HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-04-1032 ' MEETING. APRIL 10, 1923. All Membere Present. The Employment Committee of the American Legion, beim Dr. James J. Walsh, Killiam J. 1�arehall, Irving B.Pierce, and Edward B. O'Connor, came before the Board. Edward B. O'Connor had been discharged from the Highway Dept. by Lir. Harrison for not reporting at work on Saturday morning and not sending in word that he would not be there. Dr. Walsh of the committee, asked that Mr. Harrison explain why O'Connor was discharged. Mr, Harrison explained that the position of time keeper is an importacit one, and that on Saturday morning O'Connor did not appear and although he had a brother in the Engineering Dept, and a father working for the town, he did not send word that he could not come to work. He also stated that incidental to this he understood that O'Connor was taking the men to the house of De Vincent on Concord Avenue in the town truck. He also made it his duty to criticize the work done on Oakmount Circle. 1r. O'Connor stated that on the Saturday afternoon that Lr-. Harrison had in mind it was impossible for him to have taken men to Concord Avenue as the truck could not be run that afternoon owing to its condition. .he stated that when he was employed it was not only for time keeper but he was given to understand that he Would have another position later on in the water department and that he would also drive the truck. He reported that times other men on the department did not appear at work, but that they did not send in any reason. He also Maid that on the day he did not Work he came to the Town Hall after 12:00 and fixed up the time. On the following Monday morning he was discharged at about 10:30 AX, Mr. Harrison stated that Mr. Rose informed him that O'Connor's work was not quite satisfactory. Mr. Rose claimed that his work was satisfactory and that he did not hire him for a time keeper alone, but that he intended that he should drive the truck and work on the meters. Dr. Walsh informed the Board that he understood that Officer Kew denied that he had any evidence that O'Connor was seen at De - Vincent's on Concord &venue and that the statement was only hearsay. The doctor asked that the Board find out whether or not Mr. Kew'e statement was not true. The hearing eloped and the Board informed the Committee that they would take the matter under advisement. Letter in regard to a bill which is proposed that will take away from towns the bank tax they now receive, was placed before the ?oard. Town Counsel, Edward C, Stone, beim present, stated that he ' would be glad to look into the matter and1possible appear before the committee, or request the Representative to do no, letter was received from the Edison Electric Ili. Co. asking permission be given to relocation street light fixture on pole F19 to 610 ori Bedford St. near Elm Ave. in order that they may establish an underground terminal on pole 6/9. The Board voted to grant the permission. 34 Insurance policy of $2700 on the Shelalis House at the Cemetery was approved by the Chairman. T, Edwin B. iorthen was authorized to renew insurance on the , Highway Truck only on liability, and to eliminate the fire ineur- ance ,formerly carried. The bond of Constable Patrick J. Kaguire was approved by the Board. Letter was received from Arthur K. Reading asking that the Board pay particular attention to the selection of men of character on the Jury list. The Board acknowledged receipt of the letter and stated that they would endeavor to comply with the request. In regard to the application for a gasoline filling station at the corner of Bow Street and Mass. Avenue. applied for by Joseph A. waters, the Board decided that public convenience and necessity do not require another filling station at that point. Permission was granted to the Lexington Gas Company to exca- vate at the following places for the purpose of giving gas service: 319 Kars. Ave 223 Mass. Ave. 8 Parker St. 20 Hancock St. The names suggested by the Town Engineer for the streets on ' the new layout at the Grassland property, namely. Bridge St. Valleyfield St. Payson St. and Grassland St. were approved by the Board. Letter was received from the Chief of Police in which he thanked the Board for allowing him to return to his home week ends, and stating that fie is now settled at 10 huzzey St. to date from April 9th. Letter was received from William Colvin in which he requested that street lights be placed -on Burlington Street, and that he could use the electric pourer for pumping water for his vegetables. The Board informed him that the appropriation would not allow the Board to make an extension of the street lights, and offered the suggestion that possibly a gasoline pump might serve the pur- pose for pumping water. Three applications for the position of animal Inspector, in which a vacancy exists owing to the death of Dr. Harry -1, Alderman, were received by the Board. The applications :sere from Chester L. Blakely, XDV, F. Holden Smith, VMD and Charles A. Odalley. ' Letter was received from the State Lepartment of Animal Industry in which they urged that a veterinary be appointed to the position as at times there arise technicalities which only a veterin- ary can settle. Mr. Blakely being a reeident of Lexington, and a Veterirary. ' the Board voted to appoint him. Letter was received from Frederick L. Emery of the Field and Garden Club in which he called attention to the danger existing at the entrances to the railroad yard. 35 The Board replied that they would investigate tue case and inform him what would be done later. ' Letter was alaV received from Frederick L. Emery informing the Board that complaints were coming to him about the town dump on Lincoln Street. The Board replied that they were endeavoring to improve the looks of this dump as much as possible and that the privilege of dumping triere was violated by the persons using same in that they were putting things there that were hard to cover up. Letter was received from Everett S. Emery stating that the Hancock Church took an appeal to the County Commissioners from the tai: assessed upon its land in Lexington for 1922, and. that Bir.. Ryder having been too busy to take up the matter, nothing was done. Application for a Sixth Class License Daae received from 0. G. Seeley of Seeley's Drug Store. The Board voted to grant him the licence. The form of bond that was filed in connection therewith was not satisfactory to the Town Counsel,who gave instructions as to the proper bond to be filed before the license should be given. A license for the sale of '+ood Alcohol was granted to Herbert M. Lawrence, said license to expire Apr. 30, 1924. Letter was received from the H. Mueller Mfg. Co. of 145-149 West 30th St. Hew York City, asking why their bid for part of an order was not accepted when their figure was lower than that of the Walworth Kfg Co. The Supt, of Public dorks informed the Board that he awarded .he bid to the Walworth k`•fg Co. because the bid for all material was lower. The Board appointed Charles A. .Salley as Kilk Inspector provided that he passed the test required for that position. Letter was received from George W. Reed of Reed Street in which he stated that he had taken up the matter of drainage in the vicinity about his house with the Supt. of Public.iorks. He asked that the Board instruct the bupt. to have the neceseary work done to drain the territory properly and that the Board encourage an appropriation for the amount estimated to do the necewsary T,.ork. The communication was left with lir. Harrison to look into the matter further. Request was made by William W. Ferguson for an extension of Forest' Street sewer in 2orest St. Extension. The letter was turned over to Mr. Harrieon to look into, In regard to the settlement of claim of the Breck-Robinson T;uraxery Co. Mr. Edward C. Stone, Town Counrel, reported that he would look into the matter and advise the Board as to settlement. 'He tookall the papers, formerly left by Mr. Ryder, on the case. In regard to the bill for printing By -Laws in the Lexington Minute -man, Town Counsel, advised the payment of came, as the vote of the Town so states. and also the Board may give as much publicity 36 to the By -Laws as possible. The Supt. of Public Works reported that he was requesting bide on coal from various companies. The Edison Electric I11. Co. were notified to turn off the street lights at 1 o'clock A. M. (April 13). The Supt. spoke of complaints that had come to him from Isabel Eardy, in regard to the drain acroer Concord Ave. causing water to flow on her land. firs. Edith Ideal complained of the manure on the Burgess property on Parker St. Alfred E. Haynes complained of the drain under Hill Street causing grater on hie land. The Supt. was requested to look into these matters. Two applications for the position of Supt. of Streete were received and placed in Mr. Harrison's hands. Members of the Board expressed the deeire of having Bir. Robert K. ++bite placed in charge of the streets if there needed to be a change in the position. Uembere of the water department force appeared at the meeting in order to make claim for a vacation which they stated thejr were entitled to. Lr. Harrison was requested to look over the pay rolls to see if their claime were just. The Board requested Lr. Stone to take over the McCaffrey case and try and make settlement of same. Claims against J. W. O'Connell, Contractor on the Maple and Lowell St. job were turned over to the Town Counsel. A true record, Attest: gqt-� Clerk. 1