HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-07-24t- UEETll\1,G, JULY 24, 1923. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen and Public Jorke was held in the Selectmen'c Room. Tovn hall, Lexington, on Tuesday, July 24, 1923 at 8 P. 11. The following? members of the Board were present, namely Ileeers. Scamman, Blake, Hutchinson and l:oulton; the Town Clerk and the ese't Town Clerk were also present, The 'lovtn uouneel and Lr. Burnham were absent. hearing was declared open upon application of John F. Zunino of i4edford for a permit to install a gasoline filling station at 119 lass. rive. with tanks having capacity of 2000 gallons. Bani.el J. O'Connell appeared as attorney and Spokesman for Mr. Zunino. He explained that there was a mortgage on the present building; on the lot owned by �,r. Zunino and the town might be liable to suit if Ir. Zunino war ordered to remove the delapidated building. On the other hand if �•r. Zunino was granted a permit to install a filling station, he would tear down the present building and build a fire proof structure whereby he could obtain some revenue. No one other than the attorney spoke for the applicant. Utse Gertrude 14itc?,ell of 117 iLaee. rive. stated that she did not understand that 1.ir. Zunino was to erect a new building, but that the old building was to remain at;d pumps placed outside. She stated that she objected but not so strenuously to a new building. The Board declared the hearing cloned and requested the Town Counsel to give the Board an opinion as to whether the town would be liable if the Building was ordered torn down. Hearing was declared open upon application of Jay 0. Richards of 31 hancock St. to erect and maintain a filling station at the triangle at the junction of Lincoln Street and Middle Street, otherwise knovm as Five Forks. Helen Barry whose mother is owner of property opposite t lie xiangle, objected very strenuously to a filling station. Iir. Carroll proprietor of the Paul Revere Garage a few hundred feet away from this point did not believe it was necessary to have gasoline supplied at that point. l."atherine Harrington of 512 Mase. Ave. stated that she believed this to be the moot dangerous corner in the town and entirely unfit for a filling station. No other persons spoke in favor or against this application. The Board declared the hearing closed and after considering the matter decided not to grant the license. Hearing was declared open upon application of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. for permission to erect twelve poles and remove two poles on '+Voburn St. from a point about 400 feet east of Lowell Street to a point near the 'aaoburn City line. the Board ' Howard Munroe of Lowell St. came before/to object to per- mission being given to the Edison Co. His objeeltion was that the Edison Co. owed him a bill for maintaining their poles on hie pro- perty and he did not want to let them remove them until theme* paid the bill. The Board held the granting of this location over until they took the matter up with the Wdison Co. 70 rdr. Keil Lclntoeh came before the 3oard t',:at plane showing layout of streets on the called, be approved. rhe Board approved the Intosh agreed to give a right of way to the drainage. ith the remest Grassland Farm so plans and Mr. Me - town for storm ' Mr. UcIntoeh called attention to several matters, one to the blocking of traffic by pereone purchasing of George H. Pierce who was recently granted a Common lictualler's License. Mr. McIntosh claimed that the traffic was ro congested that he could not go into or out of hie driveway. The Board agreed to notify the chief of Police to see that ir. Pierce operated his place without interference to other persons in the neighborhood and also to notify :r. Pierce. Mr. McIntosh stated that he was informed by :"r. Harrison that he was holding up the extension of water in the streete that 11r. y:clntosh requested owing to the, fact that he did not have the proper number of signatures. he stated that he had all signa- tures but two and that he would give a bond and sign a release himself. Letter was received from jamee J. Curran in which he made chargee ageinet Ldward Leavitt, Chief of Police, as follows: 1. That hie conduct was unbecoming a member of the Police Department of the town of Lexington and of a gentleman. 2. That he used insulting and indecent language. 3. That he abused the acthority of hie ofi'ice. 4. That he made an assault upon me. 5. That wit.out justification or excuse he threatened to arrest me. 6. That he forced me to leave the premises upon which I had a right to be. 7. That he had not instructed his patrolmen and officers in their duties. 1 8o that in consequence of this, he Is a t::oroughly unfit person to be the Chief of Police of the lorPrn of Lexington. The Chief of Police was called before the Board and stated that the charges were untrue. rittorney James J. Curran was therefor notified by the Board that the charges were not suetaimdd. It was voted to grant Fred B. Bartlett a permit to erect a garage at 72 Bedford Street. Francis J. Toye was appointed a Registrar of Voters for the term of three years from :arch 31, 19423. The Board signed an indenture between ,Ervin R. Dix and the Town giving releaee of land on the Dix property on North Hancock Street for storm drainage purposes. Kr. Blake explained that the Shade Tree Department were removing large trees on Clark St, and that during the time they were removing same on account of its be-Tng a hazardous job he allowed I the men 25¢ per day extra. Petition asking for repairs on the Liddleeex 'turnpike from Bedford to Billerica war presented to the Board. 71 Application for boarding infants were signed for Annie R. Crowe of 123 Maee. rive. and Terre. James J. Burton, Grant Place. The plans of the Dix Lumber Co. showing the entire layout were signed by the Board. Edtin B. WOrtren war authorized to renew workmen's compensation and public liability insurance for the Water Department due riuguet 13th, Lind alio automobile liability insurance on atter Department car. Common Victualler's License was granted to Mrs. Luther Breck to operate the Dutch cottage at Breck-Robinson Nursery Co. Letter was received from the Tax Collector in which he informed the BwLrd that he appointed Helen E. Ready and Helen C. Gallagher to collect water rates while he war on his vacation the month of august. Llr..Olake called Littention to the fact that a new Honor Roll should be built and in order to do so a complete liot of the names of the boys obtained from the Legion. Letter was directed to the Legion adjutant asking for this list. It was decided to request the Planning Board to make a report on the extension of Forest Street from ite.present terminus to Before taking any action on tie petition the Board referred ' the matter to the Oupt. of Public Worke with the request that he take the matter up with the towns of Bedford and Billerica. In regard to the requeet of J. Willard Hayden for supply of water, the Board informed the Supt. of Public '+Yorke that they would be willing to furnish 180 feet of pipe and lay same on top of ground, and that the town men could lay the rest of the pipe providing lir. Hayden agrees to pay for the labor. The Board felt that they should assist in whatever way possible so that the pageant grounds may be ready for the celebration in 19-25. In this connection the Board felt that funds should be raised to do work on the grounds, and therefor an article sl -could be inserted in the ;'iarrant for the September town meeti-•,g asking for funds. �r. Harrison reported thdr he had bids for construction of Gran:>lithic sidewalk on Elm avenue and that the lowest bidder was John T. 'Walsh of 637 Mase. ave. bidding at $3 pr. eq. yd. The Board therefor instructed the Supt. to award the bid to the lowest bidder. The Supt. of Public Works reported that Harry A. Burgess was ready to give up his work of charge of the Odorless Cart. It being rather a difficult thing to get someone to do this work, the Supt. was directed to do whatever he thought beet about the work. There remains a balance of $816 in the Sewer Connection Fund and the Supt. recommended a bond of $1000 be issued. Application for boarding infants were signed for Annie R. Crowe of 123 Maee. rive. and Terre. James J. Burton, Grant Place. The plans of the Dix Lumber Co. showing the entire layout were signed by the Board. Edtin B. WOrtren war authorized to renew workmen's compensation and public liability insurance for the Water Department due riuguet 13th, Lind alio automobile liability insurance on atter Department car. Common Victualler's License was granted to Mrs. Luther Breck to operate the Dutch cottage at Breck-Robinson Nursery Co. Letter was received from the Tax Collector in which he informed the BwLrd that he appointed Helen E. Ready and Helen C. Gallagher to collect water rates while he war on his vacation the month of august. Llr..Olake called Littention to the fact that a new Honor Roll should be built and in order to do so a complete liot of the names of the boys obtained from the Legion. Letter was directed to the Legion adjutant asking for this list. It was decided to request the Planning Board to make a report on the extension of Forest Street from ite.present terminus to 72 Mans. "venue at Tucker' a and 1�:cLonald' a pl--ce . The Board believes that this matter has been pending under consideration for a long time and that something definite ehould be done so that tr.iV road could be opened up for travel and to buid upon. The Planning Board S^;as also requested to report on their recommen.ations for the Zoning System. Ur. slake called attention to the fact that a sign should. be placed at the Centre Playground entrance marked, "Centre Playground Pntran.ce. Drive 6lowly." .x. Blake called attention to the fact that three of the memorial trees on the Common are dying an: the Board therefor wrote to the Legion asking if they desired to renew same. H true record, attest: clerk. «AMW 'X7 1 1 1