HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-02-19YEET11G, FEB. 19, 1923. Levers. Scarman. _71ake and Burnham Present. The Board signed the Warrant for the Annual ir_arch keeting, to be held :'.arch 5, 1923. +Villiam Roger Greeley and George A. earner were drawn as Jurors. Petition o -f the Edison Electric 111. Co. to attach to poles of the N. 2. &. T. Go. on Lowell St. near Reed .Street was granted. 1 I egal opinion war received from Town Counrel in which he wrote as folloT+-,r: "I have your letter of February 14th, 1923. requesting m�r opinion as to whetter or not the articles suggested in Ir. bayleyls letter to the Board of ;selectmen unser date of February 12th, 1923 would be the prover articles to clear up the situation created b;; the action of the so-called 'By -Law Committeel In my opinion they would not yelp the situation at all and I euggert that t'ac following article be inverted in the warrant for the hnnual sown 1.eetir.w whic'r. I understand v. -ill be closed at your meeting tonight as the simplest and most effective method of ' correcting the situation wideh in m-; o-ini_n is hoicelerPly in- volved with illegalities and uncertainties .hich should not be permitted to exint. The article which I will euggert is 'To see if the Io -,n will vote to rescind the so-called Code of y -Laws and all action re- latin=g thereto taker. at the adjourned to M �-eetinwa held Junel9th, 27th, 28th, 1922, rerrectively.' ..:y further opinion, upon the queetione rained in ;your letter of uanuary 30th, 1923 and in answer to rome o'f the pointe raised by ."r. i-ayley in hie letters of January 31st, and .February 12th respectively, 1 hope to hard to you to -morrow. " Owing to the fact ti:•at 'dallace E. i Aller could not serve at the Annual !.lection. !'red W. Butters was aprointed as a Teller to take hie place. Notice war received from mice Sraulinp statim: that her duties were such th.-t rhe could not serve as iieT:uty Inspector at the f.:arcr Election. Common Victualle r' e License arae granted to 1.=re . i -i. K. Patch, 237 Mass. Ave., lexirf ton (cor. maple St. F. Is.a^n. 1tve.; Legal opinion was received from ToM 'ounrel in which he stated that he did not Pee any reason why a postal clerk could ' not serve as a legirtrar of Voters owing to the fact that a portal clerk is not an office 1,older as stated in Chapter 51, Section 25 of the ueneral Laws. lhir ths,refor cualified Francis J SIM Toye as Registrar. 'otice was received frim George L. :