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September 2, 1975
PRESENT Mssrs Bilodeau, Courtright, Cormier, Cron, Hall, Heinrich,
Merluzzo, Zeoli , Mrs Smith, Mrs Wales
Mr Lombardo
ABSENT Mssrs Banfield, Kelsey
STAFF Dr Ricciuti , Dr Resnick, Mssrs Marotta, Whitney, Amara
Papas, Hayward, Mayer, Gibson, Rose, Hayes, Wallace,
Crafts, Tumelaire, lanarelli , Boissonneau, Szpila, Essman,
Ms Stille, Ms Della Penna, Ms Kochis, Ms Lokich
VISITORS Ms Jean McGuire, Executive Director, METCO;
Dean Yarborough, METCO Executive Committee; representatives
of the press, many parents and students
The meeting was called to order at 8 15 p m.
SCIENCE Mr James Amara presented a review of the Science
CURRICULUM curriculum Freshmen and sophomores will be offered
prescriptive courses to fill individual needs; junior
and senior years will provide many electives and more
specialization Subject matter will be continually
related to vocational studies For example, chemistry,
physics, and nutrition can all be tied into Culinary
Arts The present curriculum is a modification of that
planned two years ago, which was excellent but could not
have been completed in the given time, said Mr Amara
A three year science requirement is now being considered,
and Mr Amara's major goal is to arouse the students'
enthusiasm so that science will become "one of the top
three" in popularity
PHYSICAL Mr Rose reviewed the proposed Physical Education program,
EDUCATION drawing a distinction between team sports and "lifetime
skills" The latter include tennis, jogging, swimming
"We have a goal that every student leave Minuteman a
swimmer" Students will be helped to develop their own
fitness and skills by tests and videotapes Specialized
programs now being planned include adaptive training for
the handicapped, Project Adventure (an outstanding
Federally funded program similar to Outward Bound) , and
building a Life Course, with the help of the Horticulture
Department, designed to exercise every muscle in the body
While Massachusetts law requires only 120 minutes of
vigorous physical activity per week, Minuteman will have
60 minutes a day
M" (�5)
STUDENT Mr Marotta reported that many people had contributed to
HANDBOOKS the recently revised student handbooks These are now
two separate booklets, Student Handbook and Student
Regulations Although some committee members felt still
more revisions must be made, there was general agreement
with Mr Cron's statement, "what has been turned out is
an outstanding example of what can be done with everyone
helping "
COMMUNICATIONS Dr Resnick outlined plans for increasing communication
with parents, communities, and other schools Included
are development of a mailing list, a regular newsletter,
a series of open houses, press releases, a calendar for
program planning, etc A committee member suggested
that parents and faculty would appreciate notice of
curriculum reviews to the school committee well in advance,
There was some discussion of the role of the Minuteman
Regional Planning Board, which had held its first meeting
August 28, focusing attention on the Occupational Compe-
tence Grant
DIRECTOR Dr Ricciuti introduced Mr Crafts, who reported that
the Fife and Drum Cafeteria, originally expected only
"to cost the taxpayers nothing", had actually made a
profit of $400 this summer, on an income of roughly
CAFETERIA $13,000 Fifteen students had prepared and served
lunches for 300 to 500 people a day, including visitors
from Canada and South America, and two bus tours, from
Europe and the Middle East Mr Crafts introduced
Vicki DeCosta, Joseph Atollo, Jim Cesario, Bruce Williams
Brett Fontaine, and Mark Senett, who were among the 12
boys and 3 girls who had worked four hours a day for
pay and donated many more Mr, Merluzzo praised the
enterprise as "typical of what we have philosophized about" '1,
and the committee agreed that the cafeteria set an
excellent example for other departments to follow
AIDES Dr Ricciuti reported that of the total of nine budgeted,
six teacher aides would be ready for work at the school
as soon as approved They would be working part-time ,
and under contracted services
METCO There was considerable discussion on the problems arising
from the Massachusetts legislature's failure to reach
final decisions on the state budget, in which Metco funds
are involved Ms Jean McGuire, Executive Director of
Metco, said that over 300 students still did not know
where they would attend school this year As for
Minuteman, where 9 Metco students were expected, committee
members expressed varying views Some felt the students
should be accepted anyway, assuming favorable funding
would come through; others felt it was unfair to students
to start them on a program that might not be completed;
"If a student starts here at Minuteman he should be
able to come here for four years " A few felt the committee
could do nothing without members first consulting their
respective communities One felt the legislature should
not be relieved of the pressure of responsibility
A motion was MOVED by Mrs Wales, AMENDED by Mr Hall ,
SECONDED by Mr Merluzzo, and VOTED 8 in favor, 2 opposed,
(Mr Courtright and Mr Zeoli) that the nine Metco students
accepted conditionally for the year, be accepted as tuition
students for the month of September, tuition to be deter-
mined at a later date
STORAGE UNITS Dr Ricciuti 's request for approval to construct storage
units was discussed in relation to future storage plans,
alternate solutions such as using an empty classroom,
and most important, the possibility of affecting the flow
of air and heat in the building This, Mr Hall predicted,
could cause problems with the heating and air conditioning
contract still in operation It was therefore agreed to
defer this decision until the Administration could consult f
with the architect Mr Cron requested that more time be
spent in planning and budgeting solid improvements for the
future, and less in bandaiding existing plans, budgets,
and buildings
STUDENT Approval was requested for distributing the student hand-
HANDBOOK books as printed, on opening day, September 3 During
APPROVAL the discussion, two members expressed philosophical
disagreement with the manner in which class attendance,
academic work and credit were used as disciplinary tools
Mrs Smith spoke very strongly against "automatic"
suspension under any circumstances, saying that
"nothing automatic and impersonal should ever happen to
any student in this school "Dr Resnick noted that in
practice the administration had always been more lenient
than the rules It was suggested that the handbooks be
distributed as printed, and the students be asked,
during the oral presentation, to delete the necessary
paragraphs; that the Review Committee be charged with
amending these paragraphs; and that students and parents
be informed of the role of the review committee
It was then MOVED by Mr Hall , and SECONDED by
Mr Merluzzo, that both the Student Handbook and
Student Regulations be accepted with the following
deletions in the Student Regulations, said deletions to
be replaced at a later date by amended statements
On Page 3, delete the third from last paragraph,
On page 3, delete the last paragraph, on page 9,
delete the third paragraph, and on page 11 , delete the
6th paragraph
The motion was VOTED 9 in favor, 1 opposed
Mr Merluzzo regretted the need for hasty decisions in
this case, and requested that the committee be allowed
a month to consider the brochures to be sent out in
PHYSICAL Approval was requested for hiring coaches under
EDUCATION contracted services for intramural and interscholastic
BUDGET sports The discussion covered the following points
possible dificulties if regular teachers are also hired
on contract services; possibliity that any available
funds might be needed in academic departments, especially
for counselling; time element--it is too early to
engage in inter-scholastic sports; on the other hand,
preparation must begin now if the school is to have teams
ready for competition; the program presented does not
include the spring term, which still is part of this year's
Mr Hall MOVED, Mrs Smith SECONDED, and it was VOTED
UNANIMOUSLY, that the physical education program be
approved as presented, provided that no additional
funds be expended without approval of the school committee
It was suggested that parents and students and '
volunteer coaches could make a good start in intramural
sports and that funds already allocated can be used for
transportation for a few informal interscholastic scrimmages
STUDENT On Dr Ricciuti 's recommendation, it was MOVED by
that Craig Von Clock of Wayland be accepted to the 10th
accept David W Davis of 22 Madonna Avenue, Natick as a
9th grade tuition student, at a tuition charge of $2,483
V I* (28)
DEAN OF The proposed creation of a new position, Dean of Students,
STUDENTS was explained as being partly semantic The term indicates
POSITION a greater concern for student needs than does "Administra-
tive Assistant" It was MOVED by Mr Hall and SECONDED
by Mr Merluzzo, to approve the establishment of the
management level position of Dean of Students VOTED
It was also MOVED by Mr Hall , and SECONDED by Mr Merluzzo
that the proposed revision of the organization chart
be approved subject to review by the next Superintendent
Director VOTED UNANIMOUSLY (Copy filed with the minutes
and incorporated into the policy manual , section 3 2)
APPOINTMENTS the following appointments
Paul McDonald, staff teacher, Machine Shop, salary
$12,000, to start September 3,
William Cole, associate teacher, Science, salary $9,500,
to start September 3,
Nancy McGrath, staff teacher, Science, salary $12,000, to
start September 3,
Richard Lee, staff teacher, Special Needs, salary $13,000
to start September 3,
Patrick Conaway, staffrteacher, Special Needs, salary
$13,000 to start September 3,
Miles Hudson, staff teacher, Special Needs salary $13,000
to start September 3,
Catherine Sherrard, staff teacher, Special Needs, salary
$13,000 to start September 3,
Gerald Less, Administrator of Special Needs, salary $18,000
to start September 16
CONTRACT SERVICES The committee VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to approve contracting
PERSONNEL with Marcia M Stille as a part-time social worker in
the Special Needs area at a salary of $8,000, beginning
September 3 for the F Y 75-76 school year
It was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to contract with Dr Nancy
Newbert as a full-time Psychologist in the Special Needs
area for the F Y 75-76 at a salary of $17,000 beginning
September 3
PART-TIME The committee VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to approve Benedito
PERSONNEL lannarelli as Adult Education Coordinator for F Y 75-76
on a part-time basis at a salary of $3,000, funds to be
appropriated from the 6000 account on a revolving basis
SUPPORT It was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to approve James McLaughlin as
PERSONNEL Level 1 Custodian, salary $8,000 to start September 3
LATE BUSES Requesting approval for late buses , Dr Ricciuti
explained that providing 22 buses and one wagon as
approved at the August 19 meeting would leave approximately
r 1 4
$15,000 in the transportation budget, and $5,488 more
would be needed to provide five late buses for 30 weeks
With fewer buses the trips would be excessively long
Buses would leave at 3 45, for the benefit of students
who stayed late for teacher consultation, club or other
activities Funds could be reallocated from the Food
Service's surplus in their revolving fund It was
decided after some discussion to not reallocate funds
at this time Mrs Wales MOVED and Mr Merluzzo SECONDED,
that five late buses be provided to the limit of
currently budgeted funds VOTED UNANIMOUSLY
REVOLVING The proposal to establish revolving funds raised certain
FUNDS questions, particularly with regard to service charges,
such as in the auto shop, gas station, etc Dr Ricciuti
requested that the policy committee study this matter,
and Mrs Wales requested that the administration gather
data and make recommendations first It was further
requested that no charges be established until Mr Hall
can check with legal counsel It was then MOVED by Mrs
to establish revolving funds in the following areas
Allied Health, Data Processing, Building Trades, Machine
Shop, Metal Fabrication/Auto Body, Power Mechanics/
Automotive, Instrumentation, Physical Education, Printing,
Horticulture, Electronics, Driver Education, Commercial
Art, and Audio-Visual
TENNIS COURTS Dr Ricciuti presented a request by the Lexington Tennis
Association to reserve and use the courts September 7,
13 and 14 for part of a townwide tennis tournament It
was agreed that the superintendent-director could approve
or disapprove such requests, under current policy,
without school committee approval ,and that a report of
such use to the committee is required
SUPERINTENDENT- Mr Hall reported that an ad in the August 31 , N Y Times
DIRECTOR SEARCH has already brought one response Another ad would
appear in the Boston Globe, September 7 Mr Hall had
been in contact with the Associate Commissioner of
Education, Edward Weagraf, who offered to participate
in the search Mr Cron repeated his request for written
ideas on criteria from all concerned It was suggested
that this topic be placed on the agenda for a forthcoming
CONTRACTS At the recommendation of Mr Essman, Mr Hall MOVED, Mr
Heinrich SECONDED, the awarding of the following contracts
for the F Y 75-76
Section 109A Wave Soldering Machinery $3,858 75
Hartfield Company
3 School Street
Woburn, MA 01801
Section 118A Automotive Shoo $4,872 00
Sun Electric Corporation
59 Manley Street
Brockton, MA 02401
Science Textbooks $7, 143 50
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich
757 3rd Ave
New York, NY 10017
Milk $0 0869
per ? pint
Martines Brothers, Inc D/B/A
Blue Ribbon Dairy
186 Great Road
Bedford, MA 01730
Section 122A Printing Equipment $2,149 00
Grant Graphics Division
Compugraphic Corporation
260 Fordham Road
Wilmington, MA 01887
AUGUST 19 It was VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to accept the minutes of the
MINUTES August 19 regular meeting
TREASURER'S Mr Lombardo reported a balance of $187,697 60 in the
REPORT Regular Budget Account (Operating and Payroll) , and
$1 ,741 56 in the Site and Construction Account
OTHER BUSINESS It was suggested and VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to hold a third
EXTRA MEETING regular meeting in September, on the 30th Topics
suggested for the agenda included SPC counselling,
Metco status, cluster philosophy, student enrollment
FORUM At the specific request of Mr Mayer and other staff
SEPTEMBER 23 members , the date of September 23 was tentatively set
for an informal , round-table forum meeting between
school committee, faculty, administration and parent
representatives , It was requested that Dr Ricciuti
confirm this date by September 16
The meeting was adjourned at 1 05 a m to be reconvened
in executive session
Respectfully submitted
Recording Secretary
Approved )telt' 1- 1(0 f\6\75
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Ruth W Wales, Secretary