog license, but Mr. Curran Irminiedl that he had given his $Z to the Officer and that he should get his license there. After Mr. Curran insisted upon staying Chief Leavitt told him to leave the office or he would arrest him. Some correspondence passed between Ohief Leavitt and Mr. Curran, then the charges were brought. After hearing the parties on both sides, the Board decided that the charges had not been sustained. Hearing was declared open upon the appeal of Lewis A. St. Sauveur from the decision of the Building Inspector. On behalf of hie client, Hugh McIntosh of Boston# he pleaded that a dwelling with a store room attached thereto did not need to be of a first or second class construction. He felt that if a wall was built between the dwelling and store room that nothing also was necessary, that a brick wall was sufficient fire proof protection. The Board pointed out to Mr. St. Sauveur that the Building Laws of Lexington require any building to be used for mercantile purposes must be of first or second class cometruction, and that they could not allow him any privileges under the Building Laws. He was therefor informed that he would have to comply with the request of the #uilding Inspector. Application was received from the Secretary of the St*e in which the Board was requested to send in report giving reoom mendation as to character of incorporators of the Great Outdoor; ' Association which is intended to be established in Lexington. This matter was turned over to the Chief of Police to in- vestigate. Mr. Jay 0. Richards appeared before the Board to have an article inserted in the Town Warrant asking for the extension of water main in Bertwell Road, Mr. Richards also presented plans of Bertwell Road which the Board of Survey signed. Letter was received from the Town to the fact that the plans covering the by the Lexingtcn Building Trust were not the Rngi neer and urged that same be done be made .of same and =tters of drainage streets are laid. Mr. Richard@, being present, was request and stated that the engineer for working on the plans and would have them early date, Engineer calling attention section of land opened up filed in the office of eo that a permanent record straightened out before the informed of the Town Engineer's the Building Trust was filed in the office at an Report was received from the Chief of Police in regard to the business done by Charles H. Pierce of Middle St, who was granted a Common Victualler's License by the Board and who was complained of by Mr. Neil McIntosh of Middle St, The Chief's report stated that he did not see any particular reason wily Mr. Pierce's license should be revoked* and that he believed if he was shut off from Belling vegetables on Sundays that all other persona should also be shut off. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works recom- mending the purchase of a gravel pit. The Chairman of the Board explained that this reoommendation came before the town for a number of years but was turned down. However the Board agreed to invert an article in the Warrant to see if the town w6uld vote to purchase a gravel pit, The Board signed a Warrant for a Town Meeting to be held on September 24, 1923, The Bond of the Tax Collector, Byron 0. Earle, was approved by the Board. Bonds signed by property owners along streets in Farmhurst were turned over to the Supt, of Public Works. Auctioneer's License was granted to Kenneth P. Blake of Meriam Street, The Supt, of Public Works was authorized to place one street light on Blossom St. near the property of Rollins. Application for water was made by John Stack. A well on GrantStreet furnishes water to four families and on account of. the dry weather the well is nearly dry. The Board informed Mr. Stack that they did not see how they could supply him Wllth water since the street was unaccepted. ' Complaints against odors from piggeries were received from the following: Charles P. Briggs Elizabeth J. Nunn Ellen M. Tower Mabel P. Cook .Emily B, Preston- Robert W. Fernald, 27 Eliot Road. 252 Maes, Ave. 4 Pelham Road 8 Vhrren St, 4 Bennington Rd. 2 Washington St, In view of the fact that various complaints have come in to the Board from time to time about piggeries the Board pasAed the following resolution, upon recommendation of the Town Counsel: Whereas it has been represented to the Board of Selectmen and Public sorks, acting as a Board of Health, that the many piggeries in the Town are nuisances, sources of filth, and causes of sickness within the town, which may be injurious to the public health, and Whereas it has also been represented that one of the main causes for making the piggeries nuisancee, sources of filth and causes of sickness, within the town, which may be injurious to the public health, is the swill and other refuse transported from ' outside the Units of the Town into the Town, and Whereas it has been suggested that the Board of Selectmen and Public Works, acting as a Board of Health, shall destroy, remove and prevent all such nuisances, sources of filth and 84 causes of sickness and make regulations for the public health *� and safety relative thereto and to articles capable of containing or oonreying from the town, and Whereas the Board of Selectmen and Public Yorks, actinR as ' a Board of healthg before making any orders or regulations desires to Rive full opportunity to all parties concerned with respect to the matters involved. Nov. therefore, be it Voted: that Tuesday, September 25. 1923, at 8:45 P. M. be the time and the office of the Board of Selectmen and Public Works in the Town Hall be the place for a hearing before the Board of Selectmen and Public Worker acting an a Board of Healthe upon whether the Board of Selectman and Public Worke, acting as a Board of health, 1. Shall prevent the further maintenance withiwthe town of piggeries, 2. Shall make any regulations -96rt the public health and suety relative to piggeriese and to the transportation into the town of swill or other refuse from outside the limits of the town, ar 3. Shall take any other action in the pr8n�ses under Section 122 of Qhapter 111 of the General Dawe, or otherwise, and be it further Voted, that notice be given by the Town clerk to all persons known now to be maintaining or operating piggeries within the tonin or transporting swill into the town and to all persons who have made complaints as to the piggeries, and that notice of the hear$vg be published in the Lexington Minute -man and the Lexington times, Meeting adjourned at 12:45 P. M. A true record, atteet: e "�. Clerk. J C 1