HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-09-04MA SPECIAL %EET11-4'G, SEFIEEBLa 4, 1923. 1 A special meeting of the Board of selectmen and Public 'corks was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Hall, Lexington, on Tuesday, riuguet 14, 1923 at 8 P.L. 'pie following members of the Board were present, namely .e=rsrv. Scamman, Blake, Hutchinson, Burnham and Boulton; the Town Ule.rk and Apc't 2o,n Ulerlr and the Town Uounsel were prepent. Lr. 'Neil Uclntosh came before the Board relative to the busirees carried on by George H. Pierce or, the State Road. �r. Pierce i:rac granted a Common lictualler'e Licenpe and the com- plaint is made y i�r. "clntosh that r. Pierce is welling vegetables that are not raised on its place on Sundays and that this is his main sale. In Po doing ILr. Lclntosh claims th,�t the street is blocked for a distance in front of Lr. .Pierce's place and that his driveway is also blocked by autoe stopping to make purchases at ILr. Pierce's place. The -board agreed again to write to Wir. Pierce and warn him that he must conduct his bueinere properl-'- and as reprepanted to the Board otherwise his license will be revoked. Letter of al -peal from the decision of the 3uildinF inspector was received from Lewis rig St. Sauveur of 37uelerdy rive., ;atertown, actin; for yr. hugh Lcintoph of Boston, who intendp to erect a building on diddle St. and objects to building the came of first or second claps construction.. 'h e Loard informed him that they would give him a hearing at 9 o'clock on the everinp of September 11th. Jay J. Richerds was authorized. to renew Workmen's Com- pensation Inpurance on the highway Department expirin8; Sept. 8th. In regard to Daniel u'Uornell's requeFA for copy of the records relative to he ring on application of John F. Zun.ino for license to erect and maintain a filling station at 119 ivrap-s. {yzje. Lexington, the Board being advised. Ny Town Counsel that these records Vere not public in the sense that the law required them to be kept, voted not to allow him copies of same. in regard to the reeuett of the Breck-Robinson Nurser77 Co. that the Board rc;quest the Boeton :t yiaine RR Co. to -lace signals at the croseina at Lunroe Station, it was "`doted that the Board is of the opinion that it is necessary for the better aecurit:y ;,f the public that L<<oard.s puch &s are deecribed in Section 141 of i;hapter 160 of the General Lawp, should be maintained at the travelled place crorced by the Boston Laine RR ,n the same level in Y,ediately adjacent to the ;runroe Stati;.n of tree railroad, and that the Boston 1::aire RR, be requested in writing to erect and maintain same, and that the Town 01er:; be requested to send to the RR corporation the following letter.": 91 "You are respectfully advised t} -at the Board of Selectmen and rublic ,Aorks are of the opinion tr; t, in accordance with the provisions of 6ectior. 141, Chapter 1 0 of the 'sereral it is necessary for the better securit=y of the public that boards such as are deecribed it Section 141 of Ghapter 160 should be Ltair:t fined at the traVeiled place crosred by our rallr'J"d. un the sage level i=iedietely adjacent to the hunroe Station of ;your railroad, the ea;;e Dein,, the way extend - in„ from-assaciiunett© .venue to the pre: ioes of the Sreck- Robinson -1ureery jo:Ipany. nccordinply you are hereby requested in ''Titin, to erect "nd Laalnta,i.n sucI; boa:'ds.'' The �o„rd set ieptember 24 for the date of the Town ieeting and. discussed articles to be inserted therein. Bill of Leonard i:. ;)urham for cervices as Slaughter inspector, same amounting; to $150 was referred to the Town Counsel. The subject of having a public cam_pir�, ground in the town war discussed by the Board, but nothin, definite done. n connection with the laycut of the etreete over land of uerussi in the vicinity of Vine Broo_,.r. Slake su,,;ested that the memorial drive to the Playground would be benefitted by this Lay out inasmuch as it would make a turn out beginning at dinthrop Road off :..ass. 1>venue, and when 2orest St. lxtenaion is laid out there Will be a relief to 'raffic on :aesachueette avenue. 11eetin,, adjourned at 11 O' cloc}: -L'. A true record, attest: Clerk. m 1 1 1