PRESENT Mmes Smith and Wales; Messrs Bilodeau, Courtright, Cron, Fitzgerald,
Hall, Heinrich, Merluzzo
ABSENT Messrs Kelsey and Morse
VISITORS: Mmes Stoneman, Alexander (Belmont); Mmes Clarke, Ward (Lexington);
Mrs Rubel (Concord LWV); Mrs White, Mr and Mrs Wojtkiewicz (Acton);
Mr Solito (Press); Mmes Baer, Fishman, Pacelli and Messrs Chasan,
Harlow, lannarelli (Minuteman Staff)
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8: 15 p m New members, William Fitz-
gerald of Lexington and Frederick Heinrich of Wayland, were welcomed to the Committee
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as presented
The Treasurer reported a regular account balance of $19, 180 45 and a construction account
balance of $13,644.67
The Committee voted unanimously that• action taken by the Treasurer and Chairman to
offer for public sale $450,000 School Bonds of the District dated as of March 1, 1974,
and payable $50,000 on March 1 in each year 1975 to 1983 inclusive, be and hereby is
ratified, approved and confirmed and the Treasurer and the Chairman be and hereby are
authorized to award said bonds to the responsible bidder who submits the highest bid for
bonds bearing the lowest rate of interest at the public sale to be held at 12.00 noon on
Wednesday, February 6, 1974, it hereby being determined that the interest rate on said
bonds sholl be the lowest rate so bid
Members of the core group of Minuteman staff made a presentation on their activities to date
The Committee voted unanimously to authorize the administration, with the approval of the
Building Committee, to advertise for bids for the equipping of the school
The Metco Subcommittee reported that, in order to have a Metco program, Board of Educa-
tion approval is required Ruth Wales made a motion to adopt the following proposal and
submit it to the Board of Education: "Minuteman will accept applications from Metco
students attending 8th grade in any of the twelve towns, andwill include them in the
regular selection process
If selected, such students will be admitted as part of the host town's quota, and such
towns will be assessed accordingly
Implementation of this plan is subject to prior approval by the State Board of Education,
and will depend on assurance of a level of State reimbursement to the participating towns
that is acceptable to the Minuteman School Committee and the school committees of
each of the towns from which Minuteman receives Metco applications "
MAR 18 974
Minutes -2- February 5, 1974
Rico Merluzzo moved to amend the proposal as follows:
1 Change "regular selection process" to "voted selection process"
2 After "implementation of this plan," add " in each town"; after "State Boord of
Education') add "approval of the local school committee, "; after "Minuteman School
Committee", end the sentence "and the school committees of the towns "
The vote on the amendment was: 7 in favor; 2 opposed. The vote on the amended motion
was unanimous in favor of the motion
The meeting was adjourned at 11.30 p m , to be reconvened in executive session
In executive session the Committee voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of
the Superintendent-Director to hire the following people as of February 18, 1974, at the
stated positions and salaries:
Joan Della Penna Staff Teacher - Math $ 12,000
Mary Gaffney Staff Special Ed Resource Teacher 12,000
Linda Morgan Associate Teacher - Math 9,000
Sandra Rubin Staff Teacher - Health Services 12,000
Janet Voelker SPC 11,000 i
Heidi Wetherall Associate Teacher - Science 9,500
The Committee voted unanimously to adopt the organization chart recommended by the
Superintendent-Director at the last work session (Chart filed with the minutes )
Respectfully submitted,
Ann S. Gilbert
Approved February 19, 1974
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