HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-06-12MEETING, JUNE 129 192%3. A regular meeting of the Board of selectmen and Public Korks was held in the Bel.ectmen's Room, Town hall, Lexington, on Tuesday, June 12, 1923 at 8 Y.L. The following members of the Board were present, namely bkeeers. Scamman. Blake, Burnham Hutchinson and Moulton; the Town Olerk and Ar! e't Town clerk were present. William J. Marshall of 9 Independence Ave. was drawn as a Juror. August Young of Laconia Street, came before the Board to see about obtaining hie -,(Federal) License to Slaughter. The Board informed him that they would take the matter up as soon as possible. 1 On June 19 notice of temporary suspension was sent to Officer William. F. Pletcher, pending charges preferred by Chief of Police, Edward Leavitt. On June 2, Officer Fletcher notified the Board that owing to the fact that he did not receive a copy of the chargee of suspension he still held himself in readiness to "erform hie duty as an Officer. On June 5, after consultation with Town Couneel, another notice war sent Officer Fletcher, enclosing coy of the chargee preferred and also setting a date of hearing as of Jure 12th at 8 F.".. Inquiry war received ' from Ammidon & Bicknell, Counsellors at Law, representing Officer Fletcher, requesting the ch...rge of Neglect of Duty in Detail to which the Ohief of Police wrote as follows: "under charge 2, Neglect of Duty, that raid officer Fletcher called the station once between the hours of 1 and 2 and once bet,7een the hours of 3 and 4 n. .. on the morning of June let." A hearing therefore war declared open in accordance with the foregoing action. A Ingham Bicknell was present to represent Officer Fletcher. Daniel -J, O'Connell was present to prepreeent Chief of Police, Edwurd Leavitt. Sergeant Oullivan and Officer Irwin were also present as witneesee for Chief Levitt. Both nttorneys requested the witnesses be sworn, and they were so sworn by the Town Clerk. Coneiderable testimony was given and the Board considered the matter and decided that Officer Fletcher was not guilty of Charge 1, but that he was guilty of Charge 2, and that for this offense they would suspend him, without pay from June 5th stn' June 15th, 1923, and order him to report on June 16th to the Chief for duty. Daniel J. :;'Connvll as rttorney for John F. Zunino, owner of property at 119 Ka-ir. Averue, Lexington, requested the Board ' to .get advice from V'p Town CounFel as to whether or not lrr. Zunino was not entitled to another hearing upon hie apr.li- cation for a gasoline station at 119 Mass. Ave. In this connection the Board also agreed that nothing further would be done by the Building Inspector about tearing the building down until the Board consulted with the Town Counsel in regard to the hearing on the gasoline station. 11r. "'Connell informed the Board that Mr. Zunino might ' fix up the building if he rad a permit to have a station. A Board of Survey hearing called for 8 F.2. upon appli- cation of George R. Blinn, Trustee, for approval of plan showing passageway leading from I&aes. Ave. over land of the Robinson Estate, was adjourned as none of the parties interested appeared. 1 Robert H. Holt and -William R. Greeley were appointed to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations of Robert P. Clapp and 'Villard D. Broln an the Building Law Revision Committee. Notice of resignation from the 150th anniversary Committee was received from George K. Taylor and Frank D. Peirce. 1,r. Loulton stated that he would bring in two names to fill the vacancies at the next meeting. Resignation of Walter H. dew as a Police Officer of the Lexington Lepartment was accepted. . Florence b.. Boyd, Clerk of the 'rater Department.xequested an increase in pay and the Board voted to grant her an increase of $100 to date from July let for the balance of the year. In regard to the electric Lighie requested on Allen Street the Supt. of Public `k7orks reported that seven lights were needed. The erupt. also reported that eight lights were needed on Lovell Street from "oburn St. to Past Street. The 3oard ordered the jupE°rintendent to have the Edison Co. repreeertLtive locate the lights and place them in. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public vorks in which he informed the Board that Charles Fine of the 'Water De - partment should be pensioned. :r. Scamman informed the 5zlpt. of ]Public 4orke that Mr'. -Fine of the-Water;Pspartment could not be pensioned as he was not a war veteran. Nothing was done about tris matter. Permit to excavate at 609 bass. xve. was granted to the Lexington Gas Company through the Supt, of Public ylorks. Permit to lay main on 5omereet Road and hill Street was .also granted subject to the instructions to the Company of the Supt. of Public ti orke. Rupert H. itevens and Patrick J. Cronin came before the Board relative to securing an extension of the water pipe in that street and also requesting that the extension be at least a two inch pipe instead of 4 in. as the present pipe'now is. Ur. harrieon advised a 6 inch tee already installed makes it eonvE:nient to put in a 4 inch pipe. The Board left the matter with the Supt. of Public Works. Lr- Edward O'Connor representing the ;eater Department, and William H. kelley and Stephen Broughall, representing the highway Department came before the Boax'd with a request for an 59 60tow a� increase in pay. They stated that Lexington appeared to be .� paying lees than any of the towns around for the work done. The Board asked the Supt. of Public +Forks that he considered a fair increase and he stated that he thought 5� an hour would be , fair. Mr. Harrison was reo_uested to look into the matter and report. In regard to the request of Joseph L. Zuretti, John Ro^e and Charles h. Franks that the bond required for public carriage licensee be either reduced or abolished, the Board decided that they would not make any change in the regulations and believed that thio action was for the beet interest of the town and also for the licensee. The question as to whether or not riobert hi. 'White could collect his pay for the three days he was suspended was left over until the Town Counsel's opinion could be obtained on the same. Common Victualler's License was granted to Howard w. Munroe ar.d 11. Irving Currier to do business at the corner of Lowell and Woburn Streets. Sunday Sales Licensee were granted to amber P. dreir and Ida H. B. Capper, the former at 458 Mass. Ave. and the latter at Middle Street. Mr. Moulton stated that if the Board had no objection he would put up a bill board at the triangle at the corner of Laple St. ' andl-'ass. Avenue directing traffic to the Mohawk Trail and place a light on came. The Board appeared to have no objections. The Supt. of Pubic liorke reported that he had sent Norman Skidmore to Waltham and Eorwood to study, the purchasing agent system there. he also got figures on filing cabinets needed to carry out this system, the eame being $190. The Supt. stated that he felt he could do away with the services of L:r. nose and hire Skidmore to be time keeper for the eater, Sewer �- Highway Depte. and also be Purchasing Agent. The Chairman informed the Board that he'felt money could be saved if we had one. The Supt, was given authority to purchase the.cabinets, but not to employ an Agent. The Supt. of Public +corks read a letter of cuspension that he had written to Helen L. Ready, employee of the nsseevors Dept. his reason being that she attended the funeral of Fr. Kelleher on June 12th without notifying him. Lr.. Harrison was informed by the Board that he had no author- ity over that Department, as the Selectmen even did not have :any authority over them after they were-ppointed. The Supt. of Public ;Forks reported that he had figures on , the construction of the sidewalk at riubudon Road and that Bond Bros. of Everett ;-as the lo7 est bidder, the bid bring $0.37 pr. sq. ft. The Board authorized the Supt. to award the bid to the lowest bidder. The Board authorized the Town TreaFurer to secure bide or. $50,000 notes for temporary loan. The Board notified Leonard _ Dunham that his resignation which was given verbally over the 'phone to ir. "oulton was ��.ccepted. A true record, Attest: <Jt� C Clerk. 1 1 I