HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-05-29M ' UEETING, MAY 29t 1923. A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen and Public U orke was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Hall, Lexington, on Tuesday, kay 29* 1923, at 8 P. k. The following members of the Board were present, namely, Mesere. Scamman, Burnham, Blake and Hutchinson. The Town Clerk, the Assistant Town Clerk, and the Town Counsel were also present. Mr. John H. 'Wright and iar. Ricci came before the Board to request the extension of a water main on Concord avenue. They stated that there would be six or seven houses to take water from this pipe, and that they would be willing to sign the usual guaranty. The Supt. of Public 11orke wxplained that the approximate cost of the proposed extension would be $1200 but that ripe was so hard to get that he could not tell when the extension could be made. The matter was left with the Supt. of Public Works. A Sunday Sales License was granted to the Lexington Garage, C. W. Claflin & Co. to do business at 169 mass. Avenue, formerly Merrill's Garage. ' A petition for street lights on Lowell Street to East St. from 'Woburn St. was received from residents of that vicinity. The Supt. of Public _Works was requested to view the section to determine how many lights were needed. Stephen J. Donnellan was appointed a ''weigher of Coal of the Town, at the request of the Lexington Coal Company. Edwin B. Worthen made a request that the Board allow him to stare a chaise formerly owned by Dr. Holmes, in one of the town buildings, do that the same would be available for future histori- cal purposes. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to see whether the Buckman Tavern shed or ar. Sara's barn, wh ch the town hires, would be the better place to store the chaise. Theodore A. Cuetance, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, came before the Board to discuss assessing problems. He informed the board that Mr. Reed would be away from town most of the time this year and he therefor did not care to serve on the Board. He recommended that kr. Spencer be appointed a regular Assessor in view of the fact that the law states that there must be three, five or seven Aseeeeore. The Board therefor agreed to appoint Mr. Frederick J. Spencer ' as a Regular Assessor. 1`r. Custance also informed the Board that $1051.09 was needed to carry on the hsseesors Department to December 31st. he handed the Board detail figures which showed what their department had 56 C expended and what was needed the balance of the year. He *— requested that the Board take up the appropriation at the T� adjourned town meeting, May 4th, and endeavor to secure the amount needed. ' Letter was received from the 6upt. of Public W orke in which he advised that appointment of an Agent of the Board of Health be made, and that the ei::m of $300 be expended for same. There being no funds in the appropriation no action was taken � on this recommendation. 'Wesley T. +adman came before the Board to be informed just what procedure he should take to have.the building, 119 M.a s s . rive . , torn down. Tosm Counsel informed him that, as long as the Town accepted Chap. 104, bections 1-9 of the Revised Laws, he could proceed under Chapter 143 of the General laws. Under this+ Chapter the Building lnepector has authority to appoint a com- mittee of three to consist of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, the Town Engineer and one dieinterested party, who were to make a report of the conditions of the building to the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector should first, however, notify the owner to tear down the building. r. Stone also informed the Board and Building Inspector that the law provides that if public safety vo requires and if the Selectmen 'so order, the Inspector of Buildings may enter upon the premises and cause such structure to be taken down or made safe upon the land. If the owner or agent neglects to do the necessary, after a careful survey made by the Committee appointed by the Building Ins- pector,I the building may be torn down and the cost or chargee incurred assessed upon the land. It was therefore left with the Building Inspector to carry out the advice of the Town Counsel in regard to this matter. Dr. henry C. Valentine was appointed Town Physician. The Board voted to appoint the following as the Dental Clinic Committee: Alice Newell Harry A. Lowry Mrs. S. Lewis Barbour. The Board also suggested to the ComA ttee that Rise Newell be the Chairman, and also that Dr. Louis F. Yongeon of State Rd, Lexington, be employed as the iientict in the fall in place of Dr. Greeley, present dentist. In accordance with the vote of the Town passed Uay 9, 19230 the Board appointed the following Committee to verve as the Committee on the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington: George E. Brig,ge J . Wi llard Hayden Grace G. Lerriam Edwin B. ;Worthen Joseph R. Cotton Christopher S. Ryan Robert P. Clapp Catherine. A. Kimball Charles H. Spaulding ' Elwyn G. Preeton Major Alfred Pierce Edward H. Dara Frederick L. Emery ' 'Millard D. Brown Leroy S. Brown George V.. Taylor George L. Gilmore Herbert Saul Dr. J. Odin Stephen F. Hamblin George D. Harrington William H. Ballard Edward C. Stone James Cr. Smith Frank D. Peirce Tilton. In accordance with the vote of the Town on May 9. 1923, the Board appointed the followirg Committee to Revise the Building Laws: Robert P. Clapp Theodore A. Oustance Patrick F. Dacey. "leeley T. Wadman Villard D. Brown The Supt. of Public ,orks called attention to the fact that the Attorney General had approved the Health Regulations and had made a few changes and that they were printed once in the Times. These regulations were approved by the Board on March 20.1923, In connection with the Health Regulations the Supt. of Public 7oorks called attention to the fact that permits will now have to be issued to keep pigs, and that he felt an Agent should go about to loot: over the piggeries to see that' they were kept clean. ' The Supt. of Public horks reported that there were 19 people who did not comply with the order of the Board to connect with the sewer, and these he would have to take to Court. There were some exceptions of privileges allowed to persons having good reasons. Letter of the Town Accountant, together with letter from the 'Dept. in charge of Accounting of the State, in which the Accountant Informed the Board that the Supt. of Public Works had no authority over him, was turned over to the Town Counsel. bupt.-of Public Jrorks reported that the Standpipe was now repaired on the inside and filled with water. jhe Supt, of Public ti;orks was requested to look over Allen Street with the view of installing street lights andinform the Board how many will be needed. The Town Counsel reported that he was awaiting the printing of the By -Laws in the Times, and he would then pass upon the Police Regulations and the Regulation for the entrance to Depot Park. The matter of transporting garbage through the Town was informally discussed. Supt. of Public 'tiorke reported that he had secured a govern- ment truck for the highway impartment. The Clerk of the 4ater Department, Florence ?:. Boyd. requested an increase in pay. No action was taken on the matter. Meeting adjourned at 12:05 .k true record, attest: Clerk,