HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-02-0613 ' 1:EET111G, FEB. 6, 1923. eeere. Ncarm-aan, ''_`enney, and Make Prevent. heariing having been duly advertised for a Board of Survey meeting upon petition of Eeil i"clntosh for approval of plane of Section 4, Farmhuret, and -r. siclntosh and ter. Sannett, EnKrineer, being: present, the meeting, was opened for discussion. ,:r. Luffy, 'Town Engineer, presented plan with considerable revision of location of streets to which i••r. L:clr.tosh objected to in some instances very strongly owing to the fact that some of hie beet property would be cut up for a street. he also objected to the reduction of the grade as he explained that a hill is desired by most people when b�:ilding. :r. Luffy objected on the ground of expense to the town to maintain roads with a steep grade. !�r. , cirtosh was requested to get in touch Tith 11r. Huffy and go over the plan to,see if a plan which would be agreeable to both parties could be arrived at. 2lie hearing therefor was laid over until a later date. Tetter war received from Ezra F. Breed in which he stated that he examined the hot water boiler at the Chapin rouse an:'_ found that it was cracked near the top and -r,Tould cost ,x,55.75 to place in a new 30 gallon pressure copper boiler, also :6.50 for a safety* ' valve; the boiler, however, could be patched for 6.75. The Board believed, that patching would not last for any length of time and ,noted to instruct a -r. Lreed to install a new bailer and a safety valve at the price stated. The opinion of the Town counsel in reference to by-laws and the opinion of i.r. Bayley, 6hairman of the 3y -Law Committee, was discussed. Copy of the opinion of the town Counsel war handed to Lir. hatch, of the Committee. since Mr. Bayley requested a copy, and a letter also written to Lr. buy*ley calling his especial attention to what the Town Uouncel said in reference to publication of the By -Laws. mppiication for a gasoline filling station at 119 _;ass. Ave. was received from john 1. L'unino of t.edford. A previous application having been received for a location at this spot, ani thr, Board having been of the opinion that public convenience ant necessity did not require a station at that point, the 3oard could see no further reason at this time, and so informed. the applicant. It wae voted to appoi Francis loye as ELegistrar of Voter to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Charles F. '_'nurse. This appointment is provisional as �.r. 'Toye is employed by the Government and it is not quite clear as to ­' ether or not he ' can ::.old the position of ReFictrar under the circumstances. Petition for the acceptance of Farmcrest Avenue was received by the -Board. Petition for Streets lights on :-Lilen Str,:et was received 14 from residents of the vicinity. ihe Supt. of Public iiorks was instructed to inform "t] L.:iss 1.atherine Sarroll, one of the pet tioners, that t:.e matter ,-,ould be taken under advisement. Letter war received by the 6u -pt of Public :corks from Albert =loss, accepting the r,osi':.ion of Supt of d't,reets, eater and Sewers, at a calazy of .1900 pr. .car. Application for a 3illboard to be located bet -:.Teen t;e Rest an-' Calvin 1Y. Childs automobile shop on y=ase. Avenue was received. The erupt. was instructed tc write a letter to the Dept. of Public Works. objecting to ouch sign being., erected. Letter was also received from the Supt. of Public -corks in wi:ich he informed the Board that he had attended the hearing at the State house on advertising; signs. -e eu.€;est,^d, in t'%ie connection, that the �.eeeseors oe notified of the i'act that ad- vertising eigne are taxable. ihe Board thErkfor notified the Asserrorr to that effect. Letter was received from the Supt of Public +orks in con- nection with the estimates of the ye-ur in ;,reach he called atten- tion to the municipal Fi.,a ce act. he sug;geeted that department heads .e no'_:ified of the contents of this "ct. Lr. Denney presented the bid for clanging the Street ' Light at hancock and 3ed4crd streets as of wo3.10. :,:atter was laid on the table until next spring. .-ighway Lept. _r. none re,,orted that fifteen men ir. th6 hi^Mara. department who r,cre entitled to t -.:7o weeks vacotior with -a z ere nor; anking that the. receive sale. It� was voted to allot: the men the vacation, it ravine been found that under �-ection 110 ane, 111 of �.;hxpter 41 laborers are entitled to two weeks vacation if they have performed 32 weeks ^,ork. -r. i.oee called attention to the fact that t,', -ere was an old horse at the :own farm w1l,ch should be disposed of. f -e was in- structed to have -eller dispose of came. a_r. Boss suggested that the torn buy another truck, a ford ton, and dispose of another of thy: horses in ihe highway department. Toning war donE about the matter. Parks and FlayF:rounds. Bids fol the cor.structi_,n of the �onVE.nience utation on the Buckman laver:. Proun _s Ws _-e as follows: ' Le'v'eau 5rothers ;y60.3 '6onner 1550.D0 Ouetarce Droe . 1342.00 OhIn : cLay 1150.00 Some of the bide contained provisions which others (lid not. 1 1 1 The 1)o:7,rd. therefor rccuested :,:r, r:arriron to loot therm over or compariron. d-ater and Den*er ept. >r. Theodore r.. curtance came before the Board. to conesi"er the matter' of his doirF, the ee;^;er connection v;mk A the house he ie building on Oak -mount circle. the Board vrer perfectly wil .ing that he ehould do the iron- firet filing; a b-� d to protect the to -.:n. -.z. '�urta:.ce also called attention to the fact that there y:ere no7a three men do -_-ng work of drilling in the trench on Gukmount circle and that he did not corcli er that this needed to be done. lie wanted. to have the w,Aer in the houee by April lst, but he c-�neidered that the work could be dose in a chort time if a -umber of men were put on. ,:r. hose, Supt of �-treetc, �-ater and ae-. cr, stated that he could havc the wort: done in two week-, arn- it zra.a therefor left to ;.`s. tarr_rorn to see gnat the Tvork Saar done. In regard to L -r. Rcrs'r ral�r.- it t^oar cec deo to di -,ride the a ount cflarmirF-, one ,.alf tc the :street Depa--t cnt and -ire 'r:alr to the eater and Seger :,apartment 1roporticred ao -r. Jeaudry'e eal:.ry wary in the ater and. Sever J;c-partrsent. L -r. Tenney iirtructEL- -r. r-arrircn t." P,3 ti.rough the lint: of per.rone ordered tc make reser cennecti:,nr note of Chore who hL.ve not a:~ yet complied w1th tip_ orders of the _?oard. A true record, nttert: UR