HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-08-14rim MEETI1G, AUGUST 14, 1923. n regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen and Public Works war held in the Selectmen's Room, Town full, Lexington, on Tuesday, august 14, 1923 at 8 P.ai. The following members of the Board were present, namely iieerre. Scamman, Make, hutchinson, Burnham and %ioulton; the Town Clerk and the Xe:''t 2own Slerk were also present. The Town Counsel was absent. vir. Dodell of the Edieon Co, and sir. Howard -`.�iunroe came before: the Board relative to the petition of the Edison Co. for location of 12 poles on voburn St. 400 ft. east of Lowell St. .:.r. Munroe appeared at the last meeting of the 13oard and objected to this location being granted. The petition wav therefore held up. ::r. wodell explained that this was a high tension lire and that they felt they- should 'nave the location. i. -r. Liunroe claimed that the Edison Go..pany owed him a bi11 for rental of land upon which the poles were located. The Hoard requested Lir. Munroe to take this matter up with uir. Iodell and straighten out -is claim, but that they felt thie had no particular bearing upon the petition. The Board therefor voted to grant the petition. ,r. C• a. Ryan of 10 Bedford Wit. carve before the Board with the request that the Board lay a granolithic sidewalk in front of ' his house, t1r. Britton's house and �+r. 'Tobin'v houre. Lir. yan felt that thio should be done while the work on Elm live. and Bedford at, ie beinp� done by contractor John 'l. ,dales. 1r. Ryan war informed by the -Board. that they would have the Supt. of Public corks look up the appropriation and if there was sufficient in the appropriation to have the work done to do so. Kusa 3ros. of Lowell St. came before the Board with the request that they be furnished mith a two inch pipe and :peter in place of the one inch pipe now installed eo that they could get pressure from the w_.ter through the pipe.` They claimed that at prevent they were unable to water their garden crops properly. it was left with the Oupt. of Fublic Works to look into this matter and install a two inch pipe and meter vo that they could. f;et better -�,ater service. Theodore H. Custance, urairman of the Board of %F-eesore, came before the Board and stated that the r.esessore department .,ould have to close dorm unless they got some money. The Board were all in favor of a transfer from the he -nerve round and consulted with Charles P. Tvunn, John L. h. W.ulliken and +Yilliam S. Stickel of the appropriation �o=dttee, who were all in favor of the transfer. It was, therefore, voted by the appropriation Com .ittee that j500 be transferred from the Reserve Fund. to the rieveseors ticcount. There appears to be $500 more needed to run thio department for the balance of the year and for that amount an article v,ill be placed in the ,arrant for the to;Nn meeting. Letter was received from the Breck-Robin:lon hurnery Co. asking the Board to write to the Boston Laine RR. Co. requesting them to place signal signs at the crossing near the r,unroe Station as re- 74 wrt quired by the Statute. Before do -ng this the Board decided to TJ consult the 'Town Counsel as to sv,hether tLie particular crooning is public or private, as the Board has only authority when the croreing is public to request signale be placed there. The Board having learned that, the Building Lav, Committee ' had not yet met to revise the building laws, requested Yr. 3reeley to call a meeting of the com;:ittee together. Registration of the Town hall for internal Revenue was signed by the chairman. Opinion was received from the Town Counsel on the liability Of the Town if they order the building at 119 Lace. nve. torn doyen when there is ,a mortgage on the property. Town Counsel ddvieed that all partie- inter(^ted in the property be notified, and then to proceed under the statute. The 6ommittee, therefore, consisting of' the 'iown Lngineer , Building Inspector and vhief of the Fire Department, were notified of the Town Jouneel's opinion and that they were novr to proceed to act under the Statute and the Town Counsel's direction. In connection with the above matter the Board considered .gain the application of John 1. Zunino of Bedford to erect a filling station at 119 i:•aso . .-.ve. upon which a hearing was held on July 24, and voted phot to grant a permit to said Zunino to. erect and maintain a station. tipplication -of +ary K. Rowland of Lowell St. for a Sunday Sales permit was refused by the Doard. ' Letter was received from A. oilson �', Sons in regard to bill of $39.03 due from the heseesore Dept. and asking that came be paid. They were informed that the Board intended calling a town meeting; in •�ep,teribtr and at that time would endeavor to secure funds for the Assessors Department, with which to pay their bills due. Letter was received from John L). Curran in which he informed the Board that he was surprised at the decision of the Board in regard to the chargee he made against Chief of Police, Edward Leavitt. He explained that he was the party talking to Chief Leavitt and felt that he should have a hearing before the Board. The Board therefore notified Lr. Curran that they would be in session on Sept. 11, 1923 to hear his complaints. The Board voted to transfer to Ashley 9. Partridge the license formerly ieeued to the ;Morse Sisters at cor. -�altham St. and State Rd. ,also the license formerly issued to i.lr. Pattridge to do busineve at Depot Square, to ;lase. Ave. Upon application of +ors. nrthur H. :Lcionald of 568 Mass. Ave. for Soldiers' Relief for her mother in law, the Board voted to grant Soldier's Relief to Mrs. V'hastine kcDonald, widcw of Albert S. civil war veteran, to the amount of $10 pr. month to ' date from nugust let. The application of krs. agnes Hall of Lake St. was con- sidered. ,Ars. Hall's husband was recently con.itted to i`ertboro State Hospital, and she was left with two children ,to support. The Board felt that inasmuch as ire. Hall owned property assessed for $1600 they could not readily place her upon the Overseers of the Poor pay roll. �z. �illiam L. Denham's attention was called to the fact that no audit of the town scales books has been made for three Nears and asking that he bring his books to the Town Accountant. Letter was received from '4m. h. Ballard of the Planning Board informing the Board that the Planning Board would take up the matters of Forest St.. Extenl-ion and extension of street from Massachusetts revenue at the Lexington Oentre Garage to Vine Brook Road, as soon as a quorum of the Board could be obtained. Stanley Hill Poet was requested to furnish the .Board vrith a co;rplete list of persons enlisting in service from Lexington, so that a bronze tablet could be made up for a permanent memorial. The 3oard voted to adopt the following regulations relative to water services: "rill water services. shall be laid by the Public -Yorke Department. Applications for such service piper shall be made upon blank forms furnished at the office of raid Bepart1:�ent. Shen the estimated cost of the applicants part has been deposited, the pipes shall be laid. From the main to the shut off which shall be located as near the curb line as practicable and the adjoining edge of the sidewalk, the work shall be done at the expense of the toern unlern an applicant wishes a :service pipe laid when there it frost in the ground, in ^;.rich cave he shall pay the extra expense caused by the front, the. remainder at the coot of the applicant. The account shall be adjusted and any balance paid be- fore the water is turned on." Letter was received from, the J'upt. of Public :corks relative to r.igp and calling attention to the fact that unless permits to keep pigs are either refused or granted no prosecution can be made. he therefore asked that the 3oard take some action. The Board. discussed the matter and decided that the erupt. should con- sult with the `rows_ Oour�el to see whether or not the Board could refuse to grant all of these permits. Then pe3ehape action could be taken to prosecute pernone having piggeries. Bid was received from Frank Dogger for the painting of the atone Building . Before having this work done the Building Instiector users reouested to look over the building and make an estimate of repairs and also give advice ar to blinds being used on only part of the house. Letter together With plan was presented by the Supt. of Public 1"corks relative to work to be done on the Lexington Playground in anticipatinn of the Pageant. ' better and plan were turned over to u:r. 31ake crho was to F;o over the matter and report to the Board. application of yrs. agnes Fardy of Bedford St. for a gravel sidewalk in front of her home was turned over to the Supt. of Public Wo rk_ s . 76 k:. 6arroll through a letter requested that the Board replace the wire fence on 'Jaltham 6t. that war at one time fired by the Board and is now falling down. the oard requested the Supt. of lublic .tor_�r to notify this party that, they did not intend continually to fix this fence. In regard to the application of the Birsch 5ig;n Co, to move the sign at the junction of6chool and ;::arrott Sts. back from the present location, the board voted to grant permission. The -board authorized the Supt. of Public +orks to order eight electric lights to be placed on xllen Jt. and 9 on Lowell St. in accordance with the eug-gestion of the Ldison Co. erupt. of Public Works presented letter in re-;ard to the order of removal of sign at the junction of :-iaple and Lowell Sts. The Supt. also read a letter from F. 7. Lmcry objecting; to the sign at the function of sample and Lowell Ste. The Supt. of Public borks war requested to look up the plan of Depot Park to see how rauc}i wL.r to be cut off. .,:r. ;Make called attention to the fact th:t the bili of n. ". Burgess for,the NTk done and. cc;ntracted for by4r. zmery ,sill not be paid by Robert P. Clapp until the work ie done properly. Lieeting ad4;ourned at 12 o'clock midnight. �. true record, "ttest: Clerk. M 7V "=7 1 1