HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-CRC-rpt.pdf REPORT OP THE CY-WHITTLEON Peet:DICA.TION OF TUE COMMON To the Annual Town Meeting, 1975 Pursuant to the vote under Article 35 of the 1974 Town Meeting, the Rededication Com- mittee has been active in three respects 1) We have planned a rededication ceremony to be held on Sunday, April 20, at tfoon, bit the Common, rain or shine Details will be announced later In general it will take the form of a Ceremonial Tonna Meetin- 2) We have endeavored to have various segmenta of the community enter into study and discus.ion of the principles and objectives which induced the.. Minute Men to take their furnous stand 200 years ago, and to solicit from the public suggestions as to what are the current egeivaleetn of those principles° Unnappily, the response has not been great. The most conspicuuun single effort we know about was that of a group in the League of Women Voters a summary of this was; publiahe:d in the local press during the week of March 10, 3) We have prepared a resolution canteusing an affirmation and pledge, which we submit herewith for action by the Town Meeting If the Meet- ing affirms this resolution we shall incorporate it in the ceremony on April 20th, The affirmation and pledge are as _follows "We are deeply appreciative of the sacrificer czar iorehthere made on April 19, 1.77 when, by then:' actions they dedicated this Common 9n Mil, Uirthplace of American Liberty n an expression of that appreciation we, the citizens of Lesington, in 1975, rededicate ow Common, and ourselves to the Comes) Cause of American Liberty We pledge ourselves to respect the rights of others, so that we may e. joy individual freedom; We pledge ourselves to participate as enformed citizens, en thtt we may preserve truly democratic government; We pledge ourselves to recognize both :he sovereignty and the .taxiaa,- wide iaterdependesnce of all nations, so that our nation may continuo to be free and independent" Respectfully submitted, RT•.DEDICATIOT1 CO?1iITf;E Rev steroid 'C Handley, Chairman Cnrnel.:.us Cronin Fred C Dailey Roland B: Greeley Mss Margery Aattin Richard John 9' Rev George W Casey Richard A. Richel„on Rev Henry II Clarke Ms, Margot Tutun Ms Elleaaeth Clarke Rev Robert ;oerheide N N